Twilight's Library 4,831 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 23 )
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For a while, I've been scouring the site, looking for the oldest stories. My goal was to find the oldest stories I could, and I was hoping to find at least one story ranging somewhere from 1st-10th oldest. However, the oldest story I've been able to find is Creatures of the Night, which is story number 78. Seeing as this group holds a large number and variety of stories, along with many members, I believed that this would be the best place to ask for help. If anyone knows of the oldest story, or a story older then Creatures of the night, feel free to tell me.

2097302 There are stories older than that. The Greatest Equine Who has Ever Lived is number 9. Others don't exist beyond this.

2097302 Try "ponies" by knighty (ID = 14) :moustache:

2097340 Knighty hasn't written a story...:rainbowhuh:


He did. According to the stats in his profile box, he has a few views for a deleted story.

Stands to reason he 'wrote' a story.

If was good? Anyones guess.

~Skeeter The Lurker

2097355>>2097433 He has a story, but it is protected by a le password. The story is actually just a copypasta of another story :moustache:

2097302>>2097490 Here's a few more of the oldest stories on this site:

I'm basically just typing numbers after the "/story/" and seeing what I can find. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


An eleven week necro post to say two words of complete insignificance.

The internet never fails to amaze me.


Comment posted by Yip deleted Jan 21st, 2014



This actually has the first comment on it, too. I like to go and randomly reply to that comment. :moustache:

That is the oldest story if you go to the site statistics and you will see the first story was approved Jul 7 2011 while none were approved the next day and only 1 was approved on said day and that story was posted on Jul 8 2011

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'd lock this 4 year necromancy post, but it might be the most activity the group has seen in a while. :twistnerd:

--Sweetie Belle

This what i call boredom. I wanting to find the oldest story on this site so i asked google and it led me here.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, I think it's pretty much no contest on this one, anyways,

Possibly shortest, too, with 321 words. I've got shorter stories, but they are in anthologies.

EnderBrony hasn't been on the site in years, tho', so replying to him won't do much...

--Sweetie Belle

I didn’t even notice that it was less than 1k words

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Probably the limit wasn't in place yet, since that was pretty early on.

I pretty much just waited until I had enough 150 word stories to put them all in one anthology for mine. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Guess what I found the 339 shortest stories all tied for thee shortest is a word count of 0.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

What probably happened on most of those is that there was a story there, but the authors deleted all the chapters, It checks for under 1000 words when you initially post, but not when you delete chapters, I think.

--Sweetie Belle

Still funny. Just think someone goes looking gor a story but only to find 339 stories with nothing but their descriptions, it reminds me of the show cliffhanger.

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