Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
Comments ( 93 )
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People have been asking about one of these, so here it is. Seeing as how I'm an admin, I'd better set an example here.

Anyway, I'm Starman Ghost, a 21 year old guy who likes computers, physics, psychology, astronomy, and science fiction. Favorite books are 1984, The Long Walk, and the works of H.G. Wells. Favorite movies are Children Of Men and The Machinist. Favorite games are the original X-Com and the Civilization series.

I helped Velkaden start up this group because I'd found other people in the fandom who disliked TCB, and I figured it'd be nice if we had a place to gather and know we weren't alone. Back then, I was personally expecting us to get maybe 20-30 can see how wrong I was. :yay:

On Friendship is Magic: Twilight is best pony, changelings are best race.

639696 Nice to meet you, dude.

639696 I'm Regidar, a 15 year old doucebag who is currently the top commentor on the site. I'm here because the Conversion Bureau sucks ass, and I have the best parody ever coming up.

I'm famous for my assholishness, my trollfics, and my love of the grunge band Nirvana. I enjoy long walks on the beach and pennies in the shape of George Washington.

On FiM: Twist is breast pony, and humans are breast race.

Well, nice to see the idea took hold

Howdy all, name's Cloudhammer, obviously. I'm one of the more well-known authors from the TCB group (still working out how exactly that happened :rainbowlaugh:) and felt that despite our differing views on TCB and its potential, we could get along. Was a bit of a rocky start, but I'm happy to call members of this group my friends (Obligatory Friendship is Magic joke goes here :pinkiecrazy:).

Stuff I like includes writing, video games, long discussions on ethics, and scheming to take over the world.

Anyway, onto the show itself. Pinkie Pie is still best pony, and my favorite race is starting to become the Diamond Dogs (though that's solely my fanon interpretation of them. Best canon race/tribe is obviously earth ponies :rainbowwild:)

Everyone here makes me laugh.

I'm Leaf, a 15 year old on the site and another one of those people who you talk to for a while and then forget the next day.

Spitfire is best pony and as Regidar said, human is best race.

Trixie is just a writer and entertainer who is having issues sitting down and writing.
Bout all there is to say really.

Not a very interesting individual. :trixieshiftright:

I'm a 21 year old business-entreprenuership major. I served in the US Army ROTC program for about 2.5 years, where I was injured and requested a medical dismissal.

Most of my interests revolve around video games, and anything military (history, weaponry, equipment, etc).

As for FiM: Luna is best pony and humans are best race.

Group Admin

Hey man, pleased to meet ya.

Name's GIULIO (formerly G.I.U.L.I.O., but due to the password leak I had to change my username as well because apparently periods are no longer accepted for some reason), I'm 20-years-old and I've got a love for animation, drawing, and videogames. My favourite books are the Worldwar and Colonization series by Harry Turtledove and Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. Favourite movies for me are Black Hawk Down and Brazil. Favourite games include Team Fortress 2, Warhammer: Dark Omen, all of the Ground Control games, and Wargames: DEFCON 1 for the PS1.

I joined this group shortly after having discovered the horrific misanthropy raging in many TCBs, and I was relieved to find that I wasn't the only one who saw how horrid some TCBs got. Long time member of the group, probably among the first 10 or 15 members to join. It's quite a sight to see how far the group has come, and it's honestly heartwarming.

As for the show: my favourite pony's Rainbow Dash. On the more fanon interpretations, I like Lyra most. Oh, and the pegasi are best race.

Im Grey Warden I near worship Bioware for the many great games they make, and Im 17 years old.

I'm a student enrolled at Cape central high school. I have a sister name, Morgan, and a little one year old brother name, Huston, and also 15 years old.

Might as well introduce myself as well since I bet later on, others are going to do it as well. Here goes.
My name is DrakeyDragon but you can call me Drake or Drakey if you want I don't care, either suits me. I have a love for drawing, anime and well as computers and video games too as well as GUNS. I also happen to like science fiction stuff a lot, military, and so and so. I also happen to really reading and enjoy...writing...even though I hated it so much. I enjoy reading good stories when I have nothing to do, bad stories will just tick me off and make me want to put disinfect as well as acids of all types into my eyes.:flutterrage:

Anyways nice to meet you all. :twilightsmile:

Hello all!

You may call me Eratosthenes. I'm a 25 year-old former Marine and current college student studying aeronautical/astronautical engineering. When I'm not reading pony, I often read stories from the Discworld (just finished Feet of Clay) and Dresden Files (currently reading Proven Guilty) series.

When I found this group, I joined because many of the TCB fics I read just rubbed me the wrong way for reasons I couldn't quite articulate at the time. My current project is a TCB/BiE parody/subversion that I'm already regretting after 500 words.

Best Pony: Currently a tie between Princess Celestia and Big Macintosh
Waifu: Rarity

Edit: I also use the edit button frequently.

639765 I've been meaning to watch Brazil for a long time.

Name is voiddragon I am !9 years old favorite books are the wheel of time series by Robert Jordan, The book of 5 rings by miyamoto musashi, and sun tzus art of war, Favorite games are xcom new and old, civs, total annihilation, supreme commander, fallout series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R series, and finally Mass effect games.

Best pony is her large hammyness nightmare moon.

Hello, I'm Br0ny1Delta.

I enjoy video games (mainly Dead Space), internet, Terminator, soccer (football in other countries), remixing songs from MLP, and vectoring art. I hold neutral feeling towards the Conversion Bureau because I'd rather not pick sides. I'm currently writing a lot of fanfics and have even thought about writing my own novel.

On Friendship is Magic: Fluttershy is best pony, Diamond Tiara is best filly, and Gummy is best pet

Hola, I'm Guardian, just another guy on the block who likes to shoot rifles, watch action/sci-fi/war movies, read fanfics, and generally whatever I'm interested in.

I have a keen interest in military history and marine biology. I HATE ALGEBRA.

In terms of video games, I typically prefer sci-fi or military FPS, which I usually play for the storylines because I like stories.

My favorite novel would probably be Transformers: Exodus (yes, that is a real novel).

My favorite movie is Saving Private Ryan.

Rainbow Dash is best pony, Luna is best princess, and Applebloom is best filly.

Group Admin

It's really good. You ought to see it, I think you'll love it.

I'm BronyWhiz. I enjoy movies (favorite is Wait Until Dark), books (favorite is And Then There Were None), puzzles, computers, and not dying. I joined just last night, hoping to get off to a good start.

I'm studying film and art in the hopes of entering directing.

Favorite pony: Pinkie Pie.

All races are best race.

Group Contributor

boredhooman here. And no, it is never capitalized.
-██ year old guy interested in mechanical engineering and universe/setting design (for lack of a better term).
-I don't really have favorite books, but I can give reccomendations: Rainbow Six and Without Remorse from Tom Clancy, Republic Commando novels, Ciaphas Cain novels, Gaunt's Ghosts novels, 1984, Lord of the Flies
-Favorite music is Iron Maiden, AC/DC, several video game/movie soundtracks, Gorillaz, and Rage Against the Machine's first album
-Games would be the original Ghost Recon, R6: Raven Shield, both Dawn of War games, Age of Empires 1-3 (yes, 3), and Battlefield 1942 for PC. Console is Battlefield 3, Halo, CoD 4, and Space Marine.
-Most common fantasy interests are sci-fi and military. Usually a combination of the two. First I was into Star Wars until around 8th grade, then Star Wars + Tom Clancy universe (games and books), then 40k from sophomore year to now.
-AJ is superior pone.
-Joined this group because I don't like the common TCB fic.

-Also most people would probably consider me a right-wing extremist (at best) if I tried to impose my views with force.

Good day to you my friends.

I am FlyingKitsune and I am a 22 year old and I known as the author for The Palladium Wings which was inspired by a favorite anime of mine. I like videogames, firearms, and the writings of Clive Cussler, James Rollins, W.E.B Griffin, and many other authors.

I always saw the Conversion Bureau as a strange and fascinating story, but it leaves more questions than answers so I have written and I will plan to write more Anti-CB stories.

I'm Cosmic Mind! The Brony who will make friends with everyone in this group!

Now that I've got the Kamen Rider Fourze reference out of me

I'm fairly new to fanfic scene, so expect ALOT of help needed.

Favorite movie and book genres are Scifi and fantasy

favorite non-friendship is magic show is a three way tie between Super Sentai, Kamen Rider and Pretty Cure....what? I freely admit to being a magical girl anime fan.

favorite movie is currently: Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle, the 35 anniversary movie for super sentai.

Rarity is Best Pony, Luna is Best Princess, Sweetie Belle is best filly, Pipsqueak is best colt

639696 Hey! A fellow fan of Children of Men! Loved that movie too.

Hey, I'm Reginald1648 a 21 year old closet brony hiding out in the cold reaches of Canada. My favorite show growing up was Reboot, my favorite books are the series by Brian Jaques (Redwall) and Christopher Paolini's Inheritance series (Eragon). I love Starwars, and Captain Picard is the best captain of all time in any work of fiction. My favorite stories overall are Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and Dante's Inferno. I love studying history, philosophy, and politics in order to figure people out. I love pasta.

I joined TCB because I found it was an excellent medium through which to write stories about what it means to be human. I joined anti-TCB because they give excellent insight (sometimes) into some failings that can be avoided by the TCB genre.

Trixie and Big Mac are best ponies. Dragons are best, but only when they have a moral center.

Group Contributor

I'm NoMoreSanity. And that's all you're getting from me.

639696 Redskin122004, 25...or 26, I am not really sure anymore :rainbowlaugh:
I watched MLP simply because I was confused about here I am...three years later. lol
I love videogames, mostly Command & Conquer and Mass Effect
Former Military member of the US Army, have one deployment under my belt, which is just fine with me.
Favorite books and series is Animorphs, Dan Brown series, RL Stines series, Harry Potter (Expect for 7, i don't like all that much) Inheritances Cycle, and slew of other things
Favorite TV shows are Stargate, Avatar: TLA and LoK, and MLP

I am firmly in the Anti-TCB camp unless the TCB in question is not filled with genocidal ponies or expanding barrier. I am attempting, with my partner TB3, in questioning and answering many questions left un-answered in the TCB universe and try to put a reason other than 'Humans need to be save from themselves' cliche

Cheerilee is the best pony, there is no best race, every race is great! :scootangel:

Group Contributor

TheCrazyMan, your local asshat.

Rainbow horse is best horse.

I'm Karna. I'm here because The Conversion Burea is something I love to hate.

Best pony is Trixie. All races are best race, but ponies are overdone.

I am ██ years old. I live in California, I like ponies because some guys on the █████████ forums were talking about it, and after hating on it for a while and not liking the first episode they sent me, I decided Rainbow Dash was best pony. I like fighter aircraft.

I'm Lone Wolf.I wouldn't really call myself a 'regular' brony since I don't really watch the show often and I mostly read the fanfics.I'm 18 years old and on my final semester in my senior year.My association with this fandom is a secret and I would never want anyone to find out.

I joined this group as soon as I found out about the misanthropy in the TCB.I am something of an anti-misanthrope and I'm mostly going to act as a critic of fics on this site.

I'm Rustic_King I'm 26, British, (English/Scotish, with some Welsh and Irish) and an Anglo-Saxon pagan.
I enjoy classical, Symphonic metal and my favourite TV show is Doctor Who.
I hate TCB for the same reason I reject Christianity - I refuse to accept that humanity is broken and needs some outside power to change us.

I am currently writing a love story (featuring sex scenes) showing both sides of humanity.

Favourite pony: Twilight
Most beautiful Pony: Octavia
Favourite Princess: Luna
Best Dragon: Spike
Best race: Every race, white, black, unicorn,earth pony. All unique and special.
Best species: As above, human, pony,dragon,Griffons etc.

I am an eighteen-years-old cynical university-attending bastard who happens to have a burning hatred of far too many things. One of the exceptions, obviously, is that of ponies. I enjoy writing fanfictions in numerous fandoms, as I like just as many things as I hate, and spend a lot of times lurking/posting/fucking around on Spacebattles. I am currently studying so that I can enter the video game industry, specifically so that I can animate in that industry, possibly do a little writing as well.

I like MLP, Dark Souls, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Spacebattles, critique, critiquing, satire, black comedy, and anything grim with a helping of dark. From a writer's perspective, I enjoy it when people kill off characters because that displays the kind of ruthlessness that I believe a writer should have. Makes a happy ending sweeter if the protagonists lost a lot to get to it. And it makes unhappy endings all the crueler, which brings me great joy. Must explain why I enjoyed the story of Spec Ops: The Line so much.

I have plenty of unfinished projects (most of which are unfinished because I looked back on them and wished for them to die, while the rest are unfinished because I'm a lazy fuck.) but am currently rewriting one of my fics, drawing shit, and designing a massive RPG that features a massive eldritch monster that is crawling out of the planet like a chicken hatching from an egg.

I'm Perception filter, I'm 16 and I am here because Conversion Bureau sucks.

I used to think I was a decent author but I now know that I suck at it, so don't go reading my stories.

I'm Explodium, a 20-year old guy born in raised in 'Murrika, currently going to college. I joined this group because the humans are bastards angle, the OOC ponies, and the whole "Genocide is neat" thing that is too common in TCB gives me a tummy-ache. I like seeing the hoo-mans and the pon-nehs getting along.

I was initially introduced to ponies through Youtube Poops and the fact that ponies kept winding up in my recommended Youtube videos, I decided to watch an actually episode and I found that I liked it.
I like video games, stuff, and procrastination. I'm writing a Fallout x-over, and my abysmal update schedule may be off-putting to some.

For best pony, I'm torn between Twilight and Applejack.

Introductions eh? Allright I can play along.

So, I'm Valumior. I'm 20... Or is it 21... I'm never sure from which point should I count... Anyway, I'm a student of computer science. I like coding, I feel comfortable with C++ and C# at the moment, know a bit of assembler. Video games, I play a lot of them, pretty much anything as long as the gameplay and/or plot are good enough, though I also tend to pick up some niche titles (Sword of the Stars II anyone?). Books, I'm a fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, read almost all of it though I grew a little backlog latetly. I'm also intending to finish The Dresden Files at some point in time, and maybe get my hands on some Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!) novels. As for TV shows, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Stargate SG-1 (maybe I'll rewatch it sometime), Futurama, MLP (duh), also watching Firefly atm.

Why did I join? Well, after months of lurking I got fed up. Had to speak my mind. Had to make a statement. Couldn't stand the sight of any more misanthropy and anti humanism and sit idle lurking. So I came, I raged, then the next season started. And exams. Now busy, lurking with popcorn watching dramas happen.

Twlilght is best pony. And more changelings please, I need more for my headcanon.


Lost faith in Bio after ME3. Ever heard of CDProjekt RED?

My name is NorthCrusader, I'm a 20-year-old African American who happens to like cartoon ponies. I'm also a secular humanist and a supporter of most liberal ideologies.

I love cartoons. I really, really, love cartoons. Other people (particularly my family) have said "I'm too old to be watching cartoons," "Cartoons are for kids," yada yada yada. When people say that, I make them watch either every Pixar film or Japanese anime. My dreams ever since I was a young lad growing up in North Philadelphia was to become a cartoonist.

I was first introduced to My Little Pony through Deviant Art. During the summer of 2011, I saw so much pony art. I was thinking to myself "Wow, these drawings are really cute!" So, against my better judgement, I went to YouTube to find out what all the fuss was about. I started with the first episode, Mare on the Moon.

A week later, I found myself finishing the entire first season. It felt strange, weird, and... it felt right.
And that's how I became a brony. When I started attending community college, I was frightened to tell my friends of my newfound interest. Then I met other bronies at my school, and feel much better now.

I wrote two fanfics for this site. One started out good, but I cancelled it. The other was a three chapter fic, but it's not my best work.

That's about it for me. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Hi, there. I'm RK_Striker_JK_5. It stands for Radiant Knight, a gaming group I was part of back in the early 2000's. Striker was my handle. I was the fifth member and a Jedi Knight.

I'm 34 as of this posting, from New Hampshire. I like G1 and G4, and a lot of Hasbro cartoons from the 80's, especially Transformers. I'm also a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon Five and 80's action shows like Knight Rider and Airwolf. :rainbowdetermined2:

I don't really play video games. I have a few wrestling games for their Create-A-Wrestler modes.

<-- TundraStanza
Accounting major. In my free time, I'm a video game addict, with some time spent in writing. Though, I'm a long way from being one of the top writers.

I think the first videos I've ever watched that were MLP-related were the ones of crazy Pinkie and "Love me!" Fluttershy. At the time, I was like, "Where did these come from?"
So, I looked up some stuff. After going through a few links, I watched all of the first season from start to finish. I was a bit worried that I liked it all but, then I figured I was okay with it. Even so, I speak English. Anybody that tries to correct me about the correct 'ponyisms' gets a big, fat virtual slap in the face.

Why did I join Anti-TCB? Because there were way too many stories that put mankind in the seat of the 'Big Bad'. Humanity isn't a villain, but it isn't a hero either. It's an anti-hero: it does what it wants/needs to do.

I'll close out with some personal opinions.
Best pony: Applejack
Favorite pony: Twilight Sparkle
Most adorable pony: Fluttershy
Coolest and fastest pony: Rainbow Dash
Most beautiful pony: Rarity
Best Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pie
Who I believe to be in the main cast: All of the previously mentioned plus Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Spike.
Favorite princess: Cadance
What empire I think would eventually win the epic pony war in the distant future: The New Lunar Republic Scratch that.

I am DDRMASTERM. I am 16 years old and love video games. I am a Nintendo gamer and a large fan of Mario. As my username suggests, I am very skilled in DDR (Though it is exaggerating a little.). I like and like using internet memes and use codes for when I don't want to say something outright. I didn't fall in love with MLP:FIM the first time I was shown it by a friend but after seeing enough of it, I came to like it enough to be a brony. I do like 1132618181233593 (Brown fox code) but am usually a nice person, don't use bad language ever, and willing to accept your opinion as long as you can accept mine. I like using Tvtropes a lot and I also am or have been a Kirby, Sonic, Avatar (cartoon), Doctor Who, Spongebob, and Street fighter fan.

Shadow Sora94 here, feel free to just call me Sora or Luis (not too uncomfortable with people knowing my fist name). 18, hoping to go into journalism and writing, and I love this site even though it can be kind of jacked sometimes~

Discovered FiM when a friend told me "the hell is up with all these pony pictures on dA?" and eventually said "What the hell," gave it a watch, and got hooked in while it was still on episode 5. Other than ponies, my major fandoms are Yu-Gi-Oh! (animes and games- if anybody likes to duel, I frequently visit Dueling Network if you're interested~) and Batman, with the Joker being one of my favorite villains in any fictional medium.

Been here about 6 months, first thing I did was join this group. I really do hope to do more for writing on the site from now on, though. Pleasure to meet all of you c:

Hello, I'm FasDap. Don't really know why I chose this name, but I thought it was better than my last one.
Only explanation I can think of is that it rolled off of my tounge in a way I like.
The only thing that really stood/stands out about me is the avatar.
Didn't write anything, never will.
Best Pone: Twilight
Best Race: Human
I'm in this group because I think the Conversion Bureau is retarded in general, it bugs the hell out of the that the HLF are the antagonists in a good few of those types of fics.
I'm on this site because innocence on the canon scale bores me, and I wanted to look for grimdark fics.
Favorite TV shows: House M.D, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Weeds, Doctor Who, The Sopranos, and others.
Favorite Cartoons/Anime: This one, Bleach, Hellsing, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Darker Than Black, Gravity Falls, others.
Favourite Games: Far Cry 3, every Dead Space game, BF3, Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock and others.
I also read books, but the way I format comments would make this one too long for me to talk about them and go on about other things.

I'm setheroth ^^ a 19 year old Canadian who is turning 20 in Febuary. I write for a newsletter in my spare time

My fav pony is Fluttershy

639696 Hey I'm Redemption, 19 years old, Brazilian, studying architecture and also history (more like a hobby). I'm a gamer and my favorites are company of heroes, total war series, BF3, Dead Space, Far Cry and hitman series, I think Fluttershy and Rainbow dash are the best ponies and humanity the best race. I'm also atheist and socialist but I'm not against other faiths and ideologys.

I am Jockeyonmeback I am a College student 19 years old working on a major in 3-D animation. I am a PC video gamer and mainly play old school games around the 90's. I love sci-fi and strategy. I discovered MLP on DA and finding alot of clips on YouTube. I decided to check it out and have been watching it since. Found this group after reading a few TCB fics. Human are best race but I will not allow the MLP ponies to be seen as the villains of this site. I am agnostic and somewhat cosmopolitan.

Local asshat you say....It's on!

But on topic, I am Woohoohoo2. I like Sci-Fi, Steampunk (yes it's sci-fi but it is different in a sense), video games and reading. Honorable mentions are STALKER/ Roadside Picnic, Dune, Fallout 1/2 (bethesda screwed up). Magic: The Gathering is also a big part of what I do (shameless Avacyn/Worldslayer combo user)

I joined Anti-TCB because I found TCB, realised how misnthropic much of it was and then found my new home here. Best race is humans, best FiM canon race is changelings.

HI I'm Nintendogeek7065, A 23(going on 24) cashier at the local Wal-mart (yay me). I'm a gaming and computer addict,I'm currently trying to wright a fan fiction but my adhd is making that a little difficult(can't keep interest going, not for a lack of trying mind you) . Also I live in North Dakota what is most likely the only place colder the hell's 9th circle,(wind chills today are -50) It use to be a quite state till the oil boom hit 5 years ago, now the states population basically tripled and there are trucks everywhere.:twilightangry2: When comes to FIM I'd say Twilight is the pony:twilightsmile: as for best race no clue. And bout wraps thing up on my end.:pinkiehappy:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor

Well... copy and paste time.

Hi, guys. My name is Demon Eyes Laharl. I'm kinda new in the fandom. I like MLP: FiM in a platonic way. My favorite is Twilight Sparkle, coz she's a bit of a nerd and has that really cool voice. RD is my second, coz I can see her as one of the guys.

Um... I guess I joined this group, funnily enough, not because of TCB. I joined in thanks to reading Not Alone after reading that (imho) shitty The Day They Came. I've read some TCB to do my research on two TCB stories I'm planning.

I only have two stories... Iron Colt and Feathered Heart. Former is a Prince Blueblood fic as... well, the Stark equivalent. Feathered Heart is my world building for griffins and some exploration of a weirdo who falls in love with the cool Gilda.

Also, if you have the mature filter off and see three stories in my page... I don't know. think its some sort of glitch I don't want to talk about it.

I'm here for a fresh start. And I'm glad for the new social thread. Let's all get along and forget anything I said in the past, alright? :scootangel:

Hello, I'm Hindlover (The Mi-24 Hind that is), I'm under the age of 21. I enjoy Sci-fi, military and drama shows, movies etc.
I'm currently working on writing a Ponies on Earth fic.
Lyra and Spitfire are best ponies and I can't decide between Griffins or Humans as best race.

Well I'm Lord Arcturus (formerly Falling Brass as of now) and I got into the fandom after I noticed ponies becoming a permanent feature on and decided to check it out myself. Still haven't finished even the first season but I'm getting there!

I'm a guy, 23 years old, and I like science, history, psychology, science-fiction, and fantasy. I'm also an avid video gamer and reader, can't really give any definite answer as far as favorites go but to cover both I'm a big fan of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy.

I joined the group because TCB is a terrible, though salvageable, premise that folks like Starman and Dalek Ix made interesting to read.

Also, I write, a lot. :moustache: I got some stories in progress but since I procrastinate like a motherfucker it'll be a while before I have anything to show.:twilightsheepish:

This nickname was just something I threw up (...) when I found out the one I used before was also some famous rapper...
Pronounced like a microwave but with shazm.

I'm a twenty-year-old student from Finland. I'm also a lazy bastard with lots of delirious plans yet too much fat ass to never get anything done. That more or less includes writing and reading. I probably got into fanfiction because I'm much too impatient to pick up and read a real book. That and destiny :D

I will defend some TCB-fics until someone proves flaw in my reasoning (very long). I joined this group for the debate (stayed for the ...). One does not pick a best pony, but Lyra is best anthropologist.

639868 639853
!This thread is now a film thread!
Mighty respectable choices, but Brazil isn't even Gilliam's second best film! That honor goes to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas while Tideland ties with Brazil for the third place. 12 Monkeys takes the grand cake with superior acting, atmosphere, and a nuanced yet rather intensive plot.

Unfortunately I haven't seen The Machinist and can't remember a thing about Black Hawk Down anymore. Children of Men with its terrific tracking shots and gritty presentation is extremely good.

My favourite-list is too long to jot in here (alas I have no copypaste anywhere) and I have no genre I prefer over others. Anyway, here's some very good films I wholeheartedly recommend: The Truman Show, "Planes, Trains and Automobiles", Badlands, Silent Running, The Fountain, WALL-E, and Porco Rosso.

Group Admin

Fellow aerospace student! Woohoo! You wouldn't happen to be a member of a USLI team by any chance?

I'm Humanist. I am a long-term member of this group and "Humans Aren't Bastards" (that is, I have been a member for a long, long time).
I dislike misanthropy and like people. I like calm, rational debates with people that hold differing views, though all too often they degenerate into something else entirely (I am not entirely innocent in this, but I am trying to be better about it). I like figuring out how everything works, including why people believe what they believe. This ties into the debate thing noted above.
When not studying, working, reading, or socializing I can usually be found playing video games.

Got into ponies near the beginning when the first started to become popular. Can't remember exactly where I first heard about it, but it was most certainly NOT 4chan. I watched the first episode and didn't much like it, but figured I was missing something so kept watching... you can guess the rest. Never much cared about social expectations, so I had no issues whatsoever in enjoying it. I told all my friends about the show. They enjoy it as well, but I believe that I am the only one that has an account on this site and/or reads here regularly.

Rainbow Dash is best mane 6, Scootaloo is best crusader, Celestia is best princess, and Spike is best non-pony.

Oh, and I tend to make very lengthy posts that take me a lot of time to write and edit and such. Well, usually but not always. Lately I have been writing some shorter posts, especially in places like this group's social thread. Finally, I abuse parentheses (as evidenced by this post and in fact this very sentence).

Well, that's far more personal information than I have ever given out here (or anywhere on the internet, really). Feel honored. Or annoyed. Or indifferent. Or anything at all, really.

EDIT: I also make edits to my posts a lot.
Also, this post ended up being way, way longer than I originally intended it to be. Holy hell. Took out the whole bit where I ramble about my specific interests. It is STILL ridiculously long.

>aerospace student
>edits posts
>abuses parenthesis
Are you some alternate version of me?

Although the idea of joining a USLI interests me (my plan of study leans towards the space side), I haven't actually participated in one.

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