
Viewing 161 - 180 of 189 results

So Apparently I have A Fic That Was Last Modified In 1969 · 4:01am Jan 23rd, 2020


Send In Your Skeletons; Sing As Their Bones Go Marching In Again · 6:35pm Jun 10th, 2023

In what might be the most hilariously on-brand move on my part, I am currently facing a lot of hardships because I was too stupid to be stupid. I was too good at studying, and now I'm in deep shit. Classic Aragón, let me tell you.

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I managed to get some internet access! · 4:24am Dec 25th, 2015


Read It Now Reviews #86 – First Take; You’re a Lesbian, Rainbow Dash; Flutterperial; Suffer in Silence; One of the Living · 1:23am Jul 5th, 2016

The Fourth of July, the day wherein Americans celebrate their country by blowing up a small part of it.

What could be more American than that?

Reading pony fanfiction, clearly!

Today’s stories:

First Take by GAPJaxie
You’re a Lesbian, Rainbow Dash by Socks
Flutterperial by shortskirtsandexplosions
Suffer in Silence by Pascoite
One of the Living by Horse Voice

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Big Contest News! · 8:53pm Sep 26th, 2017

This week, none of my series will be updating, because I'm going to be entering another oneshot contest! After the success of the last one (Manaphy's Unsung Heroes), and after dragging my behind about it for a few weeks, I've finally decided to enter Amore's DiamondBloom Contest. Expect my oneshot entry, Amour Fragile, to come out in a few days.

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Preach Electric to a Microphone Stand (HI GUYS I'M COMING CLEAN) · 12:21am May 7th, 2018

Hi there! Full disclosure: this is an alt. My main account is this one, and my name is Aragón. Or at least that's my usual nick around the site. This was a bit of an experiment.

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I Reached 100 Followers! Celebration · 1:01pm Oct 10th, 2017

Yesterday, I received my 100th follower. That's right, after 2 years writing MLP fanfics I got 100 followers who think my works are worthwhile! I can't begin to describe how happy this makes me. Before I started writing, I went through an emotionally trying time, when I wasn't sure I wanted to live and didn't see the point of my life, but thanks to FimFiction and this Fandom I rediscovered my passion for writing and know my life isn't a mistake. Hundreds of encouraging comments, likes, follows,

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I Sing the Body Electric · 6:50pm Jun 20th, 2017

Okay, so first things first, I want y'all to know that I'm fine. I'm perfectly okay.

Good? Good.

So a couple weeks ago, my father found blood on my sheets. Figuring the time had finally come, he sat me down in front of him and told me about the wonders of growing up and the ways my body is going to change.

Then he stopped, and realized I'm actually not a woman.

So to the hospital we went.

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Trying to make sense of what happened. · 2:25pm Aug 4th, 2016

I somehow unfollowed Silver Chord last night? If I unfollowed anyone else by accident, please tell me. I went through my text messages several times. Then I checked fimfic. I knew that I posted a couple blogs but didn't realize that a couple was actually a lot. I just checked my other social media account and I didn't even realize that I posted on there. I decided that I'm going to stop drinking. No more hooch; no more tequila; no more whiskey. I thought I was going to die

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New addition · 7:39pm Jul 9th, 2018

Quick update-refresh-whatever, wastelanders....

I've decided I wanted to add something else to the tops of the chapters.

For those who do not want to go through the previous entries again, please see the below. This is what has been shared so far.

My Dearest Subjects, here and abroad.
I never wanted to be revered. That was never my goal.

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The Spring Fling Contest (And Why You Should Write For It) · 7:24pm Mar 19th, 2023

Hello my lovely readers. Allow me to take a small break from talking about Danganronpa or Star Trek to announce that I am a judge for EileenSaysHi's Spring Fling Contest. What is this contest, you might ask?

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Username? · 3:07am Jan 20th, 2016

Okay so I was thinking about possibly changing my username to nonbinarysunset.
Well I've had my "anonymousjedi" username for as long as I've had my fimfiction, and it referenced a previous username.
Also, I don't feel it represents what i want to be known for in the fandom. I have become much more punny since choosing anonymousjedi, and I feel like nonbinarysunset would be a great way to subtly nod to two of my favorite fandoms.

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Oof. · 7:35am Feb 27th, 2019

I have so many ideas for new stories floating around my head at this point. The thing is, only one of them is a one-shot that I'd be able to pull off in a short time, while the rest would likely end up demanding Pony-Me levels of time and dedication to bring to life.

First off is that story idea I pitched about a magical (not Narnia) world under a couch. Yes, I'm actually considering writing that.

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I'll miss you Miranda! · 6:01pm Oct 19th, 2015

...First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong
And what's small turn to a friendship
A friendship turn to a bond
And that bond will never be broken
The love will never get lost (and the love will never get lost)
And when brotherhood come first
Then the line will never be crossed
Established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn
And that line is what we reach
So remember me when I'm gone (remember me when I'm gone)

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New fic posted! · 11:04pm Jul 27th, 2022

I'm sure most of you saw the notification already, but I wrote a new fic for a contest entry, and I'm very proud of it! I'd love it if you gave it a read, especially considering that it's not your standard sci-fi/romance story. How many are told from the diary of a sprinkler system?

EThe Dangers of Personal Growth
The Solar Corporation would like to remind all employees that the incident involving Fiddlesticks and Lightning Dust was an isolated one, and would like to direct all further inquiries to their Incident Help Desk for an appropriately timely response.
Silent Whisper · 6k words  ·  52  3 · 511 views

... and sorry about the cover image. I usually like to make them myself, but I was exhausted yesterday.


Next Chapter of Children of the Sun posted~ · 2:36am Jul 9th, 2022


BACKSTREET'S BACK · 1:51am Dec 31st, 2015


ok so im officially back from vacation!
feel free to PM me, chat, comment, whatever

i know a few of you requested some art but i dont really remember what, so if u could send me a PM with "art request" as the subject/ title, that'd be great

anyways I what did you guys do for the holidays?[b


I went grocery shopping today! · 9:12pm Aug 2nd, 2016

My little brother and I went to the new store and it was ♫glorious♫! My mom gave me money to buy Ovaltine and only Ovaltine, but I used some of my own money to buy shit for myself. I got :pinkiecrazy:coconut oil:pinkiecrazy:, which has a fuckton of different uses, including but not limited to conditioner, lotion, mouthwash, makeup remover, and massage oil. I used it along with olive oil, almond oil, and aloe vera to make a hair serum. If you apply this shit to

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Hell's Belles: It's like Charlie's Angels meets National Treasure, only somehow worse! · 11:32pm Aug 17th, 2020

Remember how I said that I had a great big project that I'd been working really hard on, and have been for a long time?

Yeah, this isn't it. But it's still a fun little story that's absolutely batshit. Will try to update... once every couple of weeks, I want to say? I've got classes starting this Thursday, so we'll see. Still, come and check out Hell's Belles if you like ridiculous stories, or pancakes.

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 378 views
Viewing 161 - 180 of 189 results