New Writers in Town 72 members · 140 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

So, seeing as this is a group specifically for writers new to the art of horse words and whatnot, I figure we should probably have a spot to share horror stories about how ungodly terrible some of us have done in the past in terms of writing and releasing our stories into the ether goes. This plan is two-fold: first it will let those of us who have made horrible mistakes in these past get them out in the open and move on past them, and Second, it will help others hopefully avoid similar tragedy in their own writing.

I'll be adding a few of my own little horror stories to this thread in a day or so but in the mean time feel free to fill it in for yourselves. We've got plenty of members now and I'd love to hear from some of them here.

My first comment that I got on this site was:

spelling mistakes... a lot of them:derpytongue2:


Group Admin

Ah yes, been there. You would think spell-check would help sort these things out but it actually makes things worse! I got called out on my terrible terrible grammar day one. Five incomplete stories later and I'm still not sure I've fixed it...

3510481 It has caused me to be very conscious of publishing. I re-read and edit my stories 100 times before I start contemplating release. Sometimes my finished stories lay unpublished for months. I know there are mistakes in them, I just need to find them, somehow...

Group Admin

Yup, I was exactly the same way. I've since realized that, although I'm putting these stories out there for everyone (about a dozen people each) to see, I'm only really writing them for myself. If editting and proofreading makes the process not fun anymore, just do the best you can on your first draft, make some small corrections, and then post it. If the story itself is worth while it will shine through any crappy spelling and grammar that might be present.

3515535 I am actually considering doing it like that. I have so much ideas. I could have written 10 times more stories if I hadn't bothered with editing. Perhaps 10 stories are worth more than 1 story with good grammar. I just don't know.

Group Admin

My advice would be to just go for it. In all honesty there is literally no down side to attempting it, even if you end up getting negative responses on some of them. There will ALWAYS be someone out there who will find your story, enjoy it, and, whether they say so or not, be glad that you wrote it. Often times its people who are in the exact situation you are now who have a similar idea to what you might want to do but are just unsure whether or not they should proceed with it. This whole group is meant to be dedicated to getting people writing without fear of being ripped apart for it, so post it here first if you still have concerns about taking it public.

3517853 It's just that I worry that I might hurt somepony with bad grammar. What if the readers get irked by my mistakes. It will all be my fault.

I had the following stories finished for months now. I've edited them so many times, but I'm still not sure if they're good enough for publishing:
Flash Sentry Is Not a Hero (one shot)
Discords Sits on Celestia’s Throne (one shot)
Rape Is Bad and You Should Feel Bad (one shot)

If anypony would be willing to take a glance at any of them and possibly give me some criticism, I would really appreciate it.

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