
Viewing 801 - 820 of 839 results

"Letters to Cozy Glow" is back! Chapters 36 - 39 and letters from Cozy to Starswirl, Luna, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Moondancer are here! · 2:50am Jun 4th, 2021

It is time! Almost an hour late, because lack of sleep made me sleep the day away, but now "Letters to Cozy Glow" is back and it brings four new chapters at once!

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A quick, but sweet, thank you letter from Cozy Glow..... Chapter 27 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" arrives! · 3:00am Jan 22nd, 2021

Cozy really doesn't have much time to write a letter right now, she is way too busy with drawing and enjoying Starlight's gift..... But she is a polite filly, if she wants to, and so she still sent a short letter to say thank you. :heart: Will you read her letter? It would mean a lot to Cozy if you do, I'm sure of it.
Her newest letter is right here:

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Chapter 30 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" will be released tomorrow! · 4:35pm Feb 18th, 2021

Just a tiny Pony Service Announcement (PSA) here. Because I moved the release of the newest "Dreamwalker Dash" chapter to today, the next chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" will also be moved by a day and release tomorrow.
And that's it already. Now we return to our scheduled pony program.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Author Update 10/31/16 - New Fic/Legend of Everfree Thoughts, DUBSCON 2016 FALLOUT · 10:02pm Nov 2nd, 2016


"Letters to Cozy Glow" will return on Thursday! · 12:00am Dec 4th, 2019

"Letters to Cozy Glow" returns!

The story will pick up releases again this week. Previous chapters have been released on Fridays, but new chapters will get released on Thursdays from now on.
Since each letter will likely still be under 1,000 words for quite some time, I aim for writing a complete letter on the same day as the release of it.

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"Letters to Cozy Glow": The first letter is released! · 12:26am Apr 13th, 2019

Friday is finally here and that means "Letters to Cozy Glow" continues now! Twilight's plan is starting and Starlight has taken it upon her to kick it off by sending Cozy the first in what will be a long series of letters with the goal to get through to Cozy and to bring her on the good side.
The first letter is short, cute and simple, but I imagine the letters to get longer and bigger the more Twilight's expert squad is digging for the roots of Cozy's behavior.

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My Little Pony Season 9 News 08/23/2019 Part 2 · 11:58am Aug 23rd, 2019


"Letters to Cozy Glow", Chapter 15 is released! · 5:51am Feb 7th, 2020

It's time for a new "Letters to Cozy Glow" update, this week without a delay again! We have another contact between Cozy Glow and Moondancer in this chapter. Moondancer wants just the best for Cozy Glow and is persistent in her attempts. But can she really be successful with all this?
Click here to find out what her new letter does:

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Have a Good Morning Chapter to start the day! "Letters to Cozy Glow" is back, with an extra-long Chapter 22! · 1:36pm Aug 7th, 2020

I was sitting here and finishing this chapter for almost the entire past night. This is a very crucial chapter, with lots of more depth for "Letters to Cozy Glow" in it, that serves to decide and prepare the next steps of Cozy's therapy. As such, I spent an unusually long time thinking about it, what each creature who helps Cozy is saying and contributing and what their stance on several subjects is.

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" is finally back for good! Read Gilda's letter to Cozy here! · 5:55am Dec 6th, 2019

It's finally time. After an undesired hiatus of more than 4 months, "Letters to Cozy Glow" has finally returned and comes back with a consistent update schedule of weekly chapters! If you missed the story, come back every Thursday for a new letter!

Today, Cozy Glow gets a letter from a very determined catbird..... What Cozy Glow thinks of Gilda's letter is only two clicks away:

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" continues! Here's Chapter 18! · 3:46am Feb 21st, 2020

Cozy Glow has received another letter..... one she was waiting for. Right now, it really looks like there might be a silver lining on the horizon for Cozy.
Though, before Starlight can help her, it requires a little effort on Cozy's part.....
Go and read Chapter 18 here before it gets cold:

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


"Letters to Cozy Glow" is back! Read Stygian's epic letter here! · 8:21am Aug 3rd, 2019

And "Letters to Cozy Glow" has returned! Sorry that it's a little late! I couldn't find much sleep yesterday and Thursday night, so I fell asleep and overslept the release by a few hours.
This time, it's Stygian's turn to introduce himself to Cozy. And he delivers an important question for her..... Find out what that question is here:


"Letters to Cozy Glow" will update tomorrow · 5:03am Jan 10th, 2020

Today was kind of a bad day. I'm not really sure why, but I felt tired, sluggish and slow for the entire day. Every time I sat down to write, my mind drifted off to something else and I couldn't focus. I tried to write Chapter 12 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" until the very last moment, but now I have to admit that my mind doesn't really let me do it today. And forcing it could mean that the chapter doesn't come out as it should be and I rather not sacrifice its quality for meeting a release date,

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" will continue on Thursday · 12:09am Aug 18th, 2020

As you noticed, "Letters to Cozy Glow" did not have a new chapter released last week. This was intentional, though, so don't worry, I am not losing track of my writing again. There were a couple of other things that had piled up and I decided not to write a new chapter last week to finally work through them. Then I got a little carried away with these things, so my mind ended up sidelining a notification about skipping last week with a release. But I still don't want you to stay in the dark

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It's Starswirl's turn to write Cozy Glow: Chapter 7 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here! · 3:16am Jun 8th, 2019

It's Friday and that means "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here with another chapter and another letter! This time, it's Starswirl's turn to introduce himself to Cozy Glow. What does he have to say and what does Cozy think about his wise words?
Find it all out here:


Chapter 24 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is finally here! · 7:22pm Sep 12th, 2020

Well, the last three weeks have been a little bit chaotic once again..... Some other stuff that isn't writing had piled up and needed to be worked down and, somehow, the new chapter was covered under all that stuff and I had to dig it out. It is still alive, though, that's the good news and after reanimating it, I can send it out to you now, like a healthy, young filly who leaves the house after she has been cured from the measles.

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More episode react-y things · 9:16pm Apr 30th, 2016

Season Six, Episode Six
No Second Prances

0:45 So, Twilight has confimed my belief that Frienship is Knives. And is it just me or has she been behaving rather odd for this season? Is there something weird happening with the writing staff?

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A Review of the Season Seven Premiere Episodes (Kind Of) · 5:02pm Apr 16th, 2017

A Review of the Season Seven Premiere Episodes (Kind Of)

Somewhere in a dark forest where a large strangely purple and jeweled castle sits some murmuring can be heard from inside the castle walls. The castle is home to Hasbro studios and another meeting with the company executives is taking place.

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Story Update and Other Miscellaneous Things · 5:13pm Sep 4th, 2017

First of all, thank you all so much for the support the stories I've been writing have gotten. Shout out to all those who comment on every single chapter update and put up with my sporadic updates. Thank you so much.

I've really just been resting from writing as it is quite exhausting when you're writing multiple stories on multiple accounts (though you won't hear anything from me on what those other accounts are :raritywink:)

Anyways, I'm just posting this to cover a bunch of things.

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Candy Flavored Ponies · 2:12pm Sep 4th, 2017

Well this is a weird thought BUT...ponies look kind of delicious wouldn't you agree? I mean they are neon colors, sing and dance all day, some of them even have pictures of food items tattooed right onto their bums, and I just imagine that they taste like multi-colored pieces of candy or something.


My mind just went to a very odd...and :L

Viewing 801 - 820 of 839 results