
Viewing 41 - 60 of 135 results

Story Ideas I'll Never Write: The Crossover: Judgement Day: Cornetto Trilogy: Part 1 · 2:49am May 21st, 2021

I like stories where the mirror portal goes to different worlds than the generic suburban high school, or Sunset goes to X world. The more common one I've seen is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. There's several of these stories, some good, some even well written. The issue is they're all to similar. They start along book one and Sunset is young enough to start year 1, but already good with magic. Plot continues mostly uninterrupted or very interrupted. So why not spice up this formula.

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Harry and Harry, a brief note on magic and differences in style · 12:30am Jul 31st, 2018

I touched on this in the comments section, when I answered Mr. Cold Ghost and aceina about the most recently published chapter of The Issue of Multiple Sunsets, titled "A Harry situation." However, I thought I would fill it in a little more. How, even though I do have a Harry Potter reference joke, and I introduce to magic user versions of Sunset Shimmer, they are more in line with the Dresden series. Essentially, I am going to explain a bit of the difference between the two, and why

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Comic Con Costume Capers Concluded · 6:51pm Aug 14th, 2016

So Frome Comic Con has come and gone, and I have to say...

could have been better.

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Who is better? · 7:10pm Nov 18th, 2016

Grandpa Gruff as Head of the Slytherin House
Doctor Whooves?


New fic announcement: The Elements of Ilvermorny Series · 8:58am Oct 20th, 2020

Hey, all. I'm making this blog to announce I am embarking on a new project: an Equestria Girls/Harry Potter crossover. Now, I have always loved the Harry Potter books and films; unfortunately, there aren't very many crossovers with EQG, and the few I've seen tend to fall into the same traps that plague the vast majority of Potterfic as a whole. Hence, I plan to do something just a little different and maybe some would say unique: setting it in America, and more specifically at Ilvermorny

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Need Feedback- HPat6OW Rewrite, try to Continue, or cancel? · 4:24am Jul 11th, 2021

So, I'll state front and center, my general motivation to write has been wanning, not just for this story but for other things as well. Even my own Undertale AU. But its also been affecting this, and it hasn't been helped by the fact that I've been kind of stumped with how to begin the next chapter (I've tried writing it out about five times now)

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into the unknown series · 7:50am Nov 11th, 2020

Hi everyone!
Just to let you know, I’m going to take a break from the series and start on another harry potter story. If you have any more requests, please feel free to PM me.


Wherein Rinnaul Asks A Stupid Question · 11:03pm Oct 21st, 2015

Do you ever wonder if the song Abracadabra by the Steve Miller Band exists in the world of Harry Potter?

What would wizards think of those lyrics?


Action · 5:34am Sep 19th, 2015

About to go to bed and I figure I'd give an update. I'm about half ways done with Harry's part in day two and I'm finally getting to some action. If you're not familiar with the Dresden Files, it's action heavy with a lot of magic slinging and fighting with supernatural beings. So far, it's been kind of minimal in the story, but as I've been saying it'll start taking off the second day in. And now it has. So far it's short and I've had to redo it once cause I didn't like how it started out the

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Harry Potter and the Six Odd Witches IS UP! · 10:18pm Jan 14th, 2021


After finally figuring things out (and having to completely revise my outline at least once) I've got the prologue and the first chapter of my own Harry Potter Crossover with MLP up. Story name is in the title tin and the tagged story section, and I am so happy to finally get this going.

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Gauntlet of Fire... harry Potter reference? ( minor Spoiler-ish??) · 7:08pm Apr 16th, 2016

As a dragon fanatic, I must say that this episode really comes close to what I expected. Best episode 10/10 needs more dragons.

:D MY LITTLE DRAGON for a spin-off

okay kidding aside:

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Writing plans · 2:56pm Dec 16th, 2020

Now that I'm going back to work again and have I presume for the most part recovered from Covid19, I in theory should get back into the work of trying to work on things writing wise, and I plan to do so.

What those writing things are however, is a bit different then originally planned.

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Happy Thanksgiving! Here's some stuff that doesn't have anything to do with Horse or Horse Words! · 5:44am Nov 27th, 2015

I had a happy one. It was quiet. It was me and the cats. I am thankful for naps, which I don't get to take enough of. I've got lots of grading to do, but today I actually spent some time on the couch just letting my cats use me as furniture and petting them. It was great, except that my girl is so affectionate that she has to pat me on the face with her paw, which contains a punch of dirty hypodermics, so I had to get up and get Neosporin and trim her claws, and then we resumed.

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Columbine Kids · 9:20pm Jan 31st, 2016

I watched a documentary about the Columbine Kids. Let me tell you that I feel for those kids. They were bullied a lot and they had something against society. Those kids were just like me. I've been bullied and I had something against society. I'm going to write a rip off story about those kids with the cutie mark crusaders. Just wanted to tell you that.

R. I. P.
Eric Harris
Dylan Klebold


Watchful Eye · 2:16pm Oct 19th, 2019


If this is how Twitter reacts for pre-order marketing, I can't wait until launch. · 4:25am Aug 28th, 2022

Ah, Hogwarts Legacy. You're not even out yet, and you've doled out so much entertainment already, mainly in the form of internet drama.

My meme. Plz steal.

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Thoughts on Dirty Harry (1971) · 2:03am Dec 19th, 2023

All right. First up on the final batch of movie reviews for the year... the original "Dirty Harry."

(First watched July 7th, 2023.)

I'm glad to have seen this one, though I wouldn't say that I loved it. Liked it well enough, sure, and glad to have finally gotten context on it, but I didn't love it.

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Hey guys guys guys · 2:41am Dec 5th, 2016

So, hi, you haven't probably seen much from me, and that is primarily because I have been sucked in again by my primary fandom, Harry Potter. Which isn't surprising, considering that I help run a convention and teach a course on it and am the school's club's faculty advisor and have given talks on it for, oh, over a decade.

So for me, for the last few months, it has been mostly about:

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Not to brag, but... · 9:22pm Oct 16th, 2016

I met a guy at the local comics store yesterday--guy by the name of Jim-Something... I think he wrote a book or two Chengar, Ponibius and I have enjoyed.

I managed not to geek out until after I left. He was really damn cool in person.


Charity Commission · 8:31pm Sep 25th, 2016

So as part of a fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders, one of the artists I follow was doing a commission list, it's over now but that's no excuse to not follow someone of such sterling skill, or to not spread the word and/or donate to Doctors Without Borders (Maybe most money going into charity goes to admin and all that necessary evil bollocks, but 1p to the actual goal is 1p closer to a better world and that is at least worth it to me).

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 135 results