Give Blueblood Some Character! 595 members · 437 stories
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Not because of gold diggers, Or because of royalty. But because He believes That since Mares are in charge Around Equestria Mares should Be the ones who practice Chivarly For stallions. However He gets scolded, Laugh at, Or even Beaten up for this belief of his, But instead of changing Everytime he gets punished for it It makes him stronger And He believes That hes the victim in this case because he shouldn't be punished for this Personal Belief.

1160233 What's up with the random capitalization?

Whats up with your Grammar Nazism?

1160241 Question still stands.


You're on a fanfiction site.

Did you seriously just ask that question? :rainbowlaugh:

Because I am not good at capitalizations?


You know, I have never heard that consideration but it makes a lot of sense. It's a good headcanon that works with the gender precentages and the reality of the two princesses. I actually want to see someone do feminine, deferential Blueblood being tended to by a chivalrous mare. It would be adorable.


O-O As one whom is working on a fic centered around Celestia and Blueblood... I like this theory. My I put an unneeded approval stamp upon your forehead?

>implying that it isn't because everypony expects Blueblood to be a spoiled prince and thus everything that he does is evil.

The entire thing is propaganda. Of course Blueblood didn't act the way that the show portrayed him at the Gala. But it's a useful propaganda piece if he did.


That idea brings in a lot of... unfortunate implications.

You see, while chivalry is often touted as a virtue, it is based on and originated from... less then savory things, by today`s consideration.
Most important is the fact that chivalry eschews any notion of gender equality - it blithely assigns gender roles and mandates one side to act deliberately incapable so the other side may be chivalrous. Yes, chivalrous man is praised for treating a woman good - but that works from assumption that otherwise, woman is a second-class person, incapable of defending one`s honor or performing mundane tasks. In the past, there were often physical grounds for that - women were often expected to very literally deform themselves and/or wear a garb the made simply walking a hazardous experience in order to appear attractive.

Willingness to hornshoe oneself into such a role in absence of overwhelming peer pressure to do so would suggest very.... bad things about one`s psychological state.

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