
Viewing 441 - 451 of 451 results

LooneyCon Seminar in 12 hours! · 8:36am May 29th, 2020

Hey everypony!
I just wanted to remind and inform anyone who didn't know that I'm scheduled to give my "5 Steps to Writing Anything" seminar at LooneyCon tomorrow. I'm scheduled for Friday at 8 PM GMT, which is...
4 PM US Eastern
3 PM US Central
2 PM US Mountain
1 PM US Pacific.
OR, about 12 hours from this post.

If you want to see it, be sure to get on the LooneyCon Discord, and watch the stream!

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Meeting at Trotcon? · 6:30pm Dec 18th, 2021

Jewel tested negative for COVID, which is good enough for me to justify attending Trotcon. I don't know if I'll have time tomorrow so I hope I can meet up with everypony while I'm available.

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Everfree Northwest Days 2 & 3 · 5:27am May 17th, 2016

I wanted to write up a “Day 2” and “Day 3” blog post, but, frankly, I was too tired to do either. But I took notes, so CLEARLY THIS IS TOTALLY CROMULENT.

Day 2 started with me going to Taco Bell for breakfast and getting some box thing for $5. It was actually fairly decent – I don’t get why people complain about Taco Bell. Sure, it only has like five ingredients, but they’re decent ones.

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MLP Cited in reason for Melania Trump's "Speech Plagarism" by RNC · 9:02pm Jul 19th, 2016

(The following is a copy-paste from Sethisto on EquestriaDaily, because honestly he sums everything up perfectly.)

I have to admit, I don't think I ever expected to see fanart of Twilight Sparkle at the top of CNN's front page. Yet here we are, in 2016, and it's happening.

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Greenfinger at Crystal Mountain Pony Con! · 9:58pm Jul 6th, 2017

Hello everyone! Just letting you know that my pal and illustrator Colby "Greenfinger" Green is going to be at this weekend's Crystal Mountain Pony Con!

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Not Pleasant · 9:33pm Dec 31st, 2017

Not your usual kind of blog, but a necessary one anyway.

I don't usually do signal boosts; there are many reasons for this, but mainly -- I understand that it's my responsibility to only give my followers what they asked for when they clicked the 'follow' button, and that usually only translates as my content. If you had wanted to read MrNumbers' blogs, you would follow him instead.

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"Random" · 4:42am May 28th, 2017

I have just completed my Iron Author story entry here at AnthrOhio 2017. I'll get to see how it does in the judging/reading tomorrow morning. :yay:

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Tomorrow (Saturday) night I check off a brony bucket list item in Arizona! · 8:37am Oct 8th, 2022

Because of the car situation of the previous blog and my punishment for doing everything last minute and not checking the details, I'm sitting on a bench next to a random parking lot in the middle of la where flixbus does their pickups and drop offs with a 5-hour layover until 6:00 a.m. at least shortened 50 minutes thanks to cops shutting down the 101 freeway in the middle of the East LA interchange for some reason so we sat in standstill traffic for half an hour and then the driver backed the

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Letters to Cozy Glow: A few explanations and clarifications about the nature of the story · 8:39pm May 17th, 2019

I think I need to share a few more infos about "Letters to Cozy Glow". In the two weeks that passed since the last chapter, I noticed that the views on the story essentially froze. And the overall views grow much slower than I expected it for this story, so I'm thinking a lot of my readers might go into it with wrong expectations.
Seeing this, I figured it would be a good idea to clarify a bit what kind of story it is.

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I exist · 5:16am May 23rd, 2018

So there's been ... an awful lot going on in my life lately. And as is usual for me when there's an awful lot to say, I lock up and go silent, and nothing gets said. :ajsleepy: Alas, this is not the State of the Author post where I catch everyone up — I'm still working my way up to that one. At least I can break my silence with this in the meantime.

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Yes there will be a Stalk Me While I Write Today · 6:21pm Feb 26th, 2017

Despite picking up “con crud” at Gallifrey One last weekend, I am crawling out of my cave of misery to livecast today. Being with friends always makes me feel better. Even minutes after waking up from hernia surgery years ago, I wanted my friends there around me. Everyone was saying, “you need to rest” and I said, “Screw that. I’ll sleep tonight.” It works. I got out of the hospital the next day feeling weak but so much better for their company and fun!

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Viewing 441 - 451 of 451 results