
Viewing 221 - 239 of 239 results

The day after: How we got here + a reminder that the much-teased sequel is finally here! · 2:35am Dec 11th, 2019

EInto Equestria (Legacy Edition)
Sometimes, you just need a place to escape to. Sometimes, there isn't a choice.
TheMajorTechie · 6.5k words  ·  12  4 · 567 views

Geez, when I left Pony-Me™ on an open-ended note, I wasn't planning on writing a sequel this early.

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Anybody up for writing guest chapters for Pony-Me? · 5:56am Feb 18th, 2018

Yup, you heard me. Y'all could be writin' some of your own takes on the Pony-Me lore. Could it include high-tech implants? Sure. Perhaps a devious puppet government? Why not? New characters and OC's? Go ahead. A city of your own creation populated with yet another disconnected population? Yup. Artificial intelligence beyond imagination? Why not add a twist to it along the way?

Aaaaanyhow, there's more below the break. :pinkiehappy:

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Non-pony story preview: My Own Reality · 7:23am Sep 21st, 2019

What's this? The first chapter of the original fiction adaptation of Pony-Me? By golly, I have been doing something all this time! In all seriousness though this is by far the shortest chapter and I just started on the 8th one today... er... yesterday. :twilightsheepish:

1 | Wake up.

“Rebecca! C’mon, sis, wake up!

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Coming soon: The Into Equestria rewrite! · 9:13am Jan 25th, 2020

I've went ahead and renamed the existing story to avoid confusion. The rewrite completely ditches the plot that the old story was following at the time, so I figured it'd probably be better to just post a new story instead and retire the old one.

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behold, the saddest scene yet in the Pony-Me reboot. · 8:51am Jan 8th, 2021

Remember how there was that plan snippet about Lisa abandoning her oatmeal?

Yeah. I just finished writing that part.

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So, what are your thoughts on Into Equestria and how it relates to Pony-Me so far? · 9:41am Feb 2nd, 2020

With Into Equestria being out for nearly a week now and five chapters currently published (more to come, I'm working on the 6th!), I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the sequel, and where I could potentially improve. Below the break are some things I'd personally like to hear from y'all. :twilightsmile:

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Pony-Me or Splintershard this November? · 7:18am Oct 5th, 2020


It's been a while since I've talked about Pony-Me.

Now, I know that I mentioned how I was working on a reboot.

But lately, I've been making almost zero progress on it.

Most of what I've been working on these days is my current flagship series, Splintershard.

It's refreshing to be able to write something new again.

But at the same time, I still want to give Pony-Me the chance to follow through with its intended ending, instead of what it currently has.

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Resuming work on Pony-Me and My Own Reality. · 7:14am Aug 13th, 2018

We'll kick things off with some more character/lore building chapters to segway into the end of Part 2 on the Pony-Me side of things, while My Own Reality will begin work on new chapters at the same time as continuing editing.

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List of changes expected to be made in Pony-Me's reboot: [POTENTIAL SPOILERS!] · 8:24am Jun 15th, 2020

Alrighty, since this may or may not end up revealing some major plot points for once the reboot is launched, I'm gonna put all of this behind a page break. Click "read more" to read more. :P

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Looking for a prereader/idea bouncer for my next major work. (Closed! I've got five already now!) · 7:17am Jun 11th, 2019


Do you wanna see Luster Dawn in my stories, or would you like an OC lead? · 5:18am Oct 29th, 2019

Just look at the title. :twilightsmile:

We've got a human character set up and planned out, now we just need her counterpart.


Lisa is lonely. · 8:39am Feb 10th, 2021

Man. Two friends.

Two. Three, if she counted her brother. There weren’t very many others she knew that she could really count as anything more than acquaintances, either.

Oh well.

1 comment = 1 F for Lisa.


Next Pony-Me chapter coming soon! · 8:25am Jan 16th, 2018

It's another dream sequence, but this time riddled with foreshadowing for what's to come.

It won't go up just yet though. I've found myself in the habit of doing the bulk of the writing late at night (Between 12: and 1:30 AM), and then doing the editing after school later on.

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Hey heckers, ya boi finally updated Worlds Reset. · 6:59am Feb 14th, 2020

Go read it or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

TWorlds Reset
The world she once knew is gone, replaced by an infinite canvas.
TheMajorTechie · 11k words  ·  29  4 · 618 views

Screwit, I'm gonna go with the old update schedule 'cause I didn't really like weekly schedules anyway. · 7:26am Dec 11th, 2020

Gonna drop another pre-written chapter tonight. After that, I'll update whenever I finish writing a new chapter. If I absolutely cannot write a new chapter for whatever reason, then I've got a small stockpile of prewritten and edited chapters to post on a temporary semi-weekly schedule or something.

So anyway, random tangent aside, enjoy the new chapter! :twilightsmile:


Welp, I guess long chapter then. · 6:01am Oct 4th, 2018

The rewrite of chapter "Unforgotten" is currently standing at roughly 2,600 words and counting, and I still don't consider it finished. This was originally supposed to be one of the final chapters of Part 2, providing plenty of new information to the readers to ease them into new conflicts in Part 3.

And I guess avoiding straight-up infodumping and instead writing it all into the story arc is just gonna balloon the chapter into the longest one yet in the Pony-Me universe.

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Under construction: pardon our dust! Into Equestria's still alive and kicking (somewhere)! · 8:27am Dec 19th, 2019

Given how I'm in the process of rewriting Into Equestria from the ground up, I figured I'd might as well at the very least give y'all the chance to see what the story was going to be for some time. Keep in mind that the current iteration of Into Equestria is no longer considered canon to Pony-Me, even if the description has not yet been changed to reflect that.

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Another out of context gem from the planning doc: · 8:46am Jan 5th, 2021

because this chapter I'm writing is getting kinda long tbh and it hasn't even gotten to the longest part I have planned

o As they’re walking to the place where the breakfast buffet is being held, Timothy asks Lisa to guess how old he is, just as a bit of lighthearted joking.
§ Leads to a slight existential event in Lisa instead.


Oof. · 7:35am Feb 27th, 2019

I have so many ideas for new stories floating around my head at this point. The thing is, only one of them is a one-shot that I'd be able to pull off in a short time, while the rest would likely end up demanding Pony-Me levels of time and dedication to bring to life.

First off is that story idea I pitched about a magical (not Narnia) world under a couch. Yes, I'm actually considering writing that.

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Viewing 221 - 239 of 239 results