
Viewing 21 - 40 of 249 results

Heyyyyy, so y'know how Pony-Me has an original fiction adaptation in the works? · 7:05am Aug 23rd, 2020

So, while I've started work on the second draft (not to mention a major rewrite of character relations), I've also went ahead and posted up the first draft in all its awkward glory over at Offprint! Though, it's missing an ending chapter or two thanks to the fact that I ultimately decided to scrap that ending and just start on the next draft with a new ending in mind. :V

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OWO WHAT DIS? A TEASER? · 7:25am Jul 14th, 2020

A shovel hit the ground, pushing up a small mound of dirt.

"Hurry up, we don't got all day, y'know!"

A grunt. The shovel pierced deeper into the ground. A heave. A hole. Another jab at the soft topsoil. Another heave. A deeper hole.

The figure overseeing the work nodded in approval. This would make for a fine distraction.


What kind of cover art would you like to see for Pony-Me's reboot? · 7:07am Jul 12th, 2020

A) The original cover art of Pony-Me
B) Placeholder stock image VR headset
C) Newly commissioned cover art
D) 3D modeled and rendered cover art, with something along the lines of the below:


Would y'all wanna see a return of the old chapter name story in Pony-Me's reboot? · 8:14am Jul 9th, 2020

I'm debating whether I should bring back Pony-Me's old format of writing a substory using chapter names, or if I should port over Splintershard's Major-minor story arc format, with each chapter instead having a short free-verse poetry snippet as a header.


Author reveal!(?) · 6:21am Jul 9th, 2020

Y'all get no eye reveal.


Wanna read the first draft of Pony-Me's original fiction spinoff? · 8:56pm Jun 30th, 2020

Second button under Pony-Me's cover art, y'all. :raritywink:

Or, just, y'know, grab the PDF directly if you don't wanna bother checking out my website. :P


The universe of Pony-Me's reboot will be effectively an AU of Pony-Me. · 7:20am Jun 30th, 2020

That's all I'm gonna say. There's some biiiig stuff that I've got planned that'd otherwise wreck the story's existing continuity. :P

Report TheMajorTechie · 113 views · #pony-me #reboot

List of changes expected to be made in Pony-Me's reboot: [POTENTIAL SPOILERS!] · 8:24am Jun 15th, 2020

Alrighty, since this may or may not end up revealing some major plot points for once the reboot is launched, I'm gonna put all of this behind a page break. Click "read more" to read more. :P

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So, y'know how I've been talkin' about a Pony-Me reboot? · 12:28am Jun 15th, 2020

I just figured out the perfect way to combine the intended ending of Into Equestria with Pony-Me's official ending. :ajsmug:

Like, y'know that part where Lisa/Twilight returns to Equestria and has a talk with Celestia and says goodbye and all?

That's gonna be the flashpoint of the story.

Also, this is all actually stuff I came up with for the original fiction adaptation, but I wrote it with the ability to carry things over to Pony-Me in mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've decided what I'ma do once Splintershard is published: reboot Pony-Me! · 8:11am Jun 3rd, 2020

...And this time, it's gonna be rewritten from the ground-up, written in parallel to the second draft of the current Pony-Me's original fiction spinoff. That way, I'd be able to bounce between the two stories and make parallel modifications!

Not only that, but in rewriting everything from the ground up to match the better fleshed-out characters and lore from the original fiction, I'd have a chance to fix all those problems that showed up while writing Into Equestria!

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You can now find Lisa in the epilogue chapter of Pony-Me. · 6:00pm May 11th, 2020

As always, thank you for reading. This may be the last time you hear about Pony-Me, or it may not. Who knows? For the time being, I'll be turning my focus almost entirely to my next project, Splintershard.



Lisa commission's done! · 9:03am May 11th, 2020

Follow Squidtard's Twitter @squidtard0, or her Deviantart at squibtard!


Don't mind me, just casually commissioning a drawing of Lisa. · 12:05am Apr 29th, 2020

It's unfinished for now, but here's what we've got so far!

Follow Squidtard's Twitter @squidtard0, or her Deviantart at squibtard!


Hit a milestone today. · 8:04am Apr 9th, 2020

Hit that sweet 45678 words in the original fiction adaptation. :raritywink:
There's really not much left of the story to write at this point, to be honest. This is one of the final chapters, and though it's only really long enough to be considered a novella/light novel, I'm perfectly fine with that.

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A decision regarding the future of Pony-Me and Into Equestria: · 9:33pm Apr 1st, 2020

I will put Into Equestria on an indefinite hiatus for the time being. Maybe I'll figure out what the heck I want the story to be to me someday, or maybe I'll even rewrite the thing a second time. The fact stands that I have no direction for the future of the series, save for the original fiction adaptation that I've continuously set aside now to try and shoehorn my way through Into Equestria. I'll be working on that instead of Pony-Me's sequel from now on.

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Really could use some help saving Pony-Me's sequel story right now. · 5:17am Apr 1st, 2020

No, this is not an April Fool's joke. Into Equestria's basically on life support right now. Ignore the upcoming April Fool's chapter coming out soon.

I've got a couple points that I need to get across concerning the story:

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Into Equestria update! · 7:30am Feb 6th, 2020

I'll eventually stop tagging these blogs with Pony-Me. Eventually.

Out now in chapter 6: Queen Chrysalis! Changelings that aren't actually changelings! And the most anticlimactic of all, anticheat! Go check it out! :twilightsmile:

EInto Equestria
What do you do when the line between simulation and reality blurs? You put the headset on, of course.
TheMajorTechie · 11k words  ·  27  6 · 657 views

My oldest recurring OC over the years (FIXED THE IMAGE!) · 7:52am Feb 4th, 2020

The oldest recurring character that I still actively write is Zoey. She existed as a character alongside the rest of the original Wielder of the Orb cast before I even started writing on this site, and though the other characters have shown up from time to time in references and joke chapters, Zoey is the only one that has appeared across multiple stories with little to no changes ever being made to her.

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My oldest recurring OC over the years · 7:44am Feb 4th, 2020

The oldest recurring character that I still actively write is Zoey. She existed as a character alongside the rest of the original Wielder of the Orb cast before I even started writing on this site, and though the other characters have shown up from time to time in references and joke chapters, Zoey is the only one that has appeared across multiple stories with little to no changes ever being made to her.

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So, what are your thoughts on Into Equestria and how it relates to Pony-Me so far? · 9:41am Feb 2nd, 2020

With Into Equestria being out for nearly a week now and five chapters currently published (more to come, I'm working on the 6th!), I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the sequel, and where I could potentially improve. Below the break are some things I'd personally like to hear from y'all. :twilightsmile:

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 249 results