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that the show is in any way favoring

or not favoring

any ships in particular

All I'm saying is that Applejack is a couch

Better a couch than a pony, I say.

Actually, this episode had TONS of proof showing that the creators probably ship them. Not just this scene xD

I am certain that these two are a lesbian couple in canon. The creators just don't want to be the ones to play that card first (even though Steven Universe did it first and is super successful because of it.)

Sadly there are legit reasons they wont confirm it in canon. Even though I agree with you that they are a couple secretly in the background. This show airs in countries like Russia and whatnot, so they can't get away with revealing that in a show like MLP. Plus they'd have to work in the change to the group dynamic a tad slightly and that would complicate things.

But I'm with you 100% in believing they are legit a couple nowadays. There is just too much the show creators throw in with those two that indicates it.

TBH, if I was going to make a character on the show gay, it would be Applejack.

Rarity is definitely not a lesbian in canon, though.

She could be bi, though. :duck:

She's definitely bi. Especially with recent behaviors. :P

Well in regards to your second question. I say that, but I suppose it isn't that she's definitely bi, but the likelihood of her at the very least liking AJ has been made apparent in some occasions. Her insistence of wanting to spend time with AJ at the spa in Applejack's Day Off is one, and then in Honest Apple, she didn't have a very good reason to want AJ as a judge lol xD I've talked to a couple people who made the comment that her reasoning was so weak there that it honestly makes sense that she was covering a real reason, liking wanting to spend time with her and liking her etc.

And other stuff in the episode? Well, there are quite a few places in the episode outside of this that can easily have implied things. (And I even have a friend who doesn't even care for shipping at all who saw these things too.)

As soon as Rarity starts explaining her calligraphy, AJ looks right over at her and smiles. She wasn't previously. (this one is tiny but I immediately saw it)

Then the scene at Rarity's boutique doesn't have much direct. But some implications. I mean other than the line "RIGHT AWAY! PONY WHO STILL LIKES ME!" .... I mean they're friends regardless, but since they haven't seen each other in a couple days at this point its a funny presumption. (Again that one isn't much but could be....) But the fact that AJ ran to Rarity's when she was in need of something is one small implication, then the fact that she knew exactly where to go to grab what she needed. Also, I admit this to be a personal theory but, her lack of reaction to Rarity's stress sewing. Sure it could be said she was preoccupied, but based on Twilight and Starlight's reaction, they've never seen Rarity stress sew before and were shocked by it. AJ didn't even seem fazed. This to me, says she might have seen this before. Another implication of being around her often enough.

The two of them also have one moment each where they do something we have seen the OTHER do more often in the show. As a small indication of them being together so often that they've picked up some habits.

Exhibit A:

The Rarity eyetwitch! lol

Exhibit B:

Rarity facehoofing. She's done it very very rarely in the show, AJ uses it way more often.

Then throughout the conversations with the other ponies, AJ and Rarity constantly look at each other. Plus them cleaning up before joining Twilight at the door to the castle. The two of them were a mess. Rarity fixing herself is one thing, but with AJ getting cleaned up it is likely Rarity helped her.

Then there is the song of course lol where those two are the only ones who had a section together for their verses on top of everything. (They also always get paired up in verses in songs that all six girls have one. They are always either paired up some how or follow each other)

Then after the song when Twilight is talking to the others and she mentions their flaws and stuff:

Rarity first looks over at AJ:

Followed by AJ looking back:

The other girls don't look at anyone specific like that.

Then when they are talking to Toola Roola and Coconut Cream. When the two of them walk over and talk to them:

This is a VERY couple-like thing to do. In group conversation scenarios like this, if one member of a couple walks over to start a point, it is common behavior for the other member in the relationship to follow over and add their input as well. And then there was the hug:

And then FINALLY, during the group hug. Usually I wouldn't say anything for a group hug. BUT this time however, I noticed something deliberate.

First there is the initial hug:

Then AJ breaks it to point:

But then she is animated to deliberately move her forehoof BACK around Rarity:

(Realistically she could've kept her arm up for that whole scene she was talking, but it was animated to come back down around Rarity in a way that seemed like she wanted to put it back intentionally)

All a bunch of stuff that can be garnered. Not everything they put into the show for those two is forefront. There are TONS of things that happen in the background with these two that it's obnoxious. It is a large part of WHY I ship them. There is so much material and whatnot for these two that it seems to me pretty clear how much the creators ship them.

I often do notice bits of background Rarijacking, but even so I still missed some of these more subtle moments. :heart: :raritystarry:

This was really the first time where I felt like they actually could be legit dating in the background because of all of this content. This episode was FULL of so much for those two. :heart:

I would love to see you showcase more episodes! You have a great eye for detail. I was all "Rarijack aside from the couch? Where?" until you showed the dozen other places it fit!:heart:

Wow thanks!! I've been told a couple times I have quite the eye for detail now... and yeaaaa when it comes to those two I practically study them throughout the whole show and in the movies.

Did you know that in EVERY song that both of them have a verse to sing, they follow each other? Every single one, minus the friendship song in episode 2 of season 7, but that one is so heavily "best friends" oriented that it's sorta an anomaly lol

I've actually been tempted to make up a document of all the rarijack material in the show, with quotes, songs, and screen shots hehe... it'd be a huge document

I'd read it.:heart:

(But, yes, a huge endeavor).

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