Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
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"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself." "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." -George Orwell

Devious secretive stuff that are the origins of our many problems in the world that nobody really knows about, are manifested by peculiar two legged creatures every day.

7697914 It's harder to keep secrets now that we have the internet.

Well, we only know the main parts (not the full package) of the secretive stuff that they do due to the internet. It's just people choose not to believe it. Which is the enabling of the ongoing issue.

7697973 Well, one can't believe everything that's on the internet.

Plenty of evidence has been flown around the internet for quite some time. It's just it goes against everything they were taught. Their not skeptical as they should be. Their's a reason why people can't stand humans.

7698016 Why don't you enlighten us? What aren't we seeing?

Well. I could create a hour long amateur documentary video, or do a series of videos showing evidence of what's going on. But two factors are in play. One: Me having the mood to even do it lol. And two: Getting confirmation that your gonna even watch the whole thing. Since the many arguments I've seen. Lots of times when video proof is shown to other people, so they can see a more in depth view of what their saying. They refuse to even watch the video. It's because A: They don't like what their saying and like to always stick to what their saying. And B: Nowadays people have low attention spams so they don't watch it. So yeah.

7698026 Could you maybe just start by stating the bullet points of the things that are hidden from our eyes?

Alright. I'll say it like this. Their's a group of people, that want nothing more then power and control. They want them to survive until the end, and leave us to extinction because our morals are nothing like them. They are the people that control everything that goes on. (Politics, The Bank, Media, etc.) They don't care who you are what you do or what you stand for, if your not like them. Your life is meaningless. They are the ones that created the political system that it is today just to give the illusion that we have choice and the illusion that they are here to work on making sure the people achieve their goals and their dreams. To sum it up. While you guys are on a crusade of thinking humans are not evil. Their's a group of humans that would laugh at this entire "Humans are not bastards" group for being this innocent into what's really going on.

7698043 We already know that rich people run the world. That's not news.

We also know that they're preparing a great reset that will allow them to own more than 100% of the resources of the planet. They will achieve this by plunging an average human into debt.

As for your video, if you do make it one day, I promise you that I will watch it in full.

Nah. The groups I'm referencing are a lot more complicated then what you just said. Also with the whole plan to put people in debt. Hahaha, the plan is way bigger then that. Basically, they all want the majority of the population dead. And if their are a few left, it'll be easier to control them. Like, I could just picture these groups stumbling upon this group, and they would just laugh hysterically. And probably say stuff like this, " Oh look, these people trying to be nice and say humans aren't that bad, and that we need to get back to using empathy and try to understand people. How cute. Poor unfortunate souls." Also with the video, I'm not sure if I'll make it or not. But we'll see.

7698160 I disagree with you. Having 10 billion slaves is better than having just a million of them.

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