Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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Most new quality screens have pivot. Though I'm not sure how the picture ends up looking. I hadn't really thought of it (only constantly witnessing it), but wide-screen indeed isn't made for office work. I wonder who pushed for all these "multimedia monitors".

Group Admin


I was more worried over the monitor than the actual computer, but thanks. :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin


Amen. Sadly, by this time next year I'll probably have to get a new machine. This old boy is still running XP. I'm thinking I may upgrade it to Win 7 or something though. Beats shelling out a crapload for a whole new machine. Plus I'm already getting a Win 7 Laptop soon anyway.

Group Admin


My guess? The same people who think using screens made out of LED instead of plastic or glass was a good idea. Or hell, maybe it was whoever thought 3-D was due for a comeback, I dunno. All I know is 4:3 has always been perfect for me. I only have one eye that works and with widescreen, my eye tries to see everything going on at once. Needless to say, this messes me up considerably. Most computers don't even allow for classic 800x600 anymore, which I use to this day.

Dalek IX
Group Contributor

Mua ha ha ha!

Indeed, it is I, Dalek Ix! I have returned from the fell darkness to once more roam these parts!

What the hell has been going on with you guys?

We wait in darkness, shrouded from sight, wondering if any authors will post.

Summer research projects, getting ready for my last year of college, plinking away at a Horrible Thing in my spare time.

You know... stuff.

Group Admin

3563071 Not too much, dude. Work's been insane for me, due to another store trying to kill itself.


Glad to hear from you!

Group Admin

I've been working on literally 4 different stories, slowly.

In other words, the usual.

Group Admin

I have the next chapter for my G1/G4 crossover written, and I'm about halfway through the one after that.

Huh... I know those stories can be horrid if not viewed (or written) in a manner suitable to their main copy character.

Did you read the one about Gilgamesh, and if so what was your opinion of that one?
Considering the source material and genre its not overly bad.


Skimming the description and comments, it seems like it'd be better than most. I mean, it's god damn Gilgamesh, an ultra-cheesy comic relief villain. You can't take that seriously, and LoHAV isn't worth taking seriously, so it's not the worst combination.

Still not interested, though. :/

Group Admin

The hell is LoHAV even supposed to be for, anyway?

/shrug League of Humans Acting Villainous seems rather cliche and niche.
This may or may not be part of the Great Equestrian Cosplay Convention,which from what I understand it is effectively people in cosplay getting sent to various iterations of equestria with all the powers of their costumes.

Some are better written than others, but all are rather Sue-ish.
Kinda goes with the territory of having Joe Shmoe appear in Canterlot as Pyramid Head (or Nemesis, Gilgamesh, Kane of Nod... ect.)
Its a SI power trip. And most are abysmal. However, there are some that are still above water.

Group Admin


That explains Rise of Darth Vulcan. It's not too bad.

Dalek IX
Group Contributor
Group Admin


*gnaws on Dalek.*

Quit laughing at other people's fics and update Conquer the Stars already! Or at least Rule of Two! :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

So it turns out I still exist.

I really don't have much free time lately and the free time I do have I have spent elsewhere, but you might see me on here more often in the near future. Might even finally update my X-Com run or even post some other amusing screenshots I have accumulated since then.

Not tonight, though. Got a business trip tomorrow to pack for. Probably won't be on for the rest of the week, either. Perhaps next weekend?


The site as of late seems to have gone a bit quiet.

Just a question, I may have asked this already but have you seen a game called 'Xenonaughts' and if so what are your opinions of it? i actually prefer it over XCOM, but then again I was always a fan of the originals.

Group Contributor
Dalek IX
Group Contributor


Play Invisible Inc.

It's like XCom, except you play as a corporate espionage agency. It is also a lot harder than XCom.


Eh, I saw it and thought it looked interesting, but I'm holding off for now. After Legends of Pegasus, I'm not too trusting of early access games.

Still, I'll most likely get it when it comes out, I've always had a taste for difficult games. Now, a spy agency 4X would be incredibly appealing...

Group Admin

I have decided this thread is too quiet lately.

So! Rainbow Rocks. Anyone else seen the new sneak peeks yet?

Nope, and I don't intend to either. On the whole, I'd say my interest in pony and pony-related things is waning.

In other news, I'm currently paying the price for binge-watching Game of Thrones over the weekend instead of doing homework. All-nighter crew representin' :yay:

Group Admin


I'm not quite there yet. I got into ponies late in the game, so that explains why I think I'm still interested. I'm also waiting to see Equestria Academy when it launches— if it launches in the US at least— and getting ready for New York Comic Con. Sadly the place I'll be staying at isn't in the best neighborhood, but I'll take what I can get at this point. Unless my uncle or aunt can swing something for me. But somehow I doubt it. But since I'll only be there while I'm sleeping...enh, I suppose I'm good. Though I wish I had people from here that I could meet at the show. Moving on, I have seen the sneak peeks on youtube. They actually look really good, too. You might wanna give them a shot.

Sure won't fault anyone for not bouncing off the walls waiting for Rainbow Rocks. I think I watched the first sneak peek and glanced at another to check what that new girl trio was up to. I also read the synopsis a moment ago and... it's corporate thrash. Nothing unexpected, to say the least.

My friend got a 26-disc Moomin box a week or so ago (it has that many DVDs because kids' attention spans and so on), and we've been watching them. It's great to see that series hold up really well to this day.

Group Admin

I'll be waiting for DVD for Rainbow Rocks, myself. I did that for Equestria Girls, too, though.

I'm watching Transformers: Armada. And I gotta say, this series is damned good.


I'm currently paying the price for binge-watching Game of Thrones

Does the price in question involve iron by any chance? :trollestia:

Group Admin


Armada was decent. Energon and Cybertron.....are in the eyes of the beholder I suppose. I didn't hate them, but I wouldn't recommend them, either.

Group Admin

3619186 I agree on Energon and Cybertron and have no desire to see either of those two series.

Sadly not, just misery and lost sleep :ajsleepy:

Group Admin

I've never watched Game of thrones, nor read the books it's based off of. From everything I've heard about them, that's probably for the best for me.

Group Admin


Depends on if you're heavy into sword and sorcery as a fantasy genre. Not my biggest genre, but I can stand it sometimes.

Group Contributor


The books are alright save for A Feast for Crows which is boring as fuck but you need to read it anyway to get shit that goes on in the fifth book which is great but not as good as the third book which is the best by far.

Also the TV show is for plebians who can't read as they're the only ones that would put up with the garbage adaptation that series became after the first season. Past that point it's lowest common denominator garbage that's only saving grace is Aiden Gillen and the unintentional comedy you can get from times.

I know you're being a bit facetious, but would you say that's common among the fans of the books to dislike the TV adaptation?

Group Contributor


It depends on the fan and how they view the changes. They change a LOT of stuff from the book to the TV series, some of it unnecessarily I'd say instead of things they change just to fit in a reasonable budget (for example, changing Asha Greyjoy's name to Yara because the TV show heads thought viewers would confuse her name with the character of Osha, which is just silly) though some people don't care really so long as it's good entertainment. And if they aren't people who hate fun like me.

I'm working my way through the books, but I've never been one to give a crap about spoilers. I could give two shits if the show deviates from the books as long as I am entertained (though I'll agree that changing Asha's name was pretty silly, but thanks to marketing, appealing to the least common denominator means pandering to illiterate morons).

Group Contributor


Yeah it's just lots of dumb and silly changes like I mentioned that bother me. It's hardly deep, thought provoking entertainment so it's alright as popular schlock, even the books aren't that much deeper though but I do enjoy how the book handles characters like Stannis more then the show. Some people criticize the show for being too graphic as well, but I find both the show and the books needlessly overindulgent and excessive for the sake of appealing to the creators and audiences base desires at points, to the detriment of the pace of the story.

Group Admin

3629623 Thanks, don't mind if I do. *Sips*

Dalek IX
Group Contributor

Goddammit, we have new guys.

3766358 This sub genre's still twitching.

Incidentally is CtS still being worked on?

Group Admin

Don't rush him. Don't rush me either.

Better yet, don't rush anyone.

3767429 Didn't mean to rush him, or you, or anyone, I'm simply curious, and voiced that curiosity in an improper manner.

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