Twilight's Library 4,831 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 258 )
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I might as well throw my Fic in this "Shameless Promotion" ring.

Biker Princess from Equestria is a story where a regular human from Earth meets a mysterious biker babe at a diner. Later on said biker babe reveals that she isn't exactly from Earth; she's actually Princess Celestia and offers Wes a trip through the cosmos. Wes agrees and the two go on crazy adventures out running bounty hunters and various things will be revealed about our Princess. Perhaps a slowly blooming romance between the average fellow from Earth and the Biker Princess will be made.

I wasn't going to do this, but it's gotten so much positive feedback on it that I can't help it: I recommend Their True Desires.

I'm surprised how well I've done with Celestia Wants to Date Twilight Sparkle without it being posted anywhere major, just added to the Shipping and Twilestia is Bestia groups.

Comment posted by OutlawBebop deleted Sep 6th, 2014

May not be many interested in reading this since its an alternate universe story set in post apocalyptic Equestria with OCs as the main/supporting characters.

Planeshifter: Shadow of the Rebellion

The Equestria that was once known as the land of the ponies, all that it was, is gone now. An evil has swept over the land of Equestria like a plague and destroyed everything in its wake before the princesses could do anything. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and the rest of her friends, were all killed, slaughtered like they were common vermin. Could this be the end of Equestria as we know it?

Nothing quite like throwing my shame to the wind!!
The Disappearance of Pinkamena Diane Pie

Oh why not, I'm a slut!

Cape and Cowl is the beginning of my long Mare do Well series. This first one follows as she just wants to use the Mare do Well suit to get (revenge or justice, take your pick) for her brother, but she finds herself caught up in a much larger scheme. It's Part One of what I'm calling the "Red Hoof Trilogy".

I suppose here we go. This is a story that I've poured my heart into over the last two months. It's a story that I love dearly as I guided it along the way towards publishing time. I had a ton of help and encouragement along the way.

Ghost of a Rose is the story of a not particularly brave mare facing what many fear. Follow her on a journey through a life well loved with a friend by her side.

Comment posted by Carapace deleted Sep 9th, 2014

WOOO I love shameless advertising!

Immortality, Heat Death and the End of All Things by ScottTrek

Immortality. Being able to live forever. But, do people really think about what that might imply?
One day your friends will die.
One day your planet will die.
One day your star will follow.
One day the never-ending force of entropy will destroy the universe.
Twilights lived to see this.
This is the last story.
But there might just be time for one last adventure.

An adventure set at the end of the universe as Twilight desperately searches for the past of the Pony race

Well, no harm in dropping my story here while I wait for the submission box to reopen! :pinkiehappy:

Cloudy Skies and Cherry Pies

On a secluded grassy knoll, Pinkie lets Spitfire take a bite of her cherry pie. [Teen]

This was a silly little oneshot I wrote up after seeing an amazingly cute piece of art by CaptainPudgeMuffin. It was only around 2,000 words, but every moment I spent writing Pinkie Pie was a joy in itself. Let me know what you guys think; comments and criticism are always welcome and appreciated!

Well, I am feeling pretty shameless right now. Time to get a couple more views on my fic... tripling its total views.

Beyond One Lifetime
[Adventure] (Or close enough because I can never write anything that can be easily tagged)

Eternal. Infinite. Immortal. To all but a few these words are a fleeting dream, an imagined respite as time wears away even the highest mountain. But as everyone else rises and falls through the ages, I will rise from the ashes once more. This is the story of how I came to be, how I found another being who shares both my gift and my curse, and the reflections I have made in the the time I've had.

My sequel to The Guardian of the Night (totally in the library, by the way) is now out!

The Star Guard
Pipsqueak (now a full grown stallion) must help Princess Luna defeat the Nightmare Forces before it's too late! As the Captain of the Star Guard he must purge the dreams of all creatures before the Nightmare Forces can take another!


Also, bat ponies.

Hope you guys enjoy. :rainbowkiss:

Since it seems that it'll be a while till the incoming folders open, sure, why not.

It's my first pony fanfic, and what is hopefully the first step in a series of mystery fanfics.

The Jewel Robbery At the Grand Griffon Gala

A famous jewel, the Griffon Sun Opal, belonging to the Griffon sovereigns, thought lost for centuries, is re-discovered. Celestia intends to return it to the rightful owners on the event of a celebration of the peace between ponies and griffons. Twilight is asked to head the organizing of the gala and everything seems to run smoothly, until a few days before the gala, the Opal is stolen. Before Twilight can have an aneurism, an unlikely investigator will step up to the challenge.

The story is based on an Agatha Christie short story, "The Jewel Robbery At the Grand Metropolitan". It's my intent to rewrite some of her stories as pony fics with a trio of sleuths.

*crosses fingers for some constructive comments*

Bit of a shameless plug here, but that's what this thread is for, right?


My winning entry from the TwiDash 3.5 Write-off, Scars, was accepted to the hallowed halls of The Royal Guard!

Swing on by and give it a read, if you're so inclined! Thanks!

Welp, shameless self promotion never hurt anyone...

History Forgets: Essentially, this was an attempt at showing another side to the so called, curse of immortality. Twilight has a talk with an elderly Scootaloo on what it means to carry on the memories of those who have passed and to make sure the ponies behind the legends aren't forgotten.

Hmm, why not?

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds

Megan Richards is a normal, everyday wife and published author of 'My Little Horsey'... but the tales she writes about aren't fiction, but stories from her past. She thought she put the world of ponies behind her, but sometimes the past has a habit of catching up with you...

It's G1 meets G4. It's human-in-Equestria. It is... hopefully not too bad. If you read, I hope you enjoy. :twilightblush:

I want to promote The wizard and the lonely princess because in my opinion this is how a crossover should be done, while harry potter is a popular franchise the author doesn't asume that the reader knows everything about it.

Edit: sorry for no link it didnt want to play nice on my ipad will try to fix when on a pc
edit2: added link, and can someone post other peoples stories in groups? just wondering

It's been a while since I wrote a pony-themed fanfic (I've been into PKMN lately), and this is the first time that I kinda wrote a kinda ... okay-ish fic.
A New Playing Field

Button Mash was busy playing the newest game inside his room when the power suddenly went out. His mother suggested to go out and play with the other colts and fillies. Yeah, right. Like that'll happen.

This stars Button Mash. I'd appreciate a review or two. :twilightsmile:

It's shameless plug time :scootangel:

I'd like to recomend my own story, The Humans in Equestria Club. (edit: should really remember to add a link :twilightsheepish:)

Alexis Kingston, former telemarketer, now full time pegasus, has a thankless job. She has to keep the hundred or so ponified humans that have found their way to Equestria, healthy, happy, safe and prevent two worlds from being destroyed. Between mad gods, queens and Rainbow Dash, she's not doing well on any of those counts.

It's the first story on FiM that I'm rather proud of, so please give it a try :twilightsmile:

One Mistake Was All It Took. Here's my two cents, I need criticism.

I have a new story featuring original characters, and with it, I challenge the preconception of the 'OC'.

Three From the Forest

Description: Wanderer, a colt living in a small town of Equestria, has dreams of being a grand adventurer like his heroine Daring Do. It was not until he met two other foals who had moved to Greensborough from the big city, did he find the companions that he had sought after. Together, they would trample through the town and forest in the pursuit of their purpose in life. This is their story, the story of the three ponies who would become the precursors of the rise of Order.

My two latest stories (if/when the folders do open again, I'm only gonna submit one of them):

Swirled. Since backgrounders such as Lyra, Ditzy, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch have acres of fanfiction dedicated to them, I decided to pick one who has a real dearth of stories featuring her. Sea Swirl. It all came together fairly easily, once I knew the story I wanted to tell involved her getting her cutie mark, but I wanted to mix it up a bit and suggest that there was something a bit out of the ordinary regarding her, too.

Her Final Flight. Despite adding about two thousand extra words in the redrafting phase, it's not that much different from the initial version I thrashed out late one night. Pretty much all I did was add some extra character-related stuff. This is the one that's resonated most with people, and I ascribe that as much to the unusual character pairing (Twilight Sparkle and Scootaloo) as the story itself. From what I can see, it's rare to have those two in a story alone.

since I have just

the worst luck

for noticing when the box is open(been trying to add for like, half a year or more now)

might as well post it here

Any thoughts on how to improve it will be greatly appreciated ;D

It's a sadfic about what happens after a death, and the people you leave behind. Fairly short, only about 8k words, and I'd really appreciate people with talent giving it a read.

For all Rainbow Rocks fans, I just dropped a little fic to serve as a scene I thought the movie was missing.

My Beloved Student, Sunset Shimmer

Clearly a shoe-in to be added to Twilight's Library in the next round.

Promotion ahoy~!
Here's my fic, Celestia: Fall of the Alicorns. It was originally a contest fic, but I've just sort of been promoting it. It's sort of an origin-story for Luna and Celestia, in simple terms...

As long as its allowed in this particular thread......

Some things are just an axiom of existence. Gravity for example, as long as there is matter there will be gravity, it will never go away. It may change, behave in odd ways, but we can say with 100% certainty that it will always be there. But what if that wasn't true? What if, for some reason, say a switch was fliped and gravity, ALL gravity in the universe, disappeared? And then, moments later, that same switch was flipped again and gravity returned to normal. What would happen in that few moments when gravity was gone? How much chaos would insue?

For the ponies of Equestria, magic was thought of the same way. Perhaps not fully understood but believed by all to be just as eternal and unwavering as gravity.

It's not.

For thirty seconds, all magic in the world of Equis ceased to exist. Allthough it returned as suddenly as it had vanished, as the minutes and the hours go by, the ramifications of the so called 'Blackout' prove to be devastating. No one realized just how much life depended on the constant and uninterrupted flow of magic.

Now Twilight and her friends must embark on a journey unlike ever before to discover the cause of the blackout and hopefully put a stop to whatever or whoever, caused it.

Ars Magica: Book One, The Thirty Second Blackout

My newest story, The Challenges of Interspecies Dating, is up. A rule 63 universe story starring Elusive and Spines (pretty sure you can guess who they are in the normal universe). Spines finds a way to induce growth outside of greed but it doesn't go quite as planned.

More promotion!
Here's my latest short fic, Hotline Manehattan. As you can probably tell, it's a crossover of Hotline Miami and MLP - I don't think I really need to explain the story, thus.

Gonna go ahead and promote The Great Fruit-Off. It barely got any notice, what with being about a less popular character (Cherry Jubilee) and all, but I was super-proud of it, and it was the story that got me out of my two-month creative slump.

The Adventure of Killstorm Deathhoof, the Totally Awesome Alicorn OC

A rousing tale about the greatest Alicorn original character in the universe, way cooler than those other alicorns, who are totally faggy and a total plagarism ripoff of my character.

Who's the coolest ever.

Something for Applejack fans, i'd appreciate opinions. :twilightsmile:
I'm not an experience writer. :twilightblush:

Distant Memories of Anna-Apple

Might as well mention this one, seeing as (to my surprise) it's proved popular with readers. It Doesn't Matter Now is a little thing I wrote for a small contest. It's set at the End of All There Ever Was and stars Pinkie Pie, a (or possibly the) Spirit Pony... and a proton. That proton's important, you know.

I have published a new story in my Assorted Short Stories collection, a slice of life historical fiction story which clocks in at 750 words.

Virgin Green Fields

The earth ponies, after weeks of arduous travel to escape endless winter, have finally come to the verdant new land which will one day be named Equestria. Smart Cookie dreams about what the virgin green fields here mean for him and his people, but will he recognize his dreams when he sees them?

This story won 4th place in the last Writeoff competition. I hope you find it as enjoyable as they did.

May as well share some of the stories I've written on here.
Confessions: Apple Bloom gets paired with Silver Spoon while on a class field trip, but the former learns a surprising secret about the latter. What could this secret be? How will it change Apple Bloom's opinion of Silver Spoon?

The Secrets of Equestria: The Cutie Mark Crusaders are thrown into an adventure with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but they end up discovering all sorts of things along the way. What do they discover? What does it mean for Equestria? The fic is currently in progress.

A Chat in the Pub: Spitfire is feeling down and decides to enter a pub. There, she meets Princess Twilight Sparkle, who happens to be having problems of her own. The two chat for a bit, but what things do they find out about each other?

I will admit that these stories are not Twilight's Library material, as they aren't perfect, but I enjoyed writing them and learned a lot about writing as well. I tried the best I could and I hope that those who read these stories enjoy them as much as I did writing them.

I have to admit, my story already has plenty of exposure and a bit of a following, but I totally want the little purple ribbon every time I see it. :pinkiegasp:

So, here is my submission! The Conquering of Love

It's based on a fan-made video of an alternate ending to season 2. The original video is by adecoy and can be found here: Victory! The Real Wedding Ending - The fanfic is even linked from the video description. :)

What's the story about? So many things I can't possibly go into it all in a brief description, so I'll just describe the overarching story. Twilight awakens in her bedroom the day after the royal wedding and goes about her day. However, strange things start happening, eventually coming to a head when Princess Celestia appears from within a gemstone and tells her that she's dreaming. Her real body is trapped inside a cocoon, and Celestia has traversed "dream worlds" in order to awaken her. They now have to find a way out of Twilight's dream and into the dreams of her friends in order to awaken them, as well. Once all six bearers of the Elements of Harmony are awoken, they will be able to wake up and face Chrysalis. However, some dreams are not as happy as they expected, and some secrets held in the subconscious may be better left unawoken.

Throughout the dream worlds, they will encounter changelings, shadow creatures, mythical monsters, old enemies, mountains of nightmare fuel (literally!), Celestia and Luna's secret pasts, an order of changeling mages who will stop at nothing to get revenge on Equestria, and perhaps a few happy things like friendship, and even love in the most unexpected place.

The story is divided into "books", and the first four are complete. The story is ongoing.

The story is dark, but not grimdark. There is violence but not a ton of blood or gore. The story has a "sex" tag, but does not contain any sex scenes, merely innuendos or references to sex. It is rated T. I put it on par with PG-13 rated films.

No clue when the folders will open up again, so here we go:

Gilded Lily, by me, shamelessly.

I think I can honestly claim that this story is unique. At least, I've never seen another story about the CMC and an albino (adult blank-flank) pony. Check it out, hopefully I'll make it into the submission folder in time.

Re:Changeling A quick synopsis would be: A changeling assassinate's Twilight under Chrysalis's orders, she reincarnates as the queen's daughter, Twilight remembers everything, she has a voice in her head, and everypony/everybuggy has no idea. Expect drama, emotion, and occasional awkwardness. Here's my best review by Ithrex in a quote-box.

Stats: (Current chapter as of review: 2)
Shallow face value-7/10
Ooh, a Twilight Becomes a Changeling story. A lot of people do this, which lowers the interest of people scrolling by. Let's see if you can succeed in being a 'hidden gem'.
Plot & feel-10/10
In my opinion, the most important part of an X Becomes a Changeling fic is the reaction scene. This is what most people (unless my knowledge of the universe is flawed) are here for initially. You have an entire chapter devoted to the reaction scene, which is done pretty much perfectly. The only possible nitpicky problem that I could have is Twilight's sheer amount of screaming in chapter 2. What does a screaming mini-changeling even sound like?
Dramatic stories written by brand-new amateurs seem to have this problem. The stellar like:dislike ratio makes me think you aren't an amateur, which explains the lack of a pacing problem. Longer chapters might be better, but you're good at using the few words you have wisely.
Headcanon-10/10 so far
If you write this kind of story, you have to use rules/ideas/concepts not specifically sanctioned by Lauren Faust and co. That is, unless you think of the comics as canon... There are still missing pieces of information regarding how Twilight is reincarnated, but what's a story without something to figure out later?
Spelling and Grammar-9/10
There may have been one grammatical error (missing comma) in chapter 2.
45/50-Highly Recommendable! I guess you did succeed. I'm excited to see where this can go.

Shameless self promotion go:

The Time Santa Bent The Rules

Because sometimes even a villain should get the chance to have a happy Christmas with her family.

I tried to show the not so evil side of Adagio as she talks to a kindly old man without actually changing her character. Also, I like the idea of a Santa who's willing to bend his own rules once in a while when a villain surprises him. Hope you enjoy.

Please read my story Everything Hurts!

Because I need to be emotionally validated by people I don’t know on the internet to feel good about myself.

Also I know the story description kinda sucks... and I've been told that's probably why I'm not getting more views. Still trying to figure our how to improve that in ways that don't completely spoil the story.

Comment posted by Lost_Marbles deleted Jan 15th, 2015

Copying from Tag-A-Long's Book Club

Title: Fallen Angels [Mature]
Author: Flutterpony
Genre: Drama/Romance

Good friends and faith have brought Fluttershy a long way from her foalhood insecurities, yet her dubious history with sexual distraction and a penchant for the young leaves her feeling at risk and disconnected from the lifestyle she tries to keep and the ponies who supposedly know her. Will she endure emotional isolation, or will the kind pony's lonely desperation drive her to hell and back for a chance at finding happiness with somepony society says she must never pursue?

Join Fluttershy and her friends on a journey of social, psychological, and emotional exploration, a harrowing journey of self discovery and clandestine relationships. You may never feel the same way about illicit love.

Is there anything on the story you are particularly proud of?
Recently fully revised and looks a lot better for it. The narrative is carefully and lovingly crafted. I'm pleased that, despite the controversial nature of the topics dealt with in the fic, many have admitted that they greatly appreciate the story for the emotional depth and thought provoking angle of the writing.

Who do you feel this story is likely to appeal to?
Anyone interested in sensitive and intelligent discourse on the topic of sexual attraction who can tolerate or appreciate the taboo of an unconventional sexual relationship. There are about 1000 words of explicit content (less than 1%), including an erotic scene, clearly labeled at the appropriate place in case readers wish to skip it--in case they might find themselves triggered or otherwise uncomfortable by that scene. Even without that scene, the story is written to appeal to readers willing to delve into an uncomfortable issue, pedophilia, from the point of view of a minor-attracted individual and her friends and love interest. While some may find the controversy itself appealing, the emotional depth of the characters--their joy and sorrow--is what I feel makes the story enjoyable and have spent countless hours to ensure.

Is there anything else you'd like to say about the story?
I adhere to the typical paragraph style found in printed novels because I feel that's superior when reading lengthy content on any device, but especially on phones and tablets where added white space means constant scrolling. If you want to annoy me by saying it would look better with the added white space, then I can't stop you, but I won't be changing the format.

A post for shamelessly promoting your own fan-fic honestly believing people would be desperate enough to check out your work?


Well, my fim-fic's trying to break ground on something new by marrying music, literature, and art. I provide a classical piece and then I write a one-shot based on the music. It's then up to you to imagine the rest on your head!

It's Disney's Fantasia, but for MLP! I hope you enjoy!
Fantasia: Equestria

Shameless self promotion?
Count me in!
I think it's time to find yourself!

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