Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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Group Contributor

FimFiction has become deader than a dead guy who died.
Anyway, I'm joining the Army. Have fun not driving tanks (I ship in Feb, btw).

Group Admin

3769956 Good luck. *Salutes*

Also, with the new topic notifications back on, we're seeing a lot more life than in months.

Group Admin

Good luck man. Hope you come back safe.

Could it be even deader than the wet dreams of a necrophiliac zombie?

That reminds me. I should write some TCB too.

Group Admin


Good luck, dude.

Really? Group notifications are back on? I hadn't noticed it. :rainbowhuh:

They work differently than before.

Now they show up in the Feed tab.

Group Admin


That would explain why I haven't seen any notifications in the corner of the screen like I used to. I miss that, honestly.

Group Admin


Huh. I just noticed your avatar pic. Is that the Guyver's Control Metal?


It's actually a creature from a card game (and the recent reboot of that game, both of which have decent shows.)

Duelmasters/Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters.

Heads up if you want to check them out though, they have nothing to do with each other besides the monsters' appearances and (sometimes) names.

Group Admin

Just recently I watched the second series on marathon for two days. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

Merry Christmas, ya filthy Animals!

*shoots up the place with a tommy gun.*

And a Happy New Year.

Cookie to whoever gets that reference. :pinkiecrazy:

3906888 I want the fucking cookie.

Group Admin


Gotta make a guess to see if you can have one. :pinkiehappy:

3906944 I will fucking kill you for that fucking cookie.

Group Admin


That is not an appropriate guess. :derpytongue2: No cookie for you.

3907725 *stabs and runs off with the cookie*

Group Admin


*Raises from the grave. Waits to see what happens when he realizes that the cookie he ran off with was actually made from play doh.*

Group Admin

No stabbing of Warwolf.

Anyway, happy holidays to you all.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


You too, dude.

And everybody here as well.

Group Admin

*stretches* Wow, it's been pretty quiet here lately. So let's get social again. I turned 35 on March 10th and just realized we ave yet to do any speculating on whether or not Starlight Glimmer might make for an interesting character to incorporate in future fics since she appears to be the closest we've gotten to someone trying to create a Conversion Bureau in the actual series canon, if you believe the current trailers for the upcoming season. Thoughts?

*walks back into group*

The Necromantic Arts are the finest of Internet Traditions.

I still smile a bit whenever a ACB fic hits the feature box for longer than a day.
Even if it's "Not in keeping with (Fangwarden's) TCB standards."


Is that group ever going to get a submission they'll accept?

From what I deciphered, submission still requires:
A- Hoomanz r ebil and stoopid
B- Pwniz rul and r alwyz rit, nvr loozin to stoopid hoomanz
C- Hoomanz can get deaded all day, but pwniz gotta nvr die
D- Potion and Bureaus and shit, so no prequels, afterstories, sidestories or multiversal stories need ever apply.
If there is not actively a Stoopid Hoomanz being fixed into Pwni master race it isn't TCB
E- Whatever BS mods decide at that moment in time

If the fic in question fails at this and/or the mod bias test, a mod will comment on how you are bad at TCB.
So it's still Diet Chatty Lite at best / worst.

Good idea, I like it.

4958781, I think the main requirement is "Humans are converted" (lose).

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor

Hey guys. Nice to see you're alive. Won't be here long, just checking stuff. Happy Holidays and Merry New Years.

Group Admin

4959495 Same to you. Happy holidays/Merry Christmas/happy New Year to everyone here!

This is blasphemy.
This is T W E N T Y S I X T E E N!!!1!

Lol no, it has been in time capsule mode for two years.

Group Admin

So, I've seen 'The Force Awakens' twice in theaters, loved it. Of my god this movie is friggin AWESOME!

Had better be, the hype they got for it.

4963161 I've watched it twice as well, only the first time it was called "A New Hope".

Group Admin


That's a pretty general criticism I've heard of the film. That and that Rey appears to be the Maryiest of Sues. Based on what I've heard so far, I tend to agree. (Haven't seen it yet, and due to having issues with Disney in general, not sure I wanna.) She does seem to be a bit OP given that she's supposed to be even greener than Luke was when he met Kenobi at using the Force.

Indeed. It is a common, and completely valid criticism.
Which is why so many fan theories are running amok.

I'm with the Nostalgia Critic though, Abrams had to prove he could do basic Star Wars before branching out.
Plenty of weird plot threads were introduced, and Rey (or Reah as the helmet she is wearing at the start of the movie says...) is hardly the least odd. The planet weapon was... seeing as how the Order was supposed to be under heavy scrutiny, financially hamstrung, public suspicion, and basically understood to be card carrying Space Neo-Nazis.

Of course come December we get to see if there is any substance to this hype.
Rogue One has to be decent and original, and not built solely from the backs of its forebearers.

Still better than Episode 1 though.

Group Admin


Have to disagree. I finally saw this piece of drek, and I have to say it's not just Rey. All the new major characters are Mary sues, and all of them are horribly, horribly written. The premise is a joke, the ending is worse, and Rey is so overpowered even compared to our new 'villain' that it's laughable.

-0 out of 10. Would recommend everyone avoid it like the plague.

Zootopia on the other hand, that was AWESOME.

Err... I think the point of the movie IS that it's A New Hope with a new cast.
The Mary Sue thing is intentional, something about each being more than they appear.
And the villain is supposed to be an emo with daddy issues.

That said, there is a retarded amount of setup, and only obvious payoff.
A thinking man's movie this was not.

Yet it was STILL better than Phantom Menace.

And Zootopia is Pixar. Pixar is incapable of making a "bad" movie.
Even Toy Story 3 had its moments...

Group Admin


Nope. Zootopia is purely Disney. Pixar had no involvement.

And the problem is that the entirety of Force Awakens was trying to be all three of the original trilogy at once, with no development, horrible motivations, and badly written fights and plots.

Group Admin

I still love the Force Awakens and think Rey kicks all kinds of ass. I love her, I love how badass she is. I love just about every new character. I just LOVE the entire damned thing.

Cultishly devoted Star Wars: Legends fanboy here!

Another of the criticisms directed toward Force Awakens is that it not only blatantly rehashes ANH, but also rips off a lot of the old Expanded Universe. Its main villain is Darth Caedus with Luke's son's name, and Starkiller Base is the Death Star mixed with the Galaxy Gun (and possibly given a Torpedo Sphere paint job).

Granted, with how big the old EU was, it's kind of hard to avoid having some similarities, but did they really have to make Han and Leia's son fall to the Dark Side and become a major villain? I mean, either keep the old universe or make an entirely new and creative one. This is just pissing on the ashes.

Group Admin


Glad you liked it. I felt it had....considerable issues.


Or it does now. I just brought it back from the dead. :raritywink:

This may be an odd question to ask...

But I remember one of the people who started this group did an awesome TCB fic that had both sides having their assholes and good guys, and the humans push Equestria back before it vanishes to parts unknown while leaving some Equestrians and New Foals behind.

I know it was (or at least remember it was) taken off of FIMFiction by the author, but that there are saved copies. Anyone know where I could find one?

Group Admin

*Slides in incospicuously*
I was never here.
*Slinks back out*

Group Admin

5814579 Yes, you were. ;)


Many thanks kind sir!

For some reason I thought the name of it was A New Dawn. Silly memory :p

Group Admin

The war goes on!

Chapter 3 of The Warrior's Way is up live!


Also today is my birthday. I turned 37.

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