
Viewing 261 - 267 of 267 results

state of the darf (pt. whatever, living situation edition) · 11:30pm Mar 12th, 2021

as of the writing of this post, i will have been sort of settled in my new place for about a month—a month since i've gotten my own room with something proper to sleep on, anyway.

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[SPOILERS] Future Equestrian Stories Analyzis Firework! - Part 1: "Rainbow Roadtrip" and the Dark Secret of Hope Hollow · 6:27pm Jun 20th, 2019

This week has seen a massive amount of news about upcoming (or freshly released) official MLP: FiM content, with previews! Which means there is lots to analyze right now and I will cover all of it in three separate blog entries! Here is Part 1, about the "Rainbow Roadtrip" Special:

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A Great and Powerful Meltdown · 6:30pm Sep 13th, 2020

"That is IT!" screeched Trixie as she flung a hoof accusingly at nopony in particular. "The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie has had enough!"

"What's she up to?" whispered Rarity with the most ladylike subtlty she could muster at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Starlight Glimmer shrugged and sipped her coffee. "No clue. Probably best we just let her get it out of her system, though."

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So, I could finally read the Movie Prequel Comics yesterday and..... · 7:27pm Jun 1st, 2018

..... there is a problem with my multi-chapter fic for Tempest Shadow now.
When I saw the movie in October, I quickly developed a few theories about Tempest Shadow, based on some observations from the movie. One was that Tempest Shadow already came to the Storm King when she was still a filly, that the Storm King raised her and trained her to become the super soldier of his army, because he saw the potential in her.

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So, about that popular theory that all of the events in "Friendship is Magic" only happened in a TV show that exists in the world of Generation 5..... I have a bit of a different idea about that. · 1:25am Sep 19th, 2021

There is a popular theory about Generation 5 going through the fandom right now, because of the Elements of Harmony merchandise that Sunny has in her bedroom. Namely that everything we have seen in Generation 4 never actually happened and is all just a TV show (or, alternatively, book) that exists in the world of Generation 5. This theory originated, probably independently, both in a comment on Equestria Daily and on Discord/Twitter:

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[SPOILERS] Future Equestrian Stories Analyzis Firework! - Part 2: "My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria" · 9:04pm Jun 20th, 2019

On Tuesday, Volume 1 of the first, official, english manga for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic got released! I have this volume pre-ordered for months now, ever since Equestria Daily reported about it last year. Unfortunately, I still have to wait for quite some time until I can read it, because Amazon UK only gets it on July 1st for whatever reason (and because I didn't ask my local comic shop if they can order it, because I'm only used to buy the official comics there, so I forgot that

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"The Secret to Avoiding Revolution": A Meditation · 1:07am Mar 26th, 2018

So this is just a silly little thing, half-meditation, half-political theory about Equestria. I'm sure nobody but me will find this interesting, but... yeah. :P

The human had long since accommodated themselves in Equestria. They'd met the mane 6, gone on an adventure, traveled the world, all that jazz. Now, they found themselves in Canterlot, face to face with the Princess of the Sun herself, with a single question on their mind.


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Viewing 261 - 267 of 267 results