I Just Want a Comment 3,690 members · 15,801 stories
Comments ( 322 )
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Group Admin

Welcome to the group! If you'd like to get a bit more visibility for your story, I'd recommend that you post a new thread about it. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Hold on, you're gonna have to remove that story link, or put it in the embed tags. It's rated mature, and by site rules, we cannot allow direct links to mature content.

Sorry for bothering.

I am SO SORRY ;W; I should have read more my apologies.

Group Admin

Apology accepted.

Well hello, I am a writer without feedback. I'd really like some, though.

Hi, I'm RedtheDestroyer. I prefer Red though. I basically write for a personal hobby and I've gotten decent at the job. I've written mostly Mature fics due to having a more realistic view on things. There is a couple that aren't mature, but I've always had a lack in good comments on my work. I always appreciate a good comment to build upon my writting skills.

What else... I like dragons and the show we all came on FIMfiction for. And, yeah, been on the site for four years since. Nice to meet you.

Hello all, I'm Valtyrian.

I'm still new to the MLP fandom. Started not long before season 9 started. I wanted to know what the hype was, stared watching and got hooked. I've watched seasons 1-8 I don't know how many times now. love the characters and the songs. I've always been an artist of sorts when I was younger. always drawing or writing. but lately I've had so many scenario's playing through my head with my own fan based characters I had to put them to paper, digital or otherwise. so now I'm writing my own MLP fanfictions.

Hello! :twilightsmile: Nice to meet you all. I started writing fics in 2013 in fanfiction.net. I uploaded my first story there called "NiGHTS: Precious Tale of Dreams", based on the SEGA video game "NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams". The second story I uploaded is a Pokemon fic called "A New-Found Blaze", featuring two of my favourite Pokemon, Blaziken and Milotic.

I took an interest in MLP:FIM this year while Steven Universe, my most favourite cartoon of the 2010s decade, is on hiatus. I like how the show portrays wholesome, relateable, and inclusive characters, as well as exploration of different worlds. There's nothing wrong with guys enjoying a show that is aimed towards young girls.

I appreciate feedback and opinions of others.


I'm a brit sci-fi addict. I've been writing Off The Grid for over a year. It has had some tweaks and edits throughout its journey, I continuously reread it and take criticism into account. It has themes of was and death, with a sci-fi, Fallout crossover blend.

Comments welcome ofc, I'm also taking name suggestions into account, these can be for any Equestrian species race, or human - as I occasionally write flashback scenes as well as general things anyone (or pony) would like to see, from interactions to encounters.


Have a pleasant day - PaleFace

Well since I just joined I see no harm in an introduction. I'm Lunar, I mostly draw but sometimes I write okay pony words, I don't share all of them because I'm kind of shy so I'm just starting to post them for others to see. I'm not that great and still learning but writing is something I've found I genuinely enjoy doing,

Nice to meet you all.

I'm Mind Jack, AKA JackofMinds on other sites. I write fanfiction for a few different universes, but MLP is my favorite. I almost solely write OC-centric stories, mostly because making characters is my favorite part of writing.

Hey there, everyone. My name's Crimson, but feel free to distort that any way you want.
I haven't done much writing, but I'm getting into it. I also know how to draw at a basic level, so my current fic (and possibly future ones) are probably gonna have neat little images in the chapters. As I said, I'm fairly new, so I've got a lot of work to do.

Salutations to everyone.

Hi? Hi.

I'm Leaf, a fun girl who everyone loves. I decided like, a couple months ago that I wanna teach myself to write, and figured fanfiction would be a nice, low-stakes first step. So, I'm writing fanfiction. Only have one out at the moment but I decided afterwards to start doing one-offs so they oughta start comin faster. I realized the other day that these group thingamabobs are probly worth lookin into so I did and this one caught my eye. If I'm lookin to improve, feedback is probly the best way to do so. So, here I am. I am here. (Also my grammar is better in my stories than it is in posts like this one.)


Group Admin

Heh. That's actually why I came to the site as well four years ago. Just wanted a place to practice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hello, my name is THECAKEISABIGLIE, I am someone who wants to get into writing, and I thought fimficition would be a good place to start and get positive feedback on how I can do better as a writer. My writing skills are a bit iffy as I don't really write that often, even though I want to.

Hi, I type roughly 40 wpm, I'm both self-employed and looking for employment, I have a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college (which means I can get both professional certifications and paraprofessional certifications or that I could easily become a management professional with minimal on the job training and review).

I not only like feedback and encouragement, but I'm actually looking for validation and verification of my ideas without ridicule and humiliation, discounting, blatant manipulation, or pandering to lese majeste horse pucky. I often find I do really well in an environment where I'm not accused of stealing for picking up something I found or discovered and immediately presented to a supplier or supplicant. For that, among other reasons, I like Knuffle bunnies and res nullius. I have an empistemological approach to lying and de minimus philosophy, which basically means I don't instantaneously care what your morals and character are like, or how you define loyalty, so long as you put forth a genuine effort to build trust and attempt to understand.

Make no mistake, I am a tyrant; And, people who have to win at any cost offend me. I find I am especially offended by people (individuals) who ridicule, humiliate, oppress, enslave, manipulate, coerce, or weaponize corrective punishment and retributive justice for the purposes of emotional blackmail (or a difference of opinion). I find I am especially offended by those who insist the truth is a lie or that you must accept or conform to the morals, dictates, opinions, and sanctions, of people who are more better off than you.

You may have noticed I'm also a bit wordy.


Name's Three Tails; named for the three species with tails that I love to write about; dragons, wolves and ponies.

I have a wide cast of OC characters - originally meant for a fantasy series I'm writing. But I have trouble figuring out how they'll fit into the lore and story of my series. So, a solution I came up with was 'why not put them into fanfiction and see how they bounce off other characters?' Thus, my fanfictions going forward will have a lot of OCs in them; whether that be a single OC interacting with the Mane Six, or even an entire team of OCs.

And, as I mentioned above, they will more likely than not be either dragon or wolf OCs.

My writing style often has a problem choosing between comedy and tragedy/drama, so I'm hoping that my writing here will help me figure out how to either do one or the other, or make sure that when they mix, it's not a complete cluster.

Currently, I have one major story in development: The Lone Wolf of Equestria, but I do plan on writing more after it's completed. This is also the first fanfiction that I've submitted to a public website, so I'm a little nervous on whether it's any good.

Thank you for your time, and I'm glad I finally worked up the courage to join this site.

Thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

Hey. I'm a relatively new writer that wrote their very first story late last year on Fimfiction, and wished I started sooner because I really enjoy it, even if learning the ropes of writing haven't always been easy, to say the least.

I'm doing my best to improve my writing skills and compared to how I was when I first started, I think I'm considerably improved, especially in grammar and "showing" scenes, but I know I still have a ways to go, so I would like some feedback, not just on things I did wrong and/or can improve on, but also things I did well, and I can work to build on that.

Howdy folks. I am known as either Nytus or DolenOre, depending on whether you are reading horse words or looking at horse pictures, respectively. I assisted Phoenix_Dragon with editing his story, Without a Hive, to prepare it for a physical print run which is what got me interested in writing my own story.

I have been vectoring OCs for a number of years now over on deviantart, but the horse words are new to me with my first story, Crystals & Chitin, currently in-progress and only four chapters (of thirteen planned) so far. The first of which was posted on June 10, 2019.

It hasn’t gotten much exposure, so I am not sure if I am doing well or establishing bad habits. A group specifically intended for feedback is an amazing idea. Thank you all for being here.

Hi there. I'm SuperPinkBrony12, but you probably already knew that from looking at this.

I've posted quite a few stories of varying natures to this group, but this is my first time specifically using it to draw attention since the new management took over. As of right now, my biggest focus is on a collab called Potty Training Tales which could used more exposure.

Feedback is appreciated, as per the group. But I hope you'll also check it out to see if it's something you might be interested in, if so there's rules provided when you click on links in the fic.

Group Admin

Welcome! I'd recommend that you post your promo in a new thread, instead of here in the intro thread. That way you'll be able to have it show up in people's feed, instead of being visible only in this specific thread. :twilightsmile:

Hello I am red reaper, and my stories usually involve dark tone or weird tone.

Hello, people. I’m a newbie writer who is still new to the world of writing. Therefore, my story doesn’t get much attention yet.

I come in peace. :yay:

Thank you very much

Hi, I'm PrimeJeremy. I write, I read but most importantt-i comment!

Hello, new friends!
I'm brand new to this site and actually joined because someone I met at Bronycon told me to come here and let myself let out all of the creativity I've been holding in. I work really long hours at my job and really just fell out of writing anything more than RP's for a very long time now.
I've already got the first chapter of my first story submitted and now I'm just patiently waiting for it to become available while I work on the second chapter. I also have many different story ideas planned for the future.
Most people call me Zombie due to me always being tired from work, but a lot of people call me Dice as well. So feel free to call me whichever of the two you prefer. I don't mind either way.
I look forward to chatting with everyone.

Why.. am I... doing.. THIS... (is slamming head on desk)
Hello and greetings from one of the least creative people in the multiverse.
Yes, I believe in that.
So what?
I am an artist, author, songwriter, screenplay writer, musician, and obsessive All Good Things fan.
Seriously, look 'em up. They're good.
I am also a fan of OC shipping the Mane 6 (nothing better to do) and are doing a series of oneshots achieving that.

Evening. This is my first post to the group. Um... I like writing fics. Got two out already. Just stopping here before making a full thread for the one.

This place seems nice.

Hello! I'm pretty new to the general website, and I just joined this group. As my name hints, I ride/love/live horses (especially my incredible 6-year old Shire stallion jumper... :pinkiehappy:) Anyway. I'm glad I found this group - my stories could definitely use some feedback, and I can't wait to give some for other stories!

I’ve been around for a while, and I’m not entirely sure if I’ve actually introduced myself here before, however I might as well say it again since it’s obviously been quite some time if I have.

Hello. I’m just another writer on the site with a few ideas of personal interest, has a huge procrastination problem, and loves critique on my works. I hope I get to chat with some of you in the future, hopefully in the comments section.

Hello, my name is Whammy! I've been on Fimfiction for a few years now, have a few fics under my belt. My longest one has been "In Somepony's Shadow", which I'm still writing and is one I'm actually kind of proud of and wanted to try and circulate a bit more (never been really good at the self-promotion thing). Most of my experience in writing has been through roleplaying, and I ran an MLP forum for about 5 years or so? If my choice of fanfiction material hasn't made it clear, I particularly enjoy Trixie, and honestly most of my fanfiction is just an excuse to write more with her now that the forum died.

Outside of this, I'm a grad student in my 6th year of a PhD program. Fanfiction is a great hobby for when you get tired of writing research papers and job market applications =P. I'll just kind of leave it at that as I'm a political scientist and, well, yeah....

I guess I've needed something like this group for a while.

I like to write, but not strictly about colorful horses. The best criticism I typically get from people I show whatever I write to is the typical "oh, it's good" kind of thing. Hopefully, this can help me kick-start actually getting better at this.

I've written some stuff and posted it on this website in the past, but I've never been particularly proud of them. I've got one right now I'd like to figure out what I want to do with, and I have a basic plan already, but anything to help me get the process down better and to refine it would be extraordinarily helpful. There isn't a lot to it right now and I'm trying to get myself to write something down now and again, but not knowing what I'm doing right and wrong makes me feel like I'm stagnating and doesn't make it much fun anymore.

I'm glad that there are people willing to put up with this kind of thing. I'll appreciate anything I can get.

Hey, I'm Zackepic22, but, you can just call me Fuse, if you want.

I'm from Texas, been more or less writing over a decade now. First started watching ponies back in 2011, right before the Cutie Mark Chronicles was released, I think.

Stuff like likes are nice, but-

Lets be honest, its really awesome and nice getting feedback on your work, and, you can get some pretty funny comments sometimes too.

Hi, everybody. I'm a writer on Fimfiction of... well, honestly, my success had been rather middling, in my eyes. I'm interested in writing, and I've had a lot of practice, even though I'm very slow to update with how busy I am, especially now. I'm particularly fond of the EqG universe, and the MLP comics (though I seriously need to catch up on those @____@).

I was hoping to get some more feedback and interest in my works through the group, particularly my current story, which is the second book in a series (or it is now, I had to break my story into books after some feedback). I won't put the link here, though. I'll just make a separate thread.

Hi, I am a struggling author with a very dark sense of humor, which you can tell in my writing of my story Shout At The Devil. I like to make fun of people in good taste. After all, we should all get along in a beautiful world

Hello. I'm just a person that is trying to get back into writing by releasing pony stories. In it for the fun and not the glory.

What'sup everybody, name's JaPon-ii I haven't really introduced myself yet, even though I been in the shadows of this commute for quite some time! Sorry bout that. I like to have fun writing stories. I'm a self-proclaimed expert at character planning and worldbuilding but I'll admit it's totally different when you start to put the puzzle pieces together into one legit story. I like to create characters, it's the funnest thing to do but even more so, I like to see how they'd react in certain scenarios and whatnot. I have my own lil motto "Of it's cute, it's evil" Anything that is cute is definitely up to something!

And I am a Griffon, nice to meet ya all! I hope to meet some good people, bronies, and aspiring Griffons such as myself.

Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Gregis and I've always wanted to write fanfiction, but until this site I never felt close enough to a work of fiction to get invested. I must admit, I'm a little nervous about receiving feedback on my works. I will try to keep my comments on the works of others as polite as possible and uphold the virtues of constructive criticism and professionalism, but I can't promise I won't unintentionally make friends. I apologize in advance if it seems like I'm using big words to appear a better writer than I actually am, its actually a symptom of speech therapy, I am well aware my writing needs significant improvement. I genuinely enjoy both critiquing and proofreading the works of others, and would be very happy if anyone interested in such messaged me. How is one meant to end such a message short of a direct address? Perhaps with an uwu. uwu.

Hello, there. I hope to be quite active here and thought it important to introduce myself.

Group Admin

No problem. Welcome! :twilightsmile:

Hey, everybody. I'm just hoping to find a way to increase the number of comments I get on my stories, and this seemed like a good place to promote them.

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