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Group Admin

Welcome one, welcome all, to the second multiple-author, coherent story collab for the AppleDash group:

The Secret To A Happy Marriage

Now in collaboration with The Collab Cage!

So, what’s this new collab about? I’m glad you I asked!

This collab will work similar to how The Album works, except that it will take place in a single universe without conflicts between stories; it’ll be multiple chapters in the story of Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s marriage. On their 50th wedding anniversary, AJ and Dash's friends give them a scrapbook, with items (can be a photo or other visual art, such as a foal’s drawing) from various ponies across Equestria. Each item is from a special time in their relationship or a point at which Applejack and Rainbow’s marriage changed somepony’s life, with a flash back to the story of the item or picture.

The idea is adopted from bookplayer, who is brilliant. Go give her some love.

The Format:
Each chapter should begin with an item of sorts: a blue feather, a ticket to a movie, or anything else that the author wishes to make significant to the couple. After introducing the item of choice, the author of that chapter should go into a flashback of the story behind why that item is significant.

The Length:
Each chapter can be as long or short as the author wants, with a minimum of 1500 words. Keep in mind that it should be a single chapter, however.

The collab will run indefinitely. That is, until I stop receiving entries. If you’re reading this on The Collab Cage, the collab will be posted here for a period of 2 months, after which, it will only be available in the AppleDash group’s forums and The Collab Cage’s collab directory thread..

The Order:
Chapters will be posted to the story in the order in which people signed up. First come, first posted.

Where the Story Will Be Posted—And Where You Will Be Credited:
The story will be posted to my profile page, KrazyTheFox. I will make no claims to have written any chapters beyond the one that I participate with. Authors will be credited in order on the main story page and at the start of the chapter in the following format:

This chapter was written by [link to user’s page].

How Sign-Ups Work:
First and foremost, you can sign up here, but be sure to read the following sections carefully:

Pick a pony. A single pony. Then pick an item.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are off limits! They’re the ones receiving the gift. It’d be a bit odd for them to have had a part in it, no?

After that, proceed to the sign up sheet and fill it out! (Instructions below, or take a look at the sheet and see how it's done!)

When You Sign Up:

1. Write your fimfiction username in the next available slot in the document, followed by the pony you’ve picked, and the item you’ve picked.

2. Highlight your username and comment on it (right-click > Comment), and in that comment, write the major points in your part of the story:

- The item
- The major plot points
- When this flashback occurred
- Why the item is significant

This part doesn’t have to be very long, but it must be clear enough so that another author doesn’t interfere with your idea.

That brings us to the most important rule:
You CANNOT contradict someone else’s outline or chapter.

You also cannot pick the same item that someone else picked, nor can you use the same pony.

If I pick Truffle Shuffle, then he is mine alone to write.However, you may certainly include any ponies you wish in your chapter, as long as their involvement doesn’t contradict another chapter. Me picking Truffle Shuffle doesn’t mean he can’t appear in someone else’s story; they just can’t use him as the giver of another gift.

This is very important in keeping the story a single story in a single universe. This includes when characters are together, where they’re together, who they’ve married or dated, and so on. This worked very well for the last collab, but this is a bit trickier. Still, I think everyone will be able to manage just fine.

Note: You don’t have to fill out the outline when you sign up (it’s strongly encouraged!), but be aware that you’ll need to work around any developments in the story or someone else’s outline. Secure your idea and write it out when you sign up!

Also note: The pony you’ve picked doesn’t have to have gained something from/in the story. The only rule is that it must be something important or memorable from Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s romance. There’s no needs for lessons learned or anything; it can be 100% fluff if you so choose!

How to Submit Your Chapter:
You can do one of three things:

The first (and preferred method, so that I see it quickly), is that you PM me the Google Document (or wherever else you’ve written it).

The second is to post a link to your chapter in the sign up sheet, by adding a comment to your name.

The last is to post a link to your chapter in the forum topic in the AppleDash group or The Collab Cage.

The reason I prefer Google Docs is so that I can easily comment on and edit your story; don’t worry, I have no plans to do a full on editing of your story. I’ll only look through it to correct grammer, keep names in check (A.J. vs. AJ, McIntosh vs. Macintosh), and make sure you haven’t contradicted a previous chapter. This is a relaxed collab, so don’t feel any pressure to write something amazing. Write because it’s fun!

The Lowdown:
Pick a pony and pick an item that pony will give to Applejack and Rainbow Dash on their 50th anniversary. Write a chapter that’s a flashback to why this item is significant in the marriage, keeping it over 1500 words. Finally, send it to me (KrazyTheFox) to get it added to the main story!

Other Important Rules:
No clop. (It can be saucy, but keep it PG-13. See bahatumay’s Awkward, But Worth It for a good idea of what would skirt the lines really closely.)
No gore.
No dark content. (This is a happy marriage.)
Sad is allowed, but don’t make it tragic (in the correct meaning of the tag).

Ask away! I’ll answer them as fully as I can!

Go, on, sign up!

Group Admin

I've reserved Fluttershy for you, bookplayer, if you're still interested in writing her. It's your idea, after all!

I've also put in an application for Organizer status on The Collab Cage, to post this there officially. Details to come.

Group Contributor

I stopped reading halfway through the explanation of how to claim a chapter and how to submit your name. An interesting idea! Might have to think about whether or not I want to do this....

Group Admin

Too much text/confusing/tl;dr? It's late here and I wrote this on empty, so if it needs clarification or editing, do let me know. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor

I'm on mobile now but I'll sign up for reals later.
Also, you'll get +10 credibility points if you spell 'grammar' correctly.
people are using my story as a reference point now what have I created I don't even

Group Contributor

1057983 It might just be how I receive information - I can't follow written instructions too well unless I have a visual example. I did look at the sign up sheet and I get it now. You might want to break up the paragraph to be step by step, though. I succumb to "block of text" syndrome and shut down mentally when I see it.

edit: *re-reads what just wrote* Oh, wow, I just realized why I have so much trouble writing description...

Group Admin

Wow, that was caught fast. I intentionally misspelled that. Figured someone might share my odd sense of humor. :rainbowlaugh:

Good point. I shall un-blockify that and clarify the steps a bit. I'm not sure how to make it more visual (I'm also bad at following directions without visuals), so I guess the sign up sheet shall have to serve as the example for that. Thanks!

Group Contributor

Ah, like Chrome's "bettar spel chek". I get it!

Group Admin

Pretty much! I said I'd correct your grammer, not your spelling.

I've changed the formatting quite a bit to hopefully alleviate some of the walls of text and to clarify things. More digestible now?

Group Contributor

1058035 Why yes! Yes it is! ^_^

Group Admin

Good new, everypony! I've been given an organizer spot over at The Collab Cage for this collab. It'll go up in the next few minutes, so hopefully we'll get some extra entries from them.

Will this be written in first person or third person?
I signed up btw :yay:

Group Admin

However you like! Third person would potentially be easier, but it all depends on how you want to go about it.

Edit: I just read your outline and first person would definitely be doable, either from Rainbow or Pinkie's side.

Group Admin

I am tempted by this. And for some reason, my mind is set on Celestia.

Problem is, I have not the foggiest clue what that gift would be. All I know is that I'd want to use Celestia in this setting :trollestia:

I kind of want to do Berry Punch, but I'm stumped on a gift as well at the moment.

1078641 A wine bottle? :rainbow wild:

1078405 Best pony is best pony after all. Congrats on getting to write for her.

1078300 I think Im going to write in third person; Pinkie would be a little hard to do first person for.

Group Admin

Do it! (You can always claim Celestia now and come up with something later!)

Same as Tcher, you can claim a pony now if you want.


I'll wait until something comes. I'd love to read a good idea for Berry Punch as much as I'd love to write one.

Okay. Something that's been bugging me for quite awhile now. I can easily make this story just about AJ, Dash and Derpy (whom I've chosen), however I make a passing remark to the fact that Mac can't work the farm at the time in my story because he once again injured himself and his wife is with foal and can't overexert herself. The problem I see is that with Dash and Derpy talking about it, I don't see them simply calling her 'the wife' or 'the missus', they would be too familiar and friendly with her to talk about her like that. I however don't want to wreck it for whomever may want Mac. Any suggestions?

As well I see one main problem with this. In it, Dash and AJ are recounting memories of their life. The other ponies are as well. I find it highly unrealistic to think that everypony else just stayed lonely and celibate the rest of their lives. This will be fine for some stories and don't even need mention, but in others, they may need to make reference to another pairing. What I want to know is should the author be given discretion to just go for it even if it might alienate other potenial writers, or are we just staying away from that all together?

Group Contributor

So in reminiscing, we have to do some world building. I hadn't thought of that.

Group Admin

1084165 (and cc'ing 1084207 and 1084250)
It's up to you, really, and I personally see that as part of the fun. It's kind of like the other prompt where one author gives you something and it's up to you to figure out how to work with it. Depending on when this thing happens with Big Mac, the other author could always pick a time before that, or change things up later on. (Of course, I won't stop you if you want to hash it out with people; that's fun, too!)


Group Admin

Think I found something. Slight clarification though, must this be from the POV of the pony giving the gift? Not quite sure that was covered - yes, they play the main role, but...

1084533 That's cool. I think that will definitely make it a more interesting story if we're working on what the other's have given us.

1084250 I would, but everyone does Fluttershy, and while I love the pairing and certainly see the possibility in it, I have a different pairing in mind.

Group Admin

I would say it doesn't have to be from their point of view at all, but yes, they should be in a majority of your chapter.

Group Admin

Righto. I think I have a vague idea how to do this, then. Thoughts on what i chose? ;)

Group Admin

Hey, when are the stories due?

Group Admin

Whenever you get them to me. I'd obviously like them sooner or later, but there's no rush.

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