
Viewing 201 - 220 of 239 results

What would you do if the world around you simply... vanished? · 6:00am Jul 1st, 2019

TWorlds Reset
The world she once knew is gone, replaced by an infinite canvas.
TheMajorTechie · 11k words  ·  29  4 · 618 views

Amber once dreamed of a world she could shape as her own.

Now, that dream is her nightmare and the world's reality.

A spiritual successor to Pony-Me™.


Questionably Pony-Me related question. · 4:38am Jun 27th, 2019

So. Worlds Reset.

My next major story is currently in the works, but as far as story planning and direction goes, I've been getting split opinions from my prereaders.

Would you rather read Worlds Reset as a nearly-direct sequel to Pony-Me? Even if it would require the retconning of several major events in the story for the sake of letting the existence of Worlds Reset's protagonist even *exist*?

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Wanna read the first draft of Pony-Me's original fiction spinoff? · 8:56pm Jun 30th, 2020

Second button under Pony-Me's cover art, y'all. :raritywink:

Or, just, y'know, grab the PDF directly if you don't wanna bother checking out my website. :P


Into Equestria update! · 7:30am Feb 6th, 2020

I'll eventually stop tagging these blogs with Pony-Me. Eventually.

Out now in chapter 6: Queen Chrysalis! Changelings that aren't actually changelings! And the most anticlimactic of all, anticheat! Go check it out! :twilightsmile:

EInto Equestria
What do you do when the line between simulation and reality blurs? You put the headset on, of course.
TheMajorTechie · 11k words  ·  27  6 · 656 views

Just when you thought you had your fill of Pony-Me™... · 5:16am Dec 11th, 2020

Catch y'all on the flipside! I'll be updating My Own Reality at the same time as Pony-Me over on Offprint! Let's see how many differences you can spot between the two versions...


Blender animation! (Video below the break!) · 6:23am Feb 19th, 2019

It's not much, but I'm teaching myself how to animate (more) in Blender since I only know Autodesk Maya well enough to do much.

And guess what? Once my student license is up, I can't use Maya anymore without shelling out a heap of money that I don't have. So I figure I'd might as well learn some alternative software.

I do like Blender quite a bit, anyways. It's not quite as big as Maya as far as use in the production industry, but it's enough for my personal purposes.

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My oldest recurring OC over the years (FIXED THE IMAGE!) · 7:52am Feb 4th, 2020

The oldest recurring character that I still actively write is Zoey. She existed as a character alongside the rest of the original Wielder of the Orb cast before I even started writing on this site, and though the other characters have shown up from time to time in references and joke chapters, Zoey is the only one that has appeared across multiple stories with little to no changes ever being made to her.

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ah, screwit. it's been too long since pony-me and splintershard have gotten an update · 8:36am Jun 13th, 2021

ive got stockpiled chapters for a reason, and that reason is that sometimes I just don't feel like writing like how I felt for pretty much all of May.



What happens when the line between simulation and reality blurs? You put the headset on, of course. · 6:15am Jan 27th, 2020

Yup, it's finally here. I hope y'all enjoy. Link's right here: Into Equestria :twilightsmile:

Into Equestria

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My oldest recurring OC over the years · 7:44am Feb 4th, 2020

The oldest recurring character that I still actively write is Zoey. She existed as a character alongside the rest of the original Wielder of the Orb cast before I even started writing on this site, and though the other characters have shown up from time to time in references and joke chapters, Zoey is the only one that has appeared across multiple stories with little to no changes ever being made to her.

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OWO WHAT DIS? A TEASER? · 7:25am Jul 14th, 2020

A shovel hit the ground, pushing up a small mound of dirt.

"Hurry up, we don't got all day, y'know!"

A grunt. The shovel pierced deeper into the ground. A heave. A hole. Another jab at the soft topsoil. Another heave. A deeper hole.

The figure overseeing the work nodded in approval. This would make for a fine distraction.


Talking a bit more about character redesigns and rewrites. [SPOILER WARNINGS FOR PONY-ME/PONY-ME THE REBOOT] · 9:52am Nov 21st, 2020

This is another post about Samantha. Click below for spoilers. :P

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Holy CRAP have I been productive lately. · 9:00am May 8th, 2020

Or, "How Tonk ended up writing three 3k word chapters in a row for a story that isn't even published yet".

Also, we've got a lot to set up with the fic, so there's a 5-chapter long prologue arc that'll all be published at once. :raritywink:

Don't forget, the story drops on June 10th! I post little blurbs of the story pretty much daily on my Discord server, too!


Don't mind me while I wallow in radio silence on Fimfic. · 7:06am Sep 1st, 2019

(Don't mind me tagging Pony-Me with this blog, 'cause it's most relevant to that.)
...Yeah, haven't really been updating much at all here, have I? Lemme just blab about some stuff:

Yes, my interest in MLP has only been getting smaller for quite a while now. I'm mainly still here because I like reading fan works more than watching the show, and also because I just like the community in general.

Though the stories aren't tagged as such, everything is currently under unofficial hiatus.

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Heyyyyy, so y'know how Pony-Me has an original fiction adaptation in the works? · 7:05am Aug 23rd, 2020

So, while I've started work on the second draft (not to mention a major rewrite of character relations), I've also went ahead and posted up the first draft in all its awkward glory over at Offprint! Though, it's missing an ending chapter or two thanks to the fact that I ultimately decided to scrap that ending and just start on the next draft with a new ending in mind. :V

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Time for more Pony-Me™! · 9:26am Dec 23rd, 2020

In the original story, there was this whole little sub-plot in the beginning about farming and rations and stuff. I kinda forgot about it in later chapters.

Not this time. In this chapter of the reboot, instead of some random storage shed with stuff in it, we've got actual rations being delivered, in the form of those emergency food buckets that you see in like emergency prep stores and stuff!

EPony-Me™: Rebooted
What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on. A rewrite of 2017's Pony-Me.
TheMajorTechie · 26k words  ·  133  10 · 2.1k views

Just Samantha being smug. Don't mind her. [MILD SPOILERS FOR PONY-ME'S REBOOT] · 8:20am Nov 20th, 2020

For those who aren't familiar with Pony-Me, or are familiar but are curious on how the reboot's dealing with character reveals, check it out below the break.

NOTE: The following snippet is from the original fiction adaptation of Pony-Me that I'm writing at the same time as the reboot. Julie Ashton is functionally the same character as Pinkie Pie for the purpose of this excerpt.

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Deciding between Pony-Me and Splintershard this November. · 7:18am Oct 5th, 2020


>that moment when you realize you're crossing over MLP with your own story · 6:33am Nov 23rd, 2020


How to write soft girl · 2:35pm Oct 29th, 2019

Viewing 201 - 220 of 239 results