The Lunaverse 2,574 members · 203 stories
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Thats my headcanon for her in the Lunaverse. Due to her upbringing and her subsequent life she is, in many ways, a more versatile agent and is currently assigned to the Bearers.

I did have an idea on her position on apples affecting matters, if anyones interested.


she is, in many ways, a more versatile agent and is currently assigned to the Bearers.

As in, assigned to protect them, or eliminate them?
And sure, what's your idea about her apple issue?


As in, assigned to protect them, or eliminate them?

At first I wondered why Luna would hire a merc to kill national heroes, but on reflection... a little from column A, a little from column B. I doubt its her main focus there, mostly its to protect them as a first response and to run herd on other elements like her (I may offer a head canon on Great Companies later so stay tuned)

And sure, what's your idea about her apple issue?

see below.

Its why she's managed to both live in Ponyville while expressing her disdain for the Apple Trusts choice crop and hasn't been removed. Applejack expressed her ire to get a dose of Sunrise raspberry, which reached the ears of higher ponies in the Trust after AJ's entreaties to the Mayor failed, and two irate plow stallions arrived to show her the error of her ways only to have said stallions ire kicked hard enough they nearly flew off their bodies like a pair o wayward pain finches.

This usually would do little to dissuade the Trust from further retaliation, but due to both her own personal proclivities of meeting rising threats with equal retribution and her having allies of various high positions of varying shades of morality on both sides of the law, they have generously decided to spare her further damaged to her hooves manicure via pony shot putting and quite vihemently tell AJ to put a sock in it.

Keep in mind that it isn't technically secret shes a merc, but all records of her working with the Crown are black marked to the point they resemble a bar code then anything else

Oh, I never thought Luna would hire somepony to kill the bearers, but you didn't say that Luna was her employer.

More then likely. Luna strikes as being the more pragmatic sort who rather then, say, loyalty to the crown and state and with someone bogged down regulation, go with someone who, while maintaining the same skill set and discipline, has an investment in both the immediate and any future employment in Equestria at large (which again, I may explain in another post)

But no, I sincerely doubt she'd hire one out for that. She'd probably deal with it herself if one of them went astray.

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