
Viewing 21 - 40 of 55 results

"The Youth in the Garden" Teaser and Casting Deadline · 2:21pm Nov 5th, 2015

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby:

My story The Youth in the Garden, you may recall, is being turned into a dramatic reading/radio play by user Jim Davis (still not the creator of Garfield... I think.) Things have really fallen into place for him, and he's ready to begin. Some important roles still need to be filled, however.

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Go see Captain America: Civil War (No Spoilers) · 8:17pm May 1st, 2016

Drop everything, go see this movie.

I know this is not even remotely pony related, but holy shit was this movie awesome.

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My Review of Captain America: Civil War · 3:48pm Jul 18th, 2020

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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A Fascinating Look At Past Events · 8:21pm Mar 16th, 2023


Quick Update + Questions · 6:39pm Apr 13th, 2019

Alright, so I have an update for the state of my writing, my plans, and such. Major topics include The Night's Stars, Civil War of Harmony, and some problems.

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A Cold Civil War · 1:12am Jun 25th, 2023

It seems that the tensions in Russia cooled down some, but this also has proven that Putin is losing power. The thought of civil war hasn't left the table. It is a sign that the Russian-Ukrainian war is ending, but that only can be achieved when the Crimean Peninsula the last Ukrainian territory is taken back from Russia. When that happens that is the day that Russia will collapse and burn in a bloody and brutal civil war that will burn and dissolve the country for good.


After Action Report: Having A Ball... · 3:33am Feb 20th, 2019

I suppose y'all arr interested in what I've been doing as of late... since it sure as heck isn't writing! Anyhow, this last weekend I attended the Ohio Regimental Ball, a Civil War Ball & Convention. I've been doing Civil War stuff on and off over the years, but in the last year have managed to take it up a notch both as a hobby and as part of what I do as Historical Educator. That being said, for various reasons and accidents of fate, I've never actually managed to attend a reenactment. This

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For Civil War and St. Patrick's Day fans... · 11:34pm Mar 17th, 2016

Many in America and in other countries today, especially in Ireland (or Eire, if you live there) celebrate their Irish heritage. While I have no Irish blood myself (at least none that I know of), I hold the Irishmen of the Civil War with respect, including the men of the Union Irish Brigade and Confederate General Patrick Cleburne. In the spirit of respecting Irish who have fought in many wars over the centuries, as well as celebrating Irish culture, I'd like to put a few songs here, as well as

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Spoiler Free Review: Captain America: Civil War (2016) · 5:21am May 6th, 2016

Captain America: Civil War is, to put it simply, the best film the MCU has given us so far. Picking up in the wake of the utter complete disaster that was Age of Ultron, Civil War works not only to restore the damage that Age of Ultron caused, but also follow up on the remaining plot threads from The Winter Soldier, while also laying groundwork for Phase Three of

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On Captain America: Civil War · 6:40pm May 6th, 2016

I saw it last night. It's the best of the bunch, hands down. GO SEE IT NOW.

Spoilers beneath the cut. You were warned, and I'm not sorry.

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More samples of "Equestria: Civil War" rewrites · 5:56am Sep 29th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Here's another section from chapter 2:

“Twilight, I haven’t truly had any regrets in helping you realize your potential as a princess until recently,” Celestia continued. “But recounting all of these events, both before and after your ascension, I believe you are a bit too comfortable with your own friendship lessons to know the difference between friendship opportunities and actual threats to Equestria.”

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Music that inspires me and gives me "determination" · 11:46pm Feb 13th, 2016

I usually get inspiration for fanfics by listening to certain music tracks, though one in particular has inspired me for the final battle in my AU tale Equestrian Civil War.

this song gives me ideas for what I want to do in the final battle between Queen Majesty and Twinklestar Sparkle.


"Equestria: Civil War" updates! · 10:51pm Oct 2nd, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Chapter 5 of "Equestria: Civil War" is now up, as are the rewrites to chapters 2, 3, and 4. Thunderbolt has taken much of the rage originally given to Celestia, and the Princess is now calmer and more unbiased. Hope you enjoy!

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:


Top 5 Reasons why X #1 · 2:37pm May 15th, 2016

Why I believe Civil War is much better than Batman V. Superman

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"Equestria: Civil War" has a TVTropes page! · 8:59pm Oct 2nd, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

LINK to "Equestria: Civil War" on TVTROPES.ORG!!


It's not much, and they misspelled my name, but still! I find this awesome! I think I've made it at last! :pinkiehappy:

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:


New Story · 11:04am May 6th, 2016

In case you missed it, I just dropped a new story called Whose Side Are You On?, wherein Aria and Button discuss Captain America: Civil War and whose team they're supporting. What starts out as a friendly conversation soon becomes... More than that.

Check it out, tell me what you think.


Marking Some Fics as on "Hiatus" · 6:34pm May 22nd, 2019

I probably should have done this months ago, but as a quick update/reminder, my current focus is on The Night's Stars, with plans to finish it before I go back to working on other stories of mine. With this in mind and given my estimate for how long this will take, I have moved Civil War of Harmony, The End War, and Glimpses of Regret onto Hiatus from Incomplete.

I still intend to get back to them, so don't worry about that.


pls · 2:32am May 6th, 2016

PM me tomorrow (im abt to go to bed) if u saw civil war
just got back from seeing it

so amazing
no spoilers tho


Batman v Superman vs Captain America: Civil War (heavy spoilers) · 8:24am May 6th, 2016

Do not READ unless you've either seen or do not care about Spoilers.

So DC has played its hand with Batman V Superman recently. The cards they were holding were terribly lacking unfortunately. Marvel on the other hand had a Royal Flush up their sleeve with Captain America: Civil War. The level of competence and script writing prowess. In here I want to talk about the comparisons between these two movies and why one succeeded where the other failed.

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MY 100TH BLOG POST! · 1:31am Sep 21st, 2017

Hey there, guys. Guess what. I'm thinking up a crossover between Steven Universe, My Little Pony: Generation 4, and the Southern Victory novels by Harry Turtledove. If you don't know about the novels, then Cody Franklin from AlternateHistoryHub, and EmperorTigerstar, might help out with that. If you want character motivations, then we might need either the actual novels, the Southern Victory articles of

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 55 results