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Hi again! I'm not really sure how many people will be interested in this random little post, but here we go anyway.

Have you ever been listening to a song and thought "this reminds me of _______ character/_______ ship"? Well, I certainly have, so I was just wondering how many (if any of you) feel the same as I do.

I thought that this would be a nice way to find new songs for each other to listen to, and since they would all remind us of something we love, I figured that we'd all enjoy at least a few of the songs that have been shared to us by others.

They can be any genre/mood, so post whatever you like down below, as long as it reminds you of Rarijack.

You don't have to explain why the song reminds you of this ship, but feel free to do so if you'd like! Oh, and if you think that the song sounds like it's coming from either AJ or Rarity's perspectives (or both), feel free to add that, too.

Edit: feel free to post more than one song!

I'll go first:

I'm not gonna explain why this song reminds me of Rarijack because the lyrics are extremely self-explanatory (from Applejack's perspective).

Depending on how well this does I might post a similar thread to this one over on the Fluttercord group, so come on over if you like that pairing.


Lady Gaga. John Wayne. About Rarity thinking about AJ, obviously.

Very cool! I don't think I've ever heard that Lady Gaga song before.


It's pretty new! Say it live last month. :pinkiehappy:


Given the words, folksy style, and support for someone under peer pressure, I can see Applejack strumming this one out to Rarity after a rough trip to Canterlot.:heart:

Whenever i have this song come up in my playlist, it always think of Rarijack. It's one of those things i can't really explain but i still love it :derpytongue2:

Nice! I'll give them both a listen when I get back home.

Gonna add this one (I feel like this is an obvious song choice):

Based on the lyrics, I'd say that AJ is the guy and Rarity is the girl.

It's a bit cheesy and poppy, but I now love this song specifically because it reminds me so much of Rarijack (and it's fun!)

Looks cute! Unfortunately, I don't have my headphones on me and everyone in my house is asleep, so I'll have to give it a listen tomorrow.:raritywink:

Haha, that's fair! I was at work when I first glimpsed this thread so I'm just now getting around to listening to yours.
Good idea for a thread!

I thinks that song is more better for RariDash

Based on the lyrics, I'd say that AJ is the guy and Rarity is the girl.

Rarity is always the girl.

Fair enough. I just picked the song because I think we can all agree that Rarity and AJ are direct opposites, and some of the lyrics, namely "I make the bed, and I steal the covers," goes well with some canon stuff (referencing 'Look Before You Sleep').

Gah! I forgot about this one:

"Green eyes, freckles and your smile" is especially perfect.


Green eyes, freckles and your smile

Lmao thanks for that.:rainbowlaugh:

definetly uptown girl for me :raritywink::ajsmug:

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