• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2014
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AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

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Announcing the Fertile Ground 2018 Director's Cut! · 1:02am Dec 2nd, 2018

Another one of these? Seriously, AJA? Let me know when we get some new writing!

I know. I know. I haven't done crap in like half a year. I've just not been feeling very good about life. Working through a lot of things in my head, frankly coming to grips with the fact that Western Civilization is probably doomed to a slow and rather pathetic decline, to say nothing of the fate of the planet and its wildlife which doesn't even get lip service from any significant influential faction anymore. All is consumed beneath the ever-increasing demands of international finance capital and its endless hunger for our finite resources and no useful, practical measures to save this planet are forthcoming.

Sorry to anyone's day I've ruined for mentioning this in a blog about horse smut but it's been a factor in my absence and I felt it worth mentioning — assuming anyone takes what I've just said seriously. Probably not.

Anyway, as was the case in 2017 I saw fit to apply what I've learned over the last year working on FRI and Movie Night as well as proofreading for Firesight. Even with as little writing as I do there are always little things I pick up along the way and Fertile Ground, as the most solid basic story I've ever written, makes for an outstanding canvas on which to project that knowledge.

Going into FG this time around I had one basic goal in mind, aside from simply checking word selection and grammar: Does this narration show or tell? One dreadful trap to fall into writing clopfiction is when you start telling people what to feel while the sex is going on. Little asides to give context are fine and reduce the reader's attention budget requirements, allowing them to perceive small, hidden details buried in the subtext like callbacks to previous scenes.

[insert George Lucas memeing about poetry and how it rhymes here]

However, they can quickly become a crutch when you start to tell me how much that mare is totally digging the hawt smex or whatever. The reader will feel one way or another about a scene and telling them will just pull them out of it and coudl end up making them resent you for pleading with them. To be honest, FG didn't entirely live up to this standard.

The first Lily Valley/Roseluck scene after the two of them meet back up after Discord's trickery didn't age well to me so it's been extensively reworked. The rest of it got a good look as well, but the changes aren't as big. If anyone really liked Fertile Ground and feels like giving it a fresh look, give it a shot and enjoy a fun and crazy time.

As per usual, I'd recommend reading the long description first before diving in. There are some objectional fetishes in there for some folks and I prefer to avoid rustling any jimmies.

In other news, all the stories I'd been working on are listed as on hiatus. They are not canceled. I haven't given up yet. I plan on visiting Foolers Rush In next and then hitting Movie Night. I may or may not write something on Autumn Blaze and a human as well. Aside from The Sound of Silence not really being my favorite thing in the world as far as the lines the characters were given — too many meta references and ironic detachment for me, thanks — the kirin themselves and Autumn, in particular, are just... awesome. So freaking awesome. God bless you, kirin. You were the ground beneath my feet in this absolute desolate wreck of a season.

That's all for now. I'll blog again once I've got a new chapter to drop.

Comments ( 15 )

And this, my friend, is why I tuned out and stopped looking at a lot of websites. They were poisoning my mood and my mind, and absolutely everything is exaggerated far out of proportion online. Just a week away, and I feel better.

I’d like to thank you for continuing to preread my stuff, and of course, my prereading services are yours in return. It’s the least I can do after all the google doc comments and chapter longpost comments you’ve given me!

I agree that the Kirin are a gem in a season I cared little for, though I enjoyed the episode itself more than you, I think. My own plate is probably too full at this point, but I do promise to give the updated FG a look before too long. Keep the faith and keep writing. It’s both an escape and release at this point, and the more you do it, the better it works.


All knowledge is power to some extent, but not all knowledge is empowering to the individual. This is the difference between the Red Pill (knowledge itself) and the Black Pill. The sites I've been following have given me much knowledge if from a somewhat one-sided perspective. However, this knowledge hasn't allowed me any personal growth or ability to give expression to these ideas. It has left me unable to do anything but feel horrible about my current state and made me a chore to deal with in private. For that, I am sorry you and others have had to deal with the brunt of this misery.

For anyone reading I'll offer this piece of advice for people seeking knowledge from the internet: if it doesn't improve your situation physically, materially or mentally, even if it might be true, it is poisonous. You will waste away gazing into the meaninglessness of what should be and forget about what really is. It is the death of the soul and little more than a hamster wheel for your mind. Pray you avoid such things at all costs.

Working through a lot of things in my head, frankly coming to grips with the fact that Western Civilization is probably doomed to a slow and rather pathetic decline, to say nothing of the fate of the planet and its wildlife which doesn't even get lip service from any significant influential faction anymore. All is consumed beneath the ever-increasing demands of international finance capital and its endless hunger for our finite resources and no useful, practical measures to save this planet are forthcoming.

Admittedly, I have a little more hope about things than usual, but not much. Though if there is a happy end in sight, the road to it is gonna be ugly as hell, to say the least. *shrug*

I may or may not write something on Autumn Blaze and a human as well.


The Kirin and Autumn are definitely the best thing to happen this season.

The thing is that the GOP is mostly on the psychopathic capitalism train to the point that they're 'AnCaps' (aka Anarchist Capitalist, the meth of eco-political ideologies) while the Dems are the responsible ones. Problem is that most people are dead set in the 'work to live' mentality when we're going to see a future where 'Humans may not apply'...

... then there is Russia... Putin and Co are so fucking willing to paint a target on every Russian's back just so they can have their 'Glory Days'. All they're doing is ensuring that they will get the Carthage treatment sooner or later...

I haven't seen universal support like this since Flutterbat. When I tag my blog some opinions no one really agrees with" it certainly doesn't apply to the kirin.


C-can I touch your f-fluff, Autumn?

Well considering how difficult it is to find any average viewpoint edging even close to right of center on this site, much less this fandom...

i wanna touch the fluff

Ancaps on the right are actually pretty rare. They either moved left and became "dude weed lmao" or joined paleo-conservatism, the alt-right, or some other faction within the dissident right that makes up those largely curbstomped off the internet by social media conglomerates. The guys that used Pepe the Frog memes before Sargon of Applebees made it cancer.

Your point about the absolute state of Republican inc is well taken if misses the point somewhat. Both parties are by and large made up of globalist shills that wouldn't stop to piss on you if your hair was on fire and laugh at you from behind gated community walls while your own communities burn.

I can't say I agree with you on Russia whatsoever. As far as dealing with them as Carthage? Heh. Not gonna happen. Russia is no Carthage. It's a vast graveyard for the mightiest armies the world has ever known. A rod for the back of the tyrant and an icy tomb for the strong. Putin is not a great guy, a villain even for the USA. But what is a world without villains but one vast hegemony? How is that different from living under a dictator?

Nope, the 'left' has generally rejected AnCaps in general, so the only home they have is the Right. Also, Americans do not take slights real or imagined well, and the 2016 shenanigans (here is a thread that has one of the most comprehensive looks into the Trump-Russia Investigation that you'll ever find) and are no slight but all but an act of war to most Americans. Also, remember that it took two wars (and Cato the Elder saying Carthage must be destroyed at the end of everything for years) for Rome to sack Carthage so hard that it ceased to exist and put so much fucking salt into the land of the city just to put literal salt on the wound.

You have been under a rock the last decade or so haven't you?


Nope, the 'left' has generally rejected AnCaps in general, so the only home they have is the Right.

My mistake. I was speaking on all libertarians instead of just ancaps which are a tiny and largely irrelevant subset of libertarians. Why do these people matter?

an act of war to most Americans.

You're aware we mettled in their elections as well to get Boris Yeltsen elected. Was that an act of war as well? Oh wait, we were the "good guys" when we did that so it's okay.

Also, remember that it took two wars (and Cato the Elder saying Carthage must be destroyed at the end of everything for years) for Rome to sack Carthage so hard that it ceased to exist and put so much fucking salt into the land of the city just to put literal salt on the wound.

Not that this has any bearing on any discussion of import, but technically Rome fought three wars with Carthage. The important detail to note is these Semitic people who came over from Phoenecia and settled there were subject to a genocide by the Romans. By referencing such an event in reference to the Russians is not only disturbing but seems to contradict your first post where you expressed dislike of Putin as being your issue with Russia.

You have been under a rock the last decade or so haven't you?

I guess I'm just not hip with the times. I'm a relic of the past who doesn't believe the hype about Russia and Trump being connected in any way despite what your links from Space Battles.com might suggest. But we can agree to disagree about that. Let me ask you this just this one question: if what you say is undeniable 100% rock-solid fact, do you believe the Russian people should be subject to a genocide? Should we kill every last one of them for defying the United States?

I look forward to hearing your response.

I will never not support the Kirin storylines, they were the cutest character models in a long time, and Autumn's song brought some much needed musical heat to the show.
I know that the internet is a poisonous place, but generally this fandom has been welcoming to intelligent discourse (not to say that the occasional idiot doesn't pipe up occasionally :unsuresweetie:)

Regardless AJ, I'm glad to see this blog, I saw the hiatus statuses this year and was kinda sad to see them. However, I constantly see you referenced as someone who is respected around here by other authors, and am glad your hand is still stirring the pot in a way.
Here's hoping you find your muse again, cheers :yay:

I am currently editing and getting the feel for Foolers Rush In again. [Stealth edit: I'm up to the start of chapter six if you care to take a look). I'm also helping Firesight carve out the thestral lore for use in his own works. A great deal of what he uses related to the bat pony race is stuff I've come up with. I have a real passion for them. Even became an enthusiast for conserving bats via my work with them!

However, I constantly see you referenced as someone who is respected around here by other authors, and am glad your hand is still stirring the pot in a way.

Is... this really so? :applejackunsure: I mean I'm not going to feign humility and say my work with G4M didn't merit me a degree of relevance, however modest, back in 2014-15, but people mention me to this day? I've never thought of myself as the kind of person who'd really earned much of a name for himself. I started off with quite a bang on the back of a semi-popular story of dubious quality and have worked hard to improve my game, but I haven't found much popular success as of late — at least since Fertile Ground and that's pushing it given it never hit the top box. I have still so much improving to do before I can so much as claim the title of "decent" in my opinion.

Still, if this is truly the case I am humbled that after so many years there are people that actually feel anything for me and my work, be it good or bad. Humbled and honored by the wonderful people who've seen fit to give my fiction a chance.

Thank you for replying here with such an uplifting comment. :twilightsmile:

P.S. I'm not even sweating this other dude talking crazy. He's clearly got some issues he needs to work out.

Thestrals are definitely interesting, as there's a lot of room for expansion of lore, and they're so cute! Firesight references you (I've been reading his stories as of late), but your tag is definitely one I see in plenty of comments and authors notes. Which story does he use thestrals in?
You've definitely affected more people than your story view count would seem to accurately represent, especially since site traffic is left to the few real fans.
It doesn't help that the flower ponies are my favorites aside from OctyScratch, and I see your name a lot in the related stores. Long live Roseluck :heart:

PS: Don't be too hard on yourself, I like your writing style :raritywink:

Thestrals are mentioned in Before The Storm: Rise of Firefly and will feature heavily in upcoming chapters of Into The Storm.

I wouldn't say I think my style is bad, it just needs refinement in the fundamentals of writing. Foolers Rush In shows great promise and Fertile Ground is as solid a basic clopfic can be. I just need to keep improving.

It sounds like you may have seen a few of my comments on Firesight's stories themselves. I don't think many people read those, but they're easily my most reliable form of content on Fimfiction. I even wrote short form clop on Five Star Service: A Gentleman For Mares Tale in the comments! If you are reading Firesight I strongly recommend that one to your attention if you haven't read it already.

Ah, got it! I haven't started Firefly's story yet, but did just finish Five Stars and now Turnabout Storm, so it's next on the list :twilightsmile:

I just finished editing chapter 9 of Foolers Rush In. A fun little chapter. With that, I have a proper handle on all the characterization, the player's motivations and a firm grasp of the pacing. I have a solid plan going forward. Work has begun on chapter 11.

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