The Hero... Queen Chrysalis??? 1,741 members · 385 stories
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What do you suppose would be Chrysalis's favorite pizza toppings?

Group Admin

This is an... odd, question...

Cinnamon and banana like I heard is popular down in Brazil

Somehow I think both she and Sombra will love one with Extra Extra Meat

Paint the dough black using squid or octopus ink.
Switch the tomato sauce with black bean sause.
Mix in corn tortilla ashes with the cheese before adding it to the pizza.
Then use blood pudding, blood sausage or moronga as topping. And garlic, but put the garlic under the cheese.
Make jalapeño pepper jam, pass it through the blender, and paint bright green line-art on the pizza out of the oven. If you would rather not use jalapeño jam, blend caramelized onion and fresh cilantro (with perhaps a touch of alginate).

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