
Viewing 121 - 140 of 155 results

March Monthly Schedule / Sorry for the Delays / Hoodwinked Maybe / Confirmed SWWC & Hearth's Warming · 6:28pm March 2nd

Yeah, last month was a mess of posts and ideas that couldn't make it to the front. So I apologize what happened. I will be explaining more in an update video, but simply put I was sick all month. And I could only post what I already finished before the month began. The same goes for this month. I will try to get a post of Hoodwinked up, but I can't guarantee. However, what I can confirm are three one shots, three posts for SWWC and the start of Journey To Hearth's Warming's season 6 second

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Announcing the Fertile Ground 2018 Director's Cut! · 1:02am Dec 2nd, 2018


I'm in the mood for love songs · 2:04am Jun 19th, 2016

Wow in the past year I went from feeling angsty to feeling so mushy that I can't stop grinning like an idiot and my heart swells up. Now those feelings are amplified. I guess it's the good version of PMS? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In the past, I've lost all my impulse control right before my period, and I've drowned in my own tears. Now I want to cuddle, look at the sky, go on a picnic, listen to each other's heart beats, and stare into some lovely eyes. Dammit I'm so cheesy what kind of cheese

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Um... please read it? · 10:46am Nov 22nd, 2015

Now, if you already have, please disregard this blogpost, because you've already proven that you're awesome.

If you haven't, on the other hand, you should know by now that I've written a story called A Hiss in the Dark, and just finished a new chapter for it! I've really put a lot of time and effort into it, and I'm pretty sure that... Okay, somewhat sure you'll... maybe... kind of... like it...

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When you wanna write, but you have a research paper. · 1:07am Oct 31st, 2015


Question regarding chapter length and content. · 11:31pm Nov 18th, 2019

So, the way I was intending to organize this story was to make each chapter cover one day. Being as this is a mundane, slice-of-life type tale, I felt that would make the most sense. But since not every day would be noteworthy, and not every day that was noteworthy could fill a chapter as long as the first, I am a bit stumped as to how to proceed. The way I see it, there are two three options:

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NEW STORY AHHHHH · 4:01am Oct 7th, 2018

There will be a more coherent, organised, and interesting blog tomorrow, detailing actual stuff about this story, it's creative process, and my future plans.

But for now, it's 4:50 AM, I finished this with like an hour to go, and I'm on some kind of caffeine/adrenaline high right now.

So I will just say this: I have finally published a new story. Please go read it, and tell me how much you love it or hate it. Either is good, as long as you actually read it.

...Time for bed.


Mechanic: 2011 GMC Sierra · 2:40am Jun 6th, 2022


The next part of SWWC Side stories is here as we continue the mystery · 9:58pm January 24th

Yeah, the next story is here. This time, we see Apple Bloom's POV of the events as she tries to understand her intense emotions around a certain stallion, neither knowing the truth of things happening around them nor the doom overlooking them.

[Adult story embed hidden]


So I'm thinking of a fourth poster to make... · 10:50am Oct 10th, 2015

And this one won't be of Unique but of the MLP Mane Six. I'm thinking of a Skullgirls theme.

However, I'm not sure which ponies should be which characters from the Skullgirls game. I'm kinda seeing Pinkie Pie as Peacock because they're both crazy and reminiscent of vintage cartoon comedy styles, and I'm seeing Rarity as a possibly Parasoul just for the sake of her having a parasol with her. Not sure who the other Mane Six cast should cosplay as though...

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.*.*.*. · 8:36pm Aug 2nd, 2016

Falls off bed.
Drags self to computer.
Drags self to bathroom.
Combs vomit covered hair.
Drags self to computer.
Clicks new chapter for Home is for the Weak.


MECHANIC: A Ford Fiasco · 2:12am Oct 27th, 2022

No, that's not Ford's new model.

It is the third vehicle for this customer I’ve worked on. One of his others is also the subject of a blog post, which I just now realized.*

But first, you know what to do! Grab a drink and kick back, we’re going on an adventure together!


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Wrong Empire, Space Marine · 10:18am Aug 25th, 2022


Some small fixes in the descriptions of "Letters to Cozy Glow" and how applying them made me get better at something I'm struggling with · 10:00pm Apr 19th, 2019

So, after I checked into "Letters to Cozy Glow" yesterday while writing the next letter/chapter, my eyes fell on the short description and I discovered a small error in it. Small, as in, only one word was wrong. But it made the sentence sound very stupid and gave a wrong idea of what it says.
I went and fixed it, then read through the long description to make sure there isn't a similar error. I found one and it sounded similarly stupid and I fixed that one as well.

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So Apparently I have A Fic That Was Last Modified In 1969 · 4:01am Jan 23rd, 2020


The Pre-Jinglemas Revival · 10:08pm Dec 21st, 2015

Note to self: don't have the Cap post a teaser when we aren't even ready to be undead yet.

So. Holidays are right around the corner. And we've been busy. Quite busy. Busily busy, one could even say. So now, consequently, we've got a good string of updates for you guys, with only more to come. Consider that our kinda-sorta Jinglemas gift to you, our followers. Gotta promote that love, sharing, and peace on Earth deal, right?

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Why Your Readers Don't Get Your Story -- A Blog About Trust · 12:30am May 21st, 2016


[Writing Tips] Different Suffixes for Different Magical Arts · 1:38am Oct 14th, 2015

Ok ok I thought I had posted this earlier but I guess the website ate it up or something and it wasn't actually posted. I tried writing it in my own words, but I guess now that's gone I'm just going to copy and paste it straight from the blog post I learned from.

The Post

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Mechanic: Fuel Pump Control Module failure on a Silverado; Low Speed Network Failure on a Denali · 1:46am Apr 9th, 2019

Welcome back!

Today we’re going to lead off with an easy one, but don’t be caught off-guard. What follows was a descent into madness. Have your favorite beverage on standby.

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Read It Now Reviews #87 – What Went Wrong?, A Curious Case of Immortality, Rainbow Dash Comes Out To Her Friends, The Challenge, Proverbial Roses · 10:06pm Jul 14th, 2016

Howdy folks!

With BronyCon in the rearview mirror, I’ve been feeling productive of late. While waiting on Thursday night for my roommates to arrive at the hotel, I started editing an old writeoff story of mine, and managed to finish it off and post it yesterday afternoon:

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 155 results