Vinyl Scratch/Octavia 1,527 members · 643 stories
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Wow... just wow... This is the third introduction thread I've started in various groups today. Not only that but this group is thirty weeks old (to my best estimation) and this is the first thread here.

Ah well, better late than never! :twilightsmile:

Let's start this off shall we? My name is Lovecolt, though I also go by Shadari and Octavia. I am of the Female gender, and I live in the U.S. of A. Favourite ponies are Octavia, Vinyl, and Mayor Mare, Pegasi Rule even though my personal OC is a Unicorn and two of my favourite ponies are Earth Ponies... whatever I don't have to make sense.

Anyway lets come and meet each other! Introduce yourself, and perhaps we can get some socialization going on here. :pinkiehappy:

I rather like this idea of introductions, if not just for fun.

I am SlightlySerious, a random dude from America who likes to write about ponies. Favorites are mainly Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Being in this group, I naturally ship Octavia and Vinyl, although I've only used them as supporting couples in my stories so far. I'll change that eventually.

That's basically it.

Well hello there~ I'm not shy about introducing myself at all :pinkiehappy:

My handle here is Cranberry Muffin (taken from a pony I got for my fifth birthday way back in the stone age), which I shorten to both Cranberry or Muffin, depending on my mood. I'm an "old lady" who enjoys both reading and writing angsty romance, cooking, a variety of cartoons and some sewing (if any one would like to see my latest sewing project, hop on over to my blog!).

When it comes to ponies, I've been a fan of Rainbow Dash since the very beginning. I also adore Derpy (as evidenced by my writing) and have lately developed a healthy appreciation for Pinkie Pie. And I like writing about FiM-ified G1 ponies, too.

Of course you'd ship Octavia and Vinyl, why else would you be in this group? As for favourites being Pinkie Pie and Rarity, I can support those as good ponies. Rarity is better than the pink one (Though Pinkie Pie was the first pony I wrote a fic about) in my personal opinion.

Pinkie Pie was a long time favorite of mine, but I slowly have begun to grow more and more fond of Rarity.

I have taken a look at your body of work. It intrigues me and I shall be reading it later.

Thanks! The same to you as well. I'll be taking a look at your Octavia story when I get a chance.

Hi there! 'old lady'? That means you're what, 30? 40? Lemme see if I can guess your age... you are probably between the ages of 35 and 44. Am I right? :twilightblush:


Haha; not that old! I'll be 28 next month. But given that there are a lot of teenagers on this site, I FEEL old. I once had another author tell me I'm only a few years younger than his mother!

Yeah, I hear. I sometimes feel really old when I think of milestones in my life, then realizing how long ago they really were.

Well, good day to you all! My online handle is sidewayz2013, but my first name is Ryan. I live in Round Rock, TX, and I drive a 5spd 97 Nissan Sentra. I love that car. I also love driving. Whether it's fast, technical driving, or drifting, (not both) I love to drive and push the limits, so long as I don't get caught.
This is me:

I ride longboards, but not my art boards. My favorite pony based on canon is Rainbow Dash, and fanon would be the lovely, sexy, soft-hearted Vinyl Scratch. My favorite ship is OctaScratch, but I like all types of ships so long as it's written well and is believable. My second place ship is DashFire, then FlutterDash, PinkieDash, and SinkDash.
Nice to meet you all!

647862 Howdy! I'm MadMan from the southern U.S., also known as Maddie, or Sam. I write ponies. TwiLuna is my favorite pair, but the first fic I read, and the ones that inspired me to write were both OctaScratch.

I prefer unicorns, even though my ponysona is a pegasi mare.

I'm a proud male and I like to ride motorcycles, play drums, work on cars, and adore brightly colored animated pastel ponies.

I'm a little tardy to the party it seems, how typical.My name according to my friends is Jonah, my chosen Nom-de-Plume and OC is Storm Gate, I am a student in the Sunny and over-hyped state of California.
I personally adore Rainbow Dash in both canon and writing, while I enjoy Octavia and Vinyl in this community, whether it be separate or together It's all great. I enjoy writing for everypony but some fit my "Voice" better than others. these include: Rainbow, Vinyl, Octavia, Derpy, and a more relaxed Twilight.

I haven't been writing fan fiction for a long time, though I have been writing since a young age, I have really grown to love this community and look forward to conversing with you all, potentially at least.

Sup Lovecolt, I'm just gonna copypaste my post from the Octavia group because...well relevance and lazyness ahoy!

My name is Turai, 25 year old slacker from Sweden.
I recently got back to school semi full time, trying to get used to it again.
Octavia is best background pony, and arguably the best pony overall.
I don't always ship Octavia (Who am I kidding? Of course I do) but when I do, I ship her with Vinyl Scratch.
Not the biggest fan of Vinyl herself, she just fits very well fit bestpone.

my account name is more a play on words, and I've no plans to create an OC based off it--yet. :twilightsheepish:

I plan to write several Octy/Scratch stories. several will be one shots, some will be several chapters, and I have plans for a big adventure ahead. my stories will all have something in common though. they will build off one another, the characters I write about will grow and evolve. I also didn't pick my avatar picture by accident. setting up Octavia with an electric cello is a challenge I'm more than willing to take.

I'm not big into shipping stories, unless they're well written and I get a good chuckle out of them, but I'll be shipping Octavia and Vinyl together of course. and maaaaaybe Rainbow and Fluttershy, though that remains to be seen. I'd be content having those two spend more time doing things together really. background ponies are so much easier to write about, as you have less restrictions.

oh yeah, Octavia and Vinyl will eventually work side by side with the mane 6. and their involvement will be instrumental to dealing with a villain as well. :raritywink:

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