I Just Want a Comment 3,690 members · 15,801 stories
Comments ( 322 )
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Hello random author people. Name's Michael. Been a fan of Friendship is Magic since 2010. And as much as the later seasons ruined the show for me, I still loved it.

Not sure how long I've been writing now that I think about it. But I usually stick to AUs of some kind. It gives me more freedom with the characters I feel if it differes from the show universe. I don't regret it either.

If people have a reaction of 'WTF did I just read?', then I've done my job. Several of my stories would probably qualify as such.

Okay I'm good at this, just need to run the program.
Now to just sit back and-

With that mess out of the way, I'm ProjectBlues. I'm a big Spike fan and I've gotten into writing after getting into a lot of great stories on here.

I'm not too good at stuff like this though, I just wanted to come by and share my stories with people. Nice to meet yall.

Group Admin

Neato. Welcome! :twilightsmile:

My nom de plume is Masterius. I very much enjoy writing fiction, especially MLP fiction. At the moment I’ve only two published stories here: Through the Veil and Double Trouble. Due to health issues and RL, I’ve had a lengthy hiatus, but I’m back in the saddle again (pun intentional!) and have picked up on Double Trouble once again.

For some reason, it’s never attracted views; or comments, for that matter. I would be deeply appreciative, and indebted, for comments, and, especially, critiques.

As for me, hmmm...I’ve had a rather adventurous life. I’m retired US Army Special Forces. I’ve worked as a research electrochemist, a horse groom, a firefighter, a full-armored jouster . . .

And now I’m enjoying writing again!

Hello there
General Kenobi

I am Grohnation, and I don't know how to do a proper intro. I'm currently learning to become an industrial welder. I also love history, Star Wars, and Jurassic park. So a big hello from Cincinnati.

Wow that was terrible, like, what kind of person lives in Ohio? In case you can't tell, I'm very new to this. I never intended to get in with this community. I was simply readin AC fics when I saw one crossed over with mlp. I started reading as a joke. Pretty soon I was at the end of it leading me here to finish it. ( shout out to bag of plums for leading me here with Leap of Faith)

Guess I can introduce myself, since I never really made a name for myself as a Fanfiction Author.

I'm Starlight Uplifting, no I'm not named after Starlight Glimmer, I made this account before she existed. And I'm just really happy to be here. My most notable works are the, now deleted, "High Flying Love" and the presently unfinished (Since like...2015-16) story "Funeral Of The Magic" . Yes, I hope I'll finish it eventually. No, don't quote me on that. Additionally I've been an active member of groups that have since died out or simmered to inactivity. I was once a reporter for "The Fimfiction Post" and an admin at the "Starlight Glimmer Doesn't Deserve Forgiveness" group. I'm an college student with a dream of being a video game developer, I love tea and biscuits, and my favorite subjects when I was in high school were Geography and History. I am an openly gay man, and I'm happy with who I am. Finally, I work as a tutor at my college campus, and I one day wish to live in Canada. Maybe Calgary. That's all for now, and I hope I can get along well with all of you!


I love tea and biscuits

There is nothing greater

Hello. My name is Shattered_sky.

I like writing and for other people to enjoy things I create too. After graduating college I've found myself with extra time while not on-duty (shocking right work has more breaks than college) Of course I'm the usual. Loves ponies. Loves videogames. Love food. Forgot about ponies for a bit and fell in love again. I just type whatever I feel is funny or interesting. And I believe I need some solid... recent opinions. Because I'm continuing my story from before.

I love my work and I want to share it. But I have no idea what makes a story good per se.

So here's my link. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/293821/its-a-brutal-world-mate

Hi, I joined way too dang late into the game, but I'm happy to be here. XD

TL;DR hoi

Now I may or may not be slightly late to be making this post, but better late than never, eh?

except for the inevitable heat death of the universe-

So, I may or may not be a human being who enjoys MLP, and will take time every decade or so to write approximately one sheet of toilet paper's worth of fanfic.

I look forward to how I can contribute to this community (months later) and I hope this group continues to be active, welcoming, and fun as I've seen so far! Hiya!

Group Admin



You may not have realized, but replying to me is actually the way to summon the blood ghost demon that stOH GOD IT'S SCREAMIN-

Also: I'm sorry for having joined this group like what... at least two months ago? And I've just been stalking the whole time. creepy

Greetings. I am The Sound of Loneliness, or whatever is that people end up calling me. I've been floating around the fandom for a little more than a single year at this point. One day in winter I discovered Fandom's music on a completely unrelated music channel. I immediately knew the value of what I found and I knew that I had to dig out exactly why would someone like Jyc Row devote this much of his time to a 5-year old TV show, of all things. Good things never appear from bad sources, which meant that for all these years I've been wrong about you, people.

What comes to my personality, I can tell you that I know a thing or two about literature. I am a trained translator. Now, we are not taught to write specifically (which would've been helpful, actually), but instead we are taught to understand the process. My practical experience is somewhat lacking; but I think I can say, if I can allow myself this much vanity, that my training offers me a good enough foundation, so I shouldn't be outright terrible.

As to the things I write, I have to disappoint you, I imagine. I find it very hard to write anything lighthearted. My things are drama and tragedy. I suppose we can only write about the things we know and it so happens that the things I know the best tend to be connected to human suffering. Oh, the joys of being born on the wrong side of the planet!
If you enjoy tyranny, death, war, fanaticism and all other "good" things: I am your man. I've seen all of those things (and more) firsthand and I intend to use it to make you all one hell of a story, eventually.

Anyhow, it's an honor to know you all, people.

Group Admin

Hey, I'm Script Singer. I'm 18 and a young author who loves to write and loved music. I've composed a few songs (currently working on my first album) I have autism but I don't let it stop me. I generally try to keep my stuff family friendly. I also like to draw. You can probably find out more about me on my page.

Hi, Im Maulet Paya and i dont know how to write in englis! haha, its a joke....partially

Hello everyone, I'm ShirtMechanic, don't ask about my name, it's an odd story. Anyway, I'm technically a new writer on Fimfiction.net. I'm the type of writer to write a story but then completely come back two weeks or a month later to write a new chapter. But I have a hard time writing due to almost no feedback, motivation, or School. So I'd thought I would join this group and get some feedback on my recent story.

It's nice to meet you all and I hope you have a great day or evening.

Catch you later!

Hi, I'm ArthurPaige or Derrick. Either one.

I've joined the fandom about three years ago, out of curiosity, of course. Since then, I've never left. In that time span, I've completed only one story. Good luck trying to find it.

I am a vicious procrastinator, who struggles to keep up with his ideas, who isn't, right? My favorite types of stories are the ones that take you out of reality, make you feel what the character feels, the ones that keep you turning the page to find out what happens next. Oh, I love those.

I joined this group because I'm a sucker for reviews and feedback.

Anyways, I better keep this short. I'm always looking for new people to talk to. So, if you are up to it, shoot me a PM.

Thank you for reading this. I'll see you later.

Hello to all.

I stumbled onto MLP weeks ago and it has certainly changed my perspectives on my daily character in the real world. The lessons that I learnt from MLP is something I hoped I could write in the form of a narrative, albeit more realistic and descriptive than the cartoon. The fandom has been very kind to newcomers like me so far, and hence I would like to thank you all for the excellent community.

The inspiration just came to me, and I spontaneously began writing and submitting on this website.

Group Admin

Welcome! I hope you like it here! :twilightsmile:

Hello everyone. I am a returning brony to the fandom. As you can see from my profile, I am one of the older people still around in the fandom. I was on hiatus for many years. Going to start working on my (very) old story again and hope to produce a few one-shots now and again of various genres to generate interest. Cheers.

How have you all been feeling about the end of FiM? I find myself sad, moreso because I missed it. There is of course a ton of content I can revisit now that all nine seasons are out, plus the forty-five million EqG content and the movie (which I have already seen... loved it!). But it doesn't feel the same now that I will be revisiting content and not following along with new content.


Im quite new to using these threads and forums, I found this site back in 2014 where I was in a rough time so I needed to pull my mind elsewhere. I started watching MLP back in 2012 and got hooked on it since then. But since College happened around 2017 I haven't been active in the community at all. I have been working on my Concept Art skills for the University I am supposedly going. Hopefully the Covid issue becomes...well less of an issue.

I absolutely love writing, however, I did make like two stories in the past that where absolutely bloody dreadful, so I nuked the shite out of them. Recently I started a project to give myself some motivation and ideas, so, I decided to write a HiE Fic, yes It may be unoriginal from the start of it anyway, but I am currently planning out the rest of the story to be completely and entirely different with it's own quirks and ideas.

I also draw a lot of Environment concepts, using my story as a base really brings out a few things to experiment with. The more I keep writing the better I'll become. Hopefully.

I would really appreciate some comments on my story Escaping Isolation, I definitely need the criticism and advice so I don't put myself into more corners in the near future. Either way, it's really nice to meet you all!


Oh and if you're interested in my Art, here's a link to my Artstation account. Portfolio

Hi, just call me Misty. I've been watching the horse show since I was 11. Now I'm nearly an adult.

IRL, I win national prestigious awards for writing "provocative fiction and poetry." Here, I write the magical horse funnie. If you want more info about my awards (can't imagine why you would) then check out the "About Me" section of my page, I guess. I realize that not wanting to tell people who I am might make others suspicious of my claims. That's okay, I guess, but I hope my explanation of "I don't want my readers, my family, Scholastic, or the university that is giving me a scholarship for my writing to know I write stupid fanfiction where horses from a kid's show do drugs" is at least a reasonable one.

I've recently returned to FIMfiction after leaving for half a decade because the quarantine is driving me batshit.

All this clout and I still can't get a comment. Oh, bother.

Thanks! I got this reply right as I uploaded my new chapter.

Hey, I'm Bigwig, I have crippling anxiety and even writing this gives me sweaty palms. Slowly watching through all the show again and rediscovered my love for it and decided to get back into writing after years of no. Come check out my stories I always enjoy reading comments :twilightsheepish:

I am here and my profile bio is basically everything that is relevant to me :twilightsheepish:


Hiya, lovely peeps!

Name’s Uz Naimat, and yes, that is my real name. Relatively new writer on this site, but here’s to hoping I achieve success on this site someday. I’m really proud to be a Pegasister. Currently, I don’t have a lot of stories, but I’ll write more soon. Promise.

It’s really nice to see all these kind, funny, generous and ridiculously talented writers of this site. I wish you all the best of luck in all endeavors, here or in the real world. Let’s all stay in friendship, as our little ponies would have wanted it.

Signing off for the very first time,
Uz Naimat.

Hey guys. My name is Faded Echoes. I have been a writer for a while and only started posting stories towards the end of last year. I am an all round brony car enthusiast and have already started writing what I hope is a very successful story arc. If you want to, you can check them out. I am also on Patreon and have a Discord server, so please consider joining me.

Group Admin

Hello there! Welcome!

Hi, I'm BeautifulHorse and I recently started writing a lot more than I used to.

I have recently been challenging myself to write 1000 words of creative writing a day (or more) and I have managed to keep it consistent for about a week now. With all this writing I have been submitting more stories, and experimenting with things that stretch my writing ability. I write during a lot of my spare time and often when I get bored of school work I use writing as a 'mental break'.

I have joined this group because I feel I need constructive feedback to improve my writing skills, so please check out my stories if you have time.

I've read some stories I really like on fimfiction.net; that inspired me to have a go. Before that, I'd written stuff, but never any fanfiction.

I believe good comments help to develop good writers.

Also, if you follow the link to my user page, you'll see I have a couple of stories up. Most recently I've been adding "bonus chapters" to Pinkie and the Paint, a darkly comic story about Pinkie's emotional reactions (possible PTSD?) after the MLP episode "Too Many Pinkie Pies."

You'll also see "Sunset Shimmer Doesn't Consider Suicide" which goes to show darkly comic is kind of a theme for me here so far.

These stories clearly could use some more comments from thoughtful readers! :twilightsmile:

Hey there peeps. I am Omega Wolf. I love reading stories and am a major fan of Equestria Girls. I haven't written anything yet, but I am probably gonna start soon.

Group Admin

Neato. Welcome to the group! :pinkiehappy:

Uh... have you ever seen a black guy in a story before?

What could possibly go wrong.

Greetings and Salutations! I am Amethyst Dawn, as it says on that little green button on the left side of this comment. Any other names are either earned from or assigned to me. I have a steady love for writing stories while keeping people interested and invested in the worlds, scenarios, and conversations I create. I am primarily self-taught with a majority of my education on how to write properly coming from experience and helpful videos on YouTube, and I'd like to think I'm a fast learner. But I don't really have any sources to verify that, so take it with a grain of salt.
Unfortunately, reliable feedback seems to be ever so slowly on the decline for my stories. Which is what brings me here. I'm hoping to attract some mild constructive criticism at least.

God Bless You!


From where I live they call me the Lord of the Bygones or the Dark legend.

But you can call me Armid, it means in peace.

I am a series writer who believes his stories need a chance to shine. I work on Equesteria Girls stories.

Heya. My name is Isaiah, but feel free to call me Zale.

I recently started writing, and still getting used to this site. I am someone who enjoys to write sometimes on his free time, and read as well. I'm only working on one story at the moment, but I'm planning on making this one last, at least for a while. So, I'm here to see what others think about it. It's nice to meet you all, and I'll see you around.

Hello everyone! I've been around the site for a while but I don't think I've ever actually gone through introduction threads on any groups I follow. I figured I should remedy that a little.

I go by Zeke and I'm always a fan of fantasy-based stuff. So much so that I eventually fell into D&D but before that. Ponies. Don't know how I ended up here but it stuck.

I've written a couple of bigger stories and no one-shots so unfortunately I have ideas that haven't been completed. But at the moment I'm trying to get the first story I ever wrote to finally have its ending. So a step in the right direction I guess.

Nice to meet everyone and happy writing/reading/...insanity? Sure, let's go with that!

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