Adventures - AU 778 members · 1,451 stories
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Im in the process of writing a series of short stories highlighting the experiences of many MLP characters over a period that spans 1920ish-1980. The events and world are a near parallel for our own, with names and locations changed to suit a ponified world.

Each story is designed to either tell a significant event in a characters life or tie one character to another in order to advance an overall plot that wont come to fruition until the very last short story where most, not all, but most questions will be answered.

This first story concentrates on an experience Spitfire had, the next story being Lightnings experience during this same event. Another two stories in the process of being written will shed more light on this story while opening up a brand new segment of stories to be told.

Copy and paste the link:

1102339 I'll take a look and critique it, but don't expect flowery praises from me.


Im open to constructive criticism, especially when it comes to structure, punctuation ect.

However be forewarned I'm a veteran of military forums and have had to deal with internet stitch Nazis for nearly a decade who are far worse than any "troll" you meet most other places on the internet, which means I refuse to deal with someone who is being mean or an ass simply for the sake of it. Not gonna lie, ya kinda just came off as that, but I wont make judgement on you and will be happy to receive constructive criticism and based on your post Ill take what you have to say with a grain of salt.

1105050 I just have high expectations of fics. I'm a nice guy, don't fret, but I'll say it if needs being said. More than often, I tell them it's good, but then I tell them I don't want to read on.
The difference between a good story and a bad story for me, is that EVEN if it's grammatically BAD, if it hooks me in EVERY chapter to read on, it's far better than a perfectly grammatically correct story. Of course, I'll try to help you with what I feel you can do to improve your story etc.

I hope you're ready for some military-style drilling in the near future. (And I say this with utmost profession and passion for perfection)


Sounds good, Im interested in what you will have to say and hope this story will provide you with the hook you desire.

Anyone else care to read and give me feedback? I'm still interested in hearing what people have to say.

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