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Rarity and Applejack go camping. With Rainbow Dash too. They do this every year. For their sisters. There's nothing romantic about it.

RARITY: "I know what you're thinking." [actual episode dialogue]

AJ is not looking where she's going. She only looks up when Dash says "I hear water!", which probably saved her from a nasty stalactite-related head inury.

RARITY: "And if there's flowing water then-"
APPLEJACK: "-it might lead to the way out!"

Finishing each other's sentences.

Diving in together. Rarity's okay with this.

This one's just cute.

APPLEJACK: "Sure is real beautiful."
RARITY: "I know, darling. The falls look simply stunning."
APPLEJACK: "I weren't talkin' about them..."
[not actual episode dialogue]

I noticed the signs, too.:heart: Especially that little look they shared at the end.

I know it's just a fantasy, but I really can't help but half-believe Rarijack is canon. There's just too many wink-and-nudge moments to write off as coincidence.

Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh..... I didn't expect any rarijack sprinkling in this episode because it was a sisters episode, but I told myself that if there was after what happened in F&M then it would confirm to me that these two are dating in the BG.....

Guess what happened??? This! These dollops of rarijack!!! And on top of that further proof that appledash isn't a thing either...

So yeah, in my opinion, based on what we are getting in the show canonically, they have to be dating in the background and they just aren't going to confirm it because they can't. #convinced


I am embarrassed to have not picked up on some of this (cause I wasn't looking for it, I was focused on the legend lore), but I can totally see it now!

Rarity and Applejack are absolutely secret-dating. :ajsmug:

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