
Viewing 1 - 20 of 81 results

A New Equestria book 2 chapter 23 preview. · 8:49pm Dec 1st, 2016

Well, the Chapter Preview for A New Equestria book chapter 23 is up on my Patreon Page. As I said, this chapter will be approximately 2k words, so that's why there's been a delay.


Preview for Dark Horse #8 · 2:14pm Dec 4th, 2015

User Fionn had the excellent suggestion of me making a teaser for #8.

Given how patient you've guys been with the behind the scenes rewrite it seemed like an excellent suggestion. :raritywink:

(The following is partially recycled from take #1. Editors and pre-readers, please use ctrl + f and skip to 'tiny voice' for the new stuff.)

Without further ado, the first ~2000 words of the next chapter! :pinkiehappy:

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Chapter Preview · 10:09pm Oct 15th, 2017

"What the hay? Snow?" Applejack said in astonishment as they beheld snowflakes falling from the sky.

"I thought you said the south was warm." Wulfric said while catching a snowflake in his hand.

"It usually is...I don't get it."

"This is the work of Dainn Stonehoof." Sergeant Quartz answered as they pressed on.

"After his takeover, he demanded that all male workers to quit their jobs and let the mares handle it and this is the result."

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Chapter Preview · 10:05pm Jun 17th, 2018

Opening of the next chapter

When the sun rose on the rebel camp, the air was filled with tension. The soldiers had armed themselves to the teeth as they prepared to board the first wave of airships as the rest continued to prepare for the oncoming assault while atop a nearby hill stood Shining Armor and Marshall over the graves of their fallen soldiers.

"Did you know this warrior?" Marshall asked the prince as he looked upon the many nameless graves before them.

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A Lonely, Wandering Heart Chapter 5 preview. · 7:56am May 16th, 2023


Chapter Preview · 6:00am Feb 18th, 2018

Amidst the troops now storming the riverbank of the town, one group of soldiers had found themselves being overwhelmed by a single knight wielding a black sword that cut through them as if they were made of paper.

"What the hell are you?!? Some kind of demon soldier?!?" One royal guard shouted in terror when Rarity announced her friends name loud enough for the enemy to hear.

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Blackened Night Chapter 4 Preview · 1:22am Nov 11th, 2016

Well, the chapter 4 for Blackened Night is now up on my Patreon Page for anyone who wants to get a snapshot of what the future chapter will entail.

If you are looking for more information on the Patreon exclusive, then I'll have definitive information on when it will be released by next Wednesday.


Chapter Preview · 8:45pm Aug 7th, 2017

The entire council room at Canterlot Castle was in an uproar, nobles who once ruled the northlands came flooding into the city with news of constant rebellion spreading across the kingdom and ruling families defecting to the enemies side.

"These rebels must be dealt with!" One councilman shouted over the various arguments in the room.

"They've destroyed every army sent at them! We must seek peace!"

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Chapter Preview · 9:39pm Nov 27th, 2017

"Oh come now Wulfric. We're all good friends here." The queen said while slyly wrapping her arm around Wulfrics to feel his muscle.

"And if you want we can be more than friends.~" She said in a sultry voice with her lips just inches away from his. Her attempts at seduction were cut short when Applejack stepped in and pushed back Chrysalis with a hateful glare.

"Keep your filthy hands off my man..."


Chapter Preview · 8:36am Jul 16th, 2017

Both armies stood at a distance from each other as the snow began to fall but while Blueblood and his men shivered in their boots. Wulfric, Shining Armor and their warriors readied themselves for battle.

Wulfric stepped forward with his axe raised high and gave a mighty shout to rally the troops.

"Who owns the north?"

"We do!"


"WE DO!!!"



Chapter Preview · 8:06am Apr 3rd, 2018

As the sun began to rise over the hills, the encampment laid quiet and peaceful unaware that a battalion of Royal Guards waited in ambush.

"ATTACK!" A stonehoof officer shouted as he lead the charge laying waste to the camp. The tents were torn down and set ablaze as the enemy began to tear the place apart yet something was wrong.

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Ember Gaze chapter 4 preview · 3:24am Jul 27th, 2015

Chapter 4:

Attack on Harpy

Ember and Tempest kept hearing explosions as they rushed to the center of town. Again and again the sound fills their ears. Ponies all around them were panicking worrying about their own lives. Tempest was looking a bit more confident now, no longer appearing like a scared filly. This would make things easier since Ember was the only one who fought that harpy.

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Chapter Preview · 9:27pm Sep 5th, 2018

As the creatures began to rise out of the snow, Wulfric and his warriors suddenly found themselves being surrounded on all sides and against such overwhelming numbers they knew there was no way they could win this fight.

"Get to the! RUUUN!!!"


A Changeling's Tale Chapter 0 SFW preview · 11:35pm Nov 16th, 2016

A bit earlier in the week then when I'll be publishing chapter preview, but the chapter's been complete for a few days now. So, with out further ado, the safe for work preview for my Patreon exclusive work, is now live on my Patreon Page.


Chapter Preview · 8:15pm Dec 10th, 2017

"Hey there little man~." Said a female berserker to a young squire as she leaned over to give him a clear view down her shirt while getting up close and personal.

"Let's ditch this place and have some real fun back at my tent~."

"Uh m-miss I'm very flattered but I need to um-!!" The squire replied timidly when the doe pulled him right into her breasts, nearly suffocating him.

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Filly Friends is done! · 12:30am Aug 6th, 2020

As of just about right now, I've finished the draft of the last chapter of Filly Friends! I've passed it off to quick and Qrow, and as long as they don't think it's total garbage, it'll go up next Tuesday along with the epilogue. It has been a lot of fun, and though I would change parts of the story if I were to do it now, I'm happy with how it came out. I'll go more in depth on posting day with an extended author's note for the entire thing, but if there are any questions or things you'd

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Preview for the conclusion to The King's Mice and random crap update · 6:12am Jun 13th, 2016


Chapter Preview · 9:50pm Nov 20th, 2017


At the sound of their captains voice, the soldiers quickly opened up the shield wall as Nightfall came crashing down its victim and cleaved him in two. The enemies behind the slain soldier began to stagger back in horror as the blood from their fallen comrade spewed on them like a water sprinkler. The assault continued as Marshall kept hacking away at the enemies before him while throwing some off the wall and allowing his men to retake their posts.

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Chapter Preview · 10:06pm Nov 1st, 2017

Under the full moon, Marshalls blade seemed to glow with an almost mystic light as he stood between the band of renegades and Princess Luna.

"You will not lay one hand on the princess..." Marshall spoke in a low, threatening voice while readying his sword.

"You're a fool! There's at least fifty of us and only one of you!" Said one of the rogue knights trying to sound intimidating but as he looked into Marshalls eyes, his blood began to freeze.


Chapter Preview · 4:00am Jun 1st, 2018

"Looky here boys." Said one of the patrolmen as they fanned out.

"A few lost birds. A few lost birds that never learned to fly!"

The men laughed as they began to encircle the group when two flashes of silver suddenly blinded them and three of the soldiers were cut down in the blink of an eye.

"You think you are the predators in this forest? You are wrong." The orochi said while removing the straw hat covering his face and drawing a second sword.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 81 results