
Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results

Tooth faries · 8:44pm Feb 1st, 2023

Expect nothing less from Guillermo del Toro. :twilightsmile:

Why, yes, I did watch Hellboy 2 today. And speaking of things I watched this week, I started watching Chainsaw Man so expect a Powerfull amount of puns provided I'm sober and if I actually remember tomorrow. :rainbowlaugh:


Victory... · 8:21am Aug 26th, 2016

... sorta. This will take some explanation, so settle in.

Years ago, at the insistence of some readers, I tried submitting TWP to Equestria Daily. I didn't think the story was good enough for the site (and still don't), but the reply i got from their pre-reader was quite rude. I left it at that and went on to write the remaining 50 chapters, most of RoH, and everything else since.

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Looking for a Saint Seiya fan for creative consult. · 1:53pm Jul 24th, 2017

I've been reconnecting with Saint Seiya when I found this:

Speaking of, I've been going around a theme recently, and I need to consult someone who knows about Saint Seiya, at least up to the Sanctuary Saga. Not a mega fan who can quote the Hypermyth on notice, just anyone who saw the series back in the day and would give me an opinion for some adaptations ideas I have.


Happy 10th Anniversary to Pacific Rim! · 4:09am Jul 13th, 2023

Ten years ago today, when monsters came to invade our world, we created monsters of our own.


My Episode Review on The Three Stooges: Pop Goes the Easel (Plus, a Little Announcement Regarding "From Repair to Despair") · 5:11pm Jan 28th, 2021

Yo, what's up, Kemosabes?

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, I'm gonna give you guys my take of the Three Stooges's "Pop Goes the Easel".

Here's the rundown of it:

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Demon Eyes Laharl is alive! · 5:43pm February 28th

Hey folks. Thought everyone would be interested to know that I have gotten in touch with the Father of the Gentlemanverse Demon Eyes Laharl. Thanks goes to HorseWordFan for informing me that he had been active on recently, posting and updating his first new story there since 2018

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My Episode Review on The Three Stooges: Hoi Polloi · 4:35pm Sep 8th, 2021

Yo, what's up, Kemosabes?

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, I'm gonna give you guys my take of the Three Stooges's "Hoi Polloi".

Here's the rundown of it:

During the lunch hour at a restaurant, two professors by the names of Richmond and Nichols debate over what it is that makes a man a gentleman: Environment. Or Heredity.

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A song from a favourite film in the spirit of Halloween - Season of The Witch · 4:07pm Oct 31st, 2020

If we can't go out, watch a film. Or listen to Halloween-esque music. Or do both simultaneously. From one of my favourite films, Lana Del Rey covered a Donovan song called Season of The Witch. I'm thinking of being fat tonight and re-watching it while scoffing pizza or perhaps some other film in the spirit of the holiday. Join me?


Some things to say · 3:24pm February 15th

Hey, folks. Forgive me for grousing a bit, but thanks to some financially costly personal matters crossed with recently received negative feedback on Feathered Hearts, my ire is up while my tolerance for taking crap is low. There are some things I really need to get off my chest right now, so getting right to the point:

It seems like every couple months or chapters...

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Merry Christmas! Happy Hearth's Warming! · 2:24am Dec 26th, 2020

And for readers of Firefly, your presents are as follows:

1. The next Firefly chapter, tentatively titled Rock of Equestria, should be draft complete this weekend and be off to prereaders. Afterwards, I need to create the promised graphics before I release it. Total length will probably be around 9000 words or so as we start into the battles around Maresk and the struggles of the Equestrian Army to escape envelopment and bloody the gryphons a bit five days into the war.

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Reflections on Five Star Service · 3:19pm Jun 9th, 2019

Five Star Service, my first story on site, has finally passed the 300 like mark! I'd like to thank all the longtime readers of it, and everyone who ever commented on and contributed to it. It was my first and remains my most daring and unusual story in many ways, as well as sporting one of my biggest screw-ups that required a complete rewrite of two chapters to fix (The Attorney ones).

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My Review of Elemental · 9:33pm Dec 31st, 2023

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it

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Review: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) · 11:59pm Jun 23rd, 2015

“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold…”

And with those lines, so begins Terry Gilliam’s nightmarish and incomprehensible (and ultimately meaningless) orgy of hallucinatory, nightmare inducing imagery and meandering monologuing haze of a film that refuses to follow any semblance of normalcy or logic, instead existing in its own disturbing two hour drug induced haze of paranoia and madness.

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Review: Sicario (2015) · 6:55am Dec 20th, 2015

Denis Villeneuve's third English language feature is a pristinely directed film that simultaneously manages to be a tightly wound genre piece and a soberingly cynical and frank look at the brutal "War on Drugs".

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Yesterday was awesome · 4:07pm Oct 30th, 2016

I spent it with my friend and his grandparents and it was awesome. First we saw the new Madea movie and it was pretty funny. Then we drove all over creation and went to a fuckton of stores. Actually, we only went to two.:rainbowlaugh: Sam's club and Michael's. We had dinner at Cracker Barrel. Since my mom and his grandparents were going to have wine together and he needed to drive home late at night, we decided to go to Starbucks. His Starbucks app said he could get a free

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Feathered Heart and Firefly Update · 4:18pm Dec 23rd, 2020

Firstly--the new Firefly chapter stands at 6000 words and growing. I still intend to release it on or before New Year's. And secondly... I have tried and failed to get in touch with Gentlemanverse founder and Feathered Heart writer Demon Eyes Laharl, who it appears has pretty much

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Feathered Hearts milestone · 4:00pm Mar 22nd, 2023

300 likes! Everybody can pick up their helms, red capes, spears, copper shields, and chest wax, as we’ll be marching to the Hot Gates to face down the Persian Army shortly.

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Review: Inside Out (2015) · 6:49pm Oct 28th, 2015

Guess who got emotionally wrecked by an animated movie about talking emotions?

This guy.

Simply put, Inside Out stands as a marvelous return to form for Pixar after a period of indecision and uncertainty. Going right back to the emotional themes such as family and storytelling devices that are brilliantly original, Inside Out shows exactly why Pixar Animation Studios is the absolute master of the modern day all ages animated film.

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Bad Boys or Sad Boys? · 9:26pm May 18th

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it

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Review: Inherent Vice (2014) · 9:55pm Nov 12th, 2015

In what is possibly the most beautifully confusing cinematic experience I've had, Paul Thomas Anderson's most recent feature, and his seventh film, manages to to be an absurdest, stoned out trip down the sweaty, drug addled and sex crazed summer byways of 1970 Los Angeles, as we follow an equally absurdest and stoned out private detective as he is quickly dragged into an incomprehensible conspiracy involving hippies, Neo-Nazis allied Jewish land developers, cults, and Chinese heron dealers,

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results