Give Blueblood Some Character! 595 members · 437 stories
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And yes, it stars Blueblood, but the premise of the crossover has to do with the Alicorn Amulet.

I would like to thank Derpsby for posting this image in the relationships thread, because it helps me out a bit.

Now, there is a manga, finally anime as well, series called "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". It's basically... Castlevania with sun-based martial arts and psychic powers... and I love every minute of it.

Two things catalyze the events of the manga, a man's ambition after the passing of his drunken and abusive father, and a mask of stone... This man, Dio Brando, originally thought the mask was a bizarre execution device, catalyzed by the spilling of blood upon it. This is not so. It is actually a ritual mask to bring out the full potential of the wearer, at the cost of turning said person into a vampire that, quite frankly, makes Dracula himself look like something out of Twilight, and even allowing one to keep will beyond bloodthirst if one is strong enough. The downside is that the light of the sun reduces you to ashes in seconds.

Finding this out, Dio uses the mask and the blood of the main character's father -though the protagonist himself was the intended target- to become one of the immortal fiends of the night, so Johnathan Joestar has to learn an odd martial arts style that involves a breathing rate and channeling the power of the sun through one's own body to defeat Dio... whom by the point Johnathan has grasped mastery of "The Ripple", has also found out that he can freeze objects, and more importantly people, with his very touch if he wishes it, pretty much counter-acting the Ripple, for the most part.

That exposition out of the way, the apparent death of Dio and Johnathan leads us to timeskip to Part 2 of the manga/anime, in which the grandson of the protagonist, Joseph, is the star, and a bit of a hot-head.

The Stone Mask makes a reappearance, and it is discovered where the artifact came from. To put it simply, it was made by super-vampires whom wanted a way to be rid of their weakness to the sun, and apparently 'only turning humans into 'mere' vampires', which they eat if they ever are hungry, is a weak result of research.

When the main villain gets both the mask and season's MacGuffin, he combines them and spills blood to activate it, not only eliminating his weakness to the sun, but essentially making him a physical god, an ultimate being able to shape his body however he wishes and "embody the powers of every living thing". Just watch. You don't need to know what they are saying to get the WTF-ness of this scene.

And that's is just the villain screwing around.

He no longer needs to eat but perhaps once a year. He no longer needs sleep. He is at a physical peak, and if not for an erupting volcano, could not have been stopped.

Now, with Trixie and the Amulet, she just got a power-boost and went cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs...

Imagine if Blueblood, heck, anyone in the Royal Line, with a strong will, had such a thing happen, blood spilled upon the amulet to catalyze and bizarre and terrifying transformation into something that is a pony only in shape. In my headcanon, I'll admit it doesn't quite have the same effects on Alicorns themselves -and related ones- as it does on 'not-royal' ponies, and this is pushing it, but... I just want to theorize, people, even if this idea is stupid.


Oh? Please elaborate what you like about this? XD


That's just it, not an alicorn, but the base 'shape' would be of one. XD It would be a creature that embodies the traits of all living things, able to transfigure itself to a degree that even a Changeling would envy. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, Blueblood does have a strong will, in that, no, you crazy-inducing artifact, I love my aunt, my grandmother, my sister, and myself TOO MUCH to let you order me around!'. XD


Eh, if I did, it would probably be mediocre... granted, the idea of Blueblood being able to turn his hoof into a squirrel and separate it sounds hilarious to me.


As it stands, I may just put excerpts as they come to my head in this thread, right now. Sorry.


First excerpt off the top of my head.


With the splash of his own blood, a single, tiny drop, upon the shimmering ruby, Blueblood felt blinding agony consume his flesh, and something sent him writhing upon the floor. His limbs bent, but not broke, at unnatural angles, twisting every which way they could aside from how they were anatomically supposed to bend. His head violently tossed and turn, horn scratching the surface of the floor. His back bent and arched too far, many times and at multiple angles.

As all this went on, he felt a burning sensation, the ruby gem in the artifact doing something... stabbing into him, he realized through the pain. The gem was growing a long spike in the back of the amulet, piercing his flesh, his muscle, his sternum, deep, deep inside his body... until it pierced his heart.

He had dared to tamper with this confiscated artifact of despair and insanity, and it cost him. Blueblood ceased his writhing motions, his body collapsing limp.

Seconds later, a crimson glow spread from the Alicorn Amulet, consuming Prince Blueblood's unmoving body, his fur giving off a glow like molten metal. This white unicorn stallion's body burned with such intense, twisted magic, eyes slowly opening once more as the pierced organ continued to beat. Those blue eyes began to discolor, steadily fading out the royal blue in favor of red-violet, before the red light began to bleed into his sockets.

With an earth-shattering explosion... his bedroom was vaporized by an absolute inferno of magical energy.


It's almost akin to the Elements 'vaporizing' Twilight Sparkle. XD


That was just off the top of my head. I don't know where to go from there, really.


It doesn't just appear on command, though.


The explosion had drawn the attention of Princess Luna in moments, tearing her attention away from the dreams of the young foals and drawing her eyes to its direction.

Her cobalt eyes went wide with fear, and she teleported in a mere flash, appearing at the smoldering remains of Blueblood's bedchambers... or rather, the entire section of tower that had been there previously. Her own light lavender magic ignited through her horn, seizing and levitating the debris as she fervently searched for any sign of her grandson, any way to see if he was okay. He just had to be okay!

She stopped, dropping every bit of loose debris from her magic's grip as her eyes fell upon the epicenter of the explosion... and the jewel-less Alicorn Amulet within a ring of soot.

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