
Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results

About ready to take my first steps, wih my first Fimfiction. · 4:48am Oct 30th, 2016

To all who come to this happy place: waffles!

Anyways, a month ago, I never did think I'd end up on Fimfiction, let alone actually reading some of the stories on here. However, that all changed in a big way recently.

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Applebloom and Coral Leaf will return in an upcoming, multi-chapter story! · 12:24am Jan 22nd, 2019

Well, it's officially begun!

Tonight on the bus, I typed the first words on my iWriter app, signaling the the first baby steps to a new story featuring our favorite hyper-couple! It was incredibly enjoyable to write about the characters based on AppleorPie's commissions of artwork featuring the hugely-endowed couple, but my plans were to not continue their adventures unless I felt there was a strong-enough story, let alone that AoP like what I had in mind.

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A new story regarding Apple Bloom and Coral Leaf is still coming · 4:16am Jun 17th, 2019

Trying to get a grasp on a new story has been very troubling. The concept I had in mind in January, then turned into something else a few months later...and has now become a new idea for a second epilogue.

This second epilogue I feel, is the proper direction to move into. Right now, the concept is very loose, but I feel it can be another fun little story focusing on our huge couple after some time has passed.

The current hope is to keep it at least 4,000 words long.


A new story is being reviewed, and got another idea on the way *Updated* · 12:46am May 25th, 2017

The other week, I took the train to visit my youngest sister, who graduated with a Masters Degree in Journalism (beats my mediocre little BFA in Media Arts and Animation, I'll give you that!). While on the train ride back to where I live, I did some more writing on The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf, and as the day carried on, I got the idea for another little one-shot story, this time involving a Applebloom as a young filly.

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Ch 4 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 6:49am Jan 25th, 2017

Well, thought I probably would have put this out earlier this evening, but found I had some touch-ups to make that needed to be made!

I think this chapter will really be a fun one for people to read. We're moving a bit beyond the character set-ups, and more into the 'meat' of the story.

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Chapter 18 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 1:46am Nov 3rd, 2017

Well, a little late, but I was running behind this morning.

Got Chapter 18 put up before going out the door this morning. Hoping there'll be some who like it. did consider folding it into the wedding chapter, but figured a 10000+ word chapter at this stage, might be a bit too much.

So yep, this chapter leads up to the big day, next chapter tells us what goes on there...and from there on out...I'm keeping quiet for now.


Chapter 20 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 3:49am Dec 5th, 2017

Well, we finally made it! Took over a year and some change, but here we are!

This was another chapter that I thought would be a breeze, but ended up twisting-and-turning in the wind, as I struggled to keep it on track. It's kind of like a 'kitchen sink' chapter, what with all the talking, and description, and much more going on!

Officially, this is the final chapter of this story.

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Chapter 19 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 6:13am Nov 21st, 2017

Whew! A little after midnight, but better late than never!

Get ready for a super-sized chapter...most likely, the last super-sized chapter this story will have!

Eeyup, we're winding down this puppy, with a chapter I've had on my mind for awhile now. I'd say more, but with over 11,000 words, I'll let Chapter 19 speak for itself.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a read!


The Epilogue to "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 4:40am Dec 22nd, 2017

And so, we finally reach the (unofficial) end, to The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf!

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Chapter 14 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 9:32pm Aug 13th, 2017

Whew! Was gonna wait until the middle of the week, but was too excited to keep this in any longer!

This was one of those 'tentpole' chapters that was like the dessert at the end of another meal-course. I had to 'slog' through some character development and not-so-hot storytelling to get here, but I'm pretty sure it'll find some fans and get some cheers (though I'm sure I'll be met with plenty of 'meh's.').

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Chapter 16 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 4:20am Sep 26th, 2017

Well, kind of flew through this chapter, but hope it has some nice, emotional moments to it.

I did struggle with it for a bit, because I felt it could have become very 'talky.' Because of that (and fearing it'd easily go over 10,000 words), I decided to 'streamline' the chapter, with summaries, and giving characters dialogue, when I felt it was necessary.

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Chapter 3 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 8:41am Jan 8th, 2017

Well, was going to do some more rough drafting on an upcoming chapter this weekend, but hit a bit of a rocky outcrop. So, what is a guy to do? Review/revise/release Chapter 3!

Originally, I was going to do a new chapter every 3 weeks, but if I keep with the schedule I have now, I will keep up a bi-weekly release.

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Chapter 13 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up, and some other argle-bargle! · 6:41pm Aug 5th, 2017

Well, I was originally planning to hold off until this weekend to release Chapter 13, but I was on such a 'cloud 9' feel, I put it up a few days ago!

I was glad to read some liked where I was going with the story, and in developing the characters. Seriously, I did try to 'streamline' the story, but like the previous chapter, all that chatting I like to write for characters, pushed this one over 9000 words!

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Found Some Good News · 9:13pm Aug 9th, 2019


Chapter 6 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 7:00pm Feb 25th, 2017

Yeah, it kind of broke my 2-week cycle of releasing a new chapter, but given that I've had a few extra thumbs up in the ratings area (and my first thumbs-down since the early days of the story), I decided to put this chapter up, a few days beforehand!

I will admit that when it comes to writing these stories, the word count gets drastically different when bringing the document into Fimfic's toolset.

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Chapter 9 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 5:00pm May 12th, 2017

Phew! Got that up before my 4-day weekend started!

The month of April is kind of a strange month for me. I was telling my Dad on the phone a few weeks ago, that it's felt that way since I was a teen, and I think it has to do with April being that 'transitional' month, between Winter and Spring.

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Chapter 12 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up, and some story musings* · 5:08am Jun 23rd, 2017

Well, a little early, but what the hey!

Here we get into some more character development regarding Coral Leaf's parents, and Applejack learning a few things about them, and their lifestyle.

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Chapter 17 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 4:05pm Oct 21st, 2017

Well, finally got that taken care of!

It was a struggle to find the through-line with this chapter. Heck, I almost just considered not writing it, but then, I'd be denying us a chance to see Coral and Applejack, tag-teaming on a little family assignment. It's not a big thing, but I felt it was nice to see how far they've come, and AJ, seeing that Coral really wants something, says, "let's go get it!"

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Still writing, still alive · 2:34am Aug 29th, 2017

Greetings, fellow readers!

I had originally intended to have the next chapter of The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf done in the next few days, but I'm considering taking my time with the next few chapters.

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Chapter 15 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 1:34am Sep 11th, 2017

Well, took a little while, but we finally got another chapter out!

You know some things you have to do, but it probably would be a lot simpler if you didn't do it?...that's what this chapter felt like.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results