
Viewing 281 - 300 of 316 results

Busy December · 11:35pm Dec 24th, 2019

Outside the Jinglemas, I was part of a smaller secret Santa exchange. Which means I also wrote this story for Monochromatic. Well known RariTwi shipper isn't satisfied with her two faves, had to get greedy and throw in a third. Now, you might think that it's actually 50% more shipping, but a ship between two people creates one relationship. A three way ship is *three* relationships! This is, mathematically, 300% more ship for your ship.

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WRFIWWY-They Call Me Baby Driver · 3:43pm March 17th

Today's lessons learned:

-When you stop somewhere, take your car keys with you, apparently kids be crimeing
-When joining a Zoom call on public renovations, put you one-eyed wonder weasel away. Anyone who wants to see it or experience you doing a single arm workout with no weight will ask.

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Vtubers try to learn Pathfinder Second Edition - Part Three! · 6:15pm May 5th, 2023


Someone asked why I wrote a particular chapter of my fic the way I did, specifically a particular character's motivation for ending their own life. · 11:12pm Sep 12th, 2022

Usually, as a writer, giving characters motivation for why they act the way they do or do things the way they do is very important. But in this specific instance, I found it more realistic to not have it. This was my response:

Spoilers for chapter 6 of FoE: Endless Horizon

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Review #21 / Hearth's Warming #1 - Hearth's Warming Eve, Say Goodbye to the Hollandaise: A Hearth's War(ming) Tail, Luna Just Learned About the Play "A Hearth's Warming Carol" , A White Hearth's Warming · 4:13pm Dec 21st, 2016

Today is the first day of my Hearth's Warming Reviews, and I do hope you enjoy these:

Hearth's Warming Eve by Admiral Biscuit
Say Goodbye to the Hollandaise: A Hearth's War(ming) Tail by WishyWish
Luna Just Learned About the Play "A Hearth's Warming Carol" by Singularity Dream
A White Hearth's Warming by Chris

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Researching East Asia is Fun! · 6:57pm Jun 9th, 2016

So, for the past while, I've been asking various questions to various people about countries from East and Southeast Asia. It all started when I thought to myself, "Hey, Japan is pretty cool!" And it just divulged and diverged from there. Now there are several countries in and around East Asia that I cultivate an interest in, including China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Vietnam. And by far—by far—the thing I love the most about them would be to learn their languages.

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Slow Going 2 + 2021 Commission Update · 7:06am Feb 20th, 2021

So I know it's been pretty evident that I'm not a particularly quick at updates. It's not because I'm busy or anything, I don't have a job. Art is my only source of income, and though commissions do keep me frequently busy they're not entirely the reason why I haven't been particularly active. It's just been hard. Everything has been.

In other things, this is not going to be a particularly positive blog, but it was a long time coming.

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So apparently some of you don't believe that fictional characters have feelings... · 3:14am Nov 8th, 2015

Watch this please if you are those people...


So the next time you decide to turn guys into gals for perverse reasons, or you just want to force them into relationships, remember Sonic and Tails.

Thank Faust for Unique.

And more so for his creator; me!

Oh, and RustyBuckets, you left your headlights on mate. And for the last time Officer Hot Pants, get your bloody hand out of my pocket! THAT'S NOT EVEN A POCKET!


Recommended Story Reviews #16 – The Numbers Don’t Lie, Disgraced, Learning Curves, An Afternoon for Dotted Line, Friends With Discounts · 12:26pm Jan 30th, 2017

Recently, I’ve been trying to be more productive. There are all too many times where I’m aware that I’m wasting my time, and I’m trying to make more of an effort to divert said “dumb time” into time where I actually accomplish something of value.

We’ll see how well it goes, but I’ve managed to put out a review set every other day since I started. So, progress, right?

Today’s stories:

The Numbers Don’t Lie by shortskirtsandexplosions

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A Quick Update · 2:54am Oct 29th, 2018

I have a job now! While this is good because a) money b) money, it had cut somewhat into my previously near-unlimited potential writing time (I say potential because my muse is not nearly efficient enough to actually use that time effectively). The mysterious contest fic didn't get done, but it's going to be done sometime soon as a fully-fledged story. Complete with at least one sequel.

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Vtubers try to learn Pathfinder Second Edition - Part Two! · 1:09pm Apr 5th, 2023


Review: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) · 5:43am Jul 13th, 2015

Stanley Kubrick's masterful black comedy satire of the Cold War and the fear of nuclear apocalypse remains just as hilarious and witty as it was more then 50 years ago, remaining one of the best satires ever made.

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cleverpun’s Idea Graveyard: Never Tamed · 8:27am Jan 19th, 2018

Another year, another in my series of Idea Graveyard posts, where I discuss an idea of mine that failed to get off the ground for one reason or another. What made me discard the idea, and why haven’t I tried again. Today’s subject is different from my previous failures: its shortcomings are more narrow and simple, but in some ways that makes them harder to fix.

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The Lessons I Learned From Kung Fu Panda · 6:19am Feb 19th, 2022


this only took almost 24 hours bcuz gimp crashed and i hadn't saved · 4:33pm Apr 13th, 2018

And I was working on the background - which i do AFTER character(s) - when it crashed
Anyway, if you're in my discord server (which yoyo is still in control of,,, hm), then you'd know that I was drawing and GIMP crashed and I was fucking pissed.

I gave up on drawing the rest of the day, and today I started the piece over, saving every so often in case GIMP crashed again.

Here's the finished piece

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An Update Of Sorts · 9:53am Apr 16th, 2019

As far as fanfic goes, I'm currently actively working on three stories. Two of them are new ones I mentioned when I ended my hiatus - Rariquest and Her Chosen Princess of the Sun. As an aside, I've found Cozy Glow's character to be quite close to the character I was going for with Sunset Shimmer in Her Chosen Princess of the Sun, though the role they fill is very different so I still want to get around to writing that eventually. The bigger issue is the Season 9 Premiere addressed the same

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Strange things we do to ourselves, or at least stuff we go out of our way to try to avoid doing. · 12:26pm Apr 21st, 2019

So, this is probably gonna be one of those posts where I talk a lot about like, psychology, but also do so largely from the perspective of my own experiences, so I'm gonna start off by posting a picture of the OC that I have that I actually kinda relate to the most, despite how cute the smol green pega is.
omg she is so smol and darling and bat

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How to Deal With an Account Made by a You Who Hasn't Existed for Seven Years · 2:04pm Oct 8th, 2020

Today is my seven year anniversary of joining this site. While I haven't posted on here in a while and am conspicuously not looking at any specific story I keep telling myself I'll get back to one day, I have still been somewhat active in reading on this site. The more time that's gone on, though, the stranger it is to look at the stories I have here, and not just because one of those stories is incredibly close to 1k likes, what the fuck.

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Stoopid writer makes stoopid remarks on latest episode · 5:05pm Nov 28th, 2015


Hamilton · 2:04am Apr 29th, 2019

Picture the scene: it’s spring. Not just kind-of spring, we’re not talking a day or two after the equinox, we’re a full month on and flowers are blooming and we’re going to see Hamilton in Chicago.

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 316 results