Give Blueblood Some Character! 595 members · 437 stories
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I have an idea for a story that i will probably never write. Here it is: Blueblood has regreted what he did at the Gala for every day since it happened, so he goes to Ponyville to make amends. But not for the reason you thenk. You see, he doesn't really care about Rarity. What he is there for is the mare who made the most delectible treat he had ever tasted. That's right, it's an AppleBlood ship. He secretly loved the fritters, but was concerned with appearances.

That's a pretty good idea:pinkiesmile:. You should write that, the world needs more AppleBlood:rainbowdetermined2:.

2356201 I just like the name AppleBlood. Would this story be a comedy? Perhaps a short mostly involving Rarity and Blueblood, in which Rarity thinks Blueblood is after her, and enlists Applejack's help to keep him away, and BB keeps showing up, and only at the end do you find out it was for Applejack and those wonderful pies.

Some speculative banter between BB and AJ was drummed up in the Blueblood Relationships thread, making me think (in addition to the strange lack of shipping stories between these two) a romance between the prince and the not-quite-a-pauper would be a GREAT idea! :heart:
Honestly, the comedic potential alone would normally get me started on some zany scenario (a few of which were provided in the Relationship thread, actually...) to get them together... But I'm already strapped for time writing another longer-than-I'd-first-thought-it-would-be tale. :derpytongue2:
And have another story in mind after that one. Both of which I intend to take my time with for the best quality I can manage. This is probably how Rarity feels sometimes. :duck:

2358737 Either that or Rarity figures out his true intentions, and at first tries to keep him from AJ because she feels cheated, hurt, and a little jealous, but in the end, decides to help him woo her, because she has seen a different side of him.


*waves* Hi.

Hm... he actually loved the fritters... interesting.

2358973 Are you going to write that story? I'm tempted to write it, if I can get around to it, and if you don't mind.

2377755 I'm not sure... maybe we could do a dual competition: we both write our own versions, post links to the other's story, and see whose does better...
However, if I decide to let you do it, I would appreciate it if you credited me with the idea and let me preread it. (send it to me in a PM) Give me a while, i'm quite busy. I've had the idea, and I would like to attempt to wrie it. even if i end up writing it, you can still write your own version. I don't mind at all. besides, i'm not a very good writer... well, i might be, but i am unable to finish any project... maybe we could collab? you could write a chapter, and then i could write one? i don't care, but if you decide to write it, i may write one myself anyway. Up to you.

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
Oh, Appleblood shipping? Nice!

That sounds like fun! As for the premise: with some additional explanation, that could work. Maybe the night was a lapse in judgement while trying to please his peers, much like it was for Fluttershy and (to a lesser extent) Rainbow Dash.

I could totally see Fancy Pants ribbing him about that^^
"'Common carnival fare'? Really, old bean?"
"Oh, do put a sock in it, mister 'charmingly rustic'!"

There's more, but going on here might be counterproductive—after all, you probably want to work out your ideas on your own, eh?^^


Lol. "Also, Fancy, I get you were trying to cover for that fashionista, but..." *gestures to Twilight* "Really?"

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