
Viewing 41 - 60 of 249 results

Experiment · 1:06pm Aug 21st, 2017

I had an idea recently, one that may make my stories more entertaining... or at least a bit cooler. However, I didn't want to just convert all of my stuff to use this idea until I knew for sure it would work. So... If you're willing to be a bit of a beta reader for a minute, head on over to the first chapter of my Hero Souls: Awakening story. I've edited it to incorporate colored text where I believe appropriate.

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Thought experiment #1: Rainbow in a box · 5:10pm May 12th, 2018

So I had a question I can’t substantiate a good answer for. Let’s try posing it to a wider audience.

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 1 -- Ultimatum · 1:47pm Apr 23rd, 2018

Astronomy-nerd time. The titles of the books are obviously referring to elements of night. Presumably, one night. But a new moon happens when the moon is between the sun and the earth and very little of the light reflected from the moon reaches the earth. An eclipse (assuming it’s lunar, because solar eclipses don’t happen during the night; I shouldn’t have to clarify that, but with this series, you never know) is when the earth is between the sun and moon, blocking all light from the sun to

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Another weekend, another chapter: Twilight's Dungeon · 2:43pm Nov 18th, 2018

Sweetie Belle is bound in Twilight’s dungeon laboratory. Oh, what is the poor filly to do? Find out in the latest chapter.

TSweetie Belle Gains a Soul
In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.
Bad Dragon · 132k words  ·  178  45 · 6.8k views

So far · 9:47am Sep 3rd, 2019

I have begun work on my latest chapter of The Farmer and the god, and so far i like how it is turning out. I have been lucky to have gotten some feedback and i am taking it all into account when i write.

One said i should cut down on the southern accent as it can be hard to read, or at the very least disturb one's reading experience. So i have tried cutting it down in chapter 4 and made some corrections in the last few chapters.

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those who want me to scour NoTE from fimfiction entirely · 7:32am Jun 19th, 2016


In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 5 -- Cheater · 12:39pm Mar 11th, 2018

A little introspection is amazing. This chapter opens in a similar way to the previous one, with Bella still pining over Edward. But last chapter, she was doing everything she could to avoid thinking about him, so she came off as dull and insufferable. Here, she actually takes stock of her situation and what she should do about it. I still can’t say I sympathize with her — FOUR MONTHS — but I no longer want to beat her head into paste against a wall.

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 20 -- Volterra · 1:16pm Apr 9th, 2018

Bella and Alice arrive in Volterra to find the streets packed with people for St. Marcus’s Day. After driving as close to Edward as possible (which isn’t that close), Alice tells Bella to just get out of the car and run to him. Bella runs for three pages straight to get to Edward, reaching him right before he steps into the sun.

It was really him, no hallucination this time. And I realized that my delusions were more flawed than I’d realized; they’d never done him justice.

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 23 -- The Truth · 3:13pm Apr 15th, 2018

When Bella wakes up early in the morning, she sees Edward in her room and thinks that either she’s dreaming or she’s dead after drowning. No, I don’t get it, either. After too long, she finally concludes that, yes, the events of the past few days actually happened. Edward comments that he’s technically not supposed to be there, as Charlie banned him from the house.

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 11 -- Cult · 1:36pm Mar 24th, 2018

After a week, Bella’s still alive; Victoria hasn’t gotten to her yet. Still, she’s nervous and jumpy. To make matters worse, she hasn’t heard from Jacob, through the phone or otherwise. It’s definitely not for a lack of trying on her part, since she’s tried to reach him every day. Occasionally dipping into unhealthy territory:

On Wednesday I called every half hour until after eleven at night, desperate to hear the warmth of Jacob’s voice.

CM + 1

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Haven't Been Writing: Rocky Floor-or, or How I Stopped Worrying If I Might Have Hurt My Arm · 5:00am Oct 25th, 2018

Note: I still have nearly 3000 words into the next chapter, I just haven't been writing this week for family and personal reasons.

Here's why.

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I Have a DeviantArt account. · 9:12pm Jul 5th, 2017

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

I went ahead and did something that up until now that I was unsure of doing. But I'm doing this as an experiment. I have posted every painting I've ever made to see if how people react to them. Including my first painting of Fluttershy that was meant as a Christmas present to my best friend.

I have been thinking of selling them, but for now, I'm just testing the waters as if were.

I hope that you may like them.

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 22 -- Flight · 2:50pm Apr 13th, 2018

As Bella, Edward, and Alice leave behind the vampire blood orgy (that’d be a great name for a death metal band), Bella slowly freaks out at what’s going on in the room she just departed. One of the Volturi’s human servants asks if they need anything, but Edward sends her away. According to Edward, she’s aware of what’s going on and is fully aware she could end up as a vampire’s dinner, but goes through with it in the hopes that the Volturi will turn her.

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 1 -- Party · 3:30pm Mar 3rd, 2018

Before we begin New Moon, I’m happy to announce a new staple to this series, the Clinginess Meter! Whenever Bella — just Bella — says or does something that’s horrifically obsessive about Edward, rather than comment on it, I’ll simply put the quote down and add 1 to the Clinginess Meter. And it needs to be obsessive; simply “I love you” doesn’t count, but “I could never live without you” does.

That settled, on we go!

Clinginess Meter: 0

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 2 -- Stitches · 4:37pm Mar 5th, 2018

In spite of having a human bleeding in front of him, Carlisle immediately takes control of the situation, telling Emmett and Rosalie to get Jasper out of the room. He’s perfected his self-control as a surgeon, after all. Carlisle and Edward take Bella to the kitchen to get her fixed up. Slowly, all the other vampires file away to avoid temptation, leaving Carlisle and Bella alone while he picks out the glass and stitches her up. And the next scene, aside from Carlisle putting antiseptic on the

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 16 -- Paris · 3:11pm Apr 2nd, 2018

Bella wakes up on the beach, Jacob thumping her in the back to get the water out of her lungs. She gradually comes to her senses and puts together that Jacob rescued her. The other werewolves are nearby, asking if she’s okay. She says she’ll live, but Jacob still decides to take her to a hospital. He’d come back because Victoria had slipped past the werewolves and into the ocean. Jacob was scared because he thought she might swim to the beach, where Bella spends a lot of her time, so he raced

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What has Xombie been doing? · 2:12am Jul 21st, 2019

Experimenting. That's basically the gist of it.

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Experiment 2 · 12:34am Jun 25th, 2021

"This will be my first test." Melody said, speaking into a recorder. Griff was trotting alongside Metamorphosis, taking a walk with him. "Step one..."

Melody clicked on a red laser and shone it out at Griff. He froze, stared at it, then, when she moved it, he began chasing it. Meta giggled and followed as Griff began pouncing on it like a kitten. Meta batted as it as well, and soon the two were chasing it. Melody shrugged.

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The Hook My eye was caught by the below, which was posted to Butterfly Island. In addition to the price, my eye was caught by how nice they seemed.

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 6 -- Friends · 2:25pm Mar 14th, 2018

Jacob and Bella start working on the motorcycles immediately. Jacob chats about his sophomore year at school and his two best friends, Quil (sic) and Embry. Almost immediately, they pop over to the garage to see what’s up.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 249 results