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Hello! Goldenwing here, representing the Sound of Thunder Collab!

The Sound of Thunder is a massive collab featuring over 12 authors, as well as a number of character creators, world builders, and lore writers. We've built a massive world over here, and we'd like you help fill it in!

The world of Trinity, which includes both Equestria and the surrounding lands, sleeps under the waves. Over a thousand years ago Trinity was drowned in the torrential rains of an angry sea god, leaving only small islands and the remains of the old world behind. The inhabitants of Trinity have since moved on and adapted, but there are still powerful secrets left in the world. Secrets which Twilight Sparkle and her friends are determined to discover.

So come, join our group and write in the Thunderverse! Even now the Writer's Council is creating new ideas for side stories set within this watery world. And each time we create one, we set it before our group to fulfill! Join up and you'll have the chance to not only help build our world by submitting ideas, lore, and characters, but also to take a spot as an author and make our side stories, set alongside the main Sound of Thunder fic, come to life!

Create your own characters! Will you make a crafty goblin, marauding across the high seas in steam-powered airships with technology no other race can master? A diligent longwing, always putting the Fleet first in a racial struggle for survival? Perhaps one of the mysterious, sea-dwelling naga? Or a half-dragon, half-pegasus ming kirin? A ferocious griffon? A changeling? A pony?

Write in the fantastical settings of Trinity, and even help to make more! Set your stories in the mysterious, floating Newborne islands, or the sunken ruins of Manehattan! Write conflicts at Midway, the island in the middle of the world where pirates of all types come to port! Show your readers the fantastical Turtle Islands, land built upon the massive shells of sea turtles summoned by zebra chieftains in a desperate attempt to survive the Flooding!

All official side stories, meaning those created or approved by the Writer's Council before being handed to the group, written within the Thunderverse will recieve the full sponsorship of the group and its writers, bringing new readers to your work! Join up, and take part in the grand new collab that is preparing unleash itself on Fimfiction!

If you're interested, send me a PM or reply here on what you'd like to do, and I'll tell you what it takes!

Possible positions you might take include:
- Prereader
- Editor
- Author
- Character Creator
- World Builder
- Lore Writer
- Idea Generator

And honestly, there's no reason to limit yourself to one! Most of our group members make characters and build the world alongside whatever else they're doing.

Sign up now, and help expand the Thunderverse!

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