
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Random middle-of-the-night deep thought · 6:00am May 9th, 2018

What are your theories on the feasibility of Equestria's existence according to the show's lore?

Would the historical events portrayed in the show really manage to snowball into what would later become Equestria, or is it just a pile of creative license?


Imagine what a Pong-MLP crossover would be like? · 5:16am Apr 25th, 2018

Would it just be ponified vertical boxes doomed to forever bounce a ball to each other?
Would it just be the average game of (table) tennis?
Would it be in intricately-woven adventure diving deep into the technical aspects and history of the video game industry?



This is what happens when my homework overflows into my bedtime.


My first blog, a glimpse into my so-called life. · 8:08pm Yesterday

I've been meaning to post a blog, but have been having trouble deciding what to write. The hard part is that I don't want to post a blog on Fimfic's shitty mobile version! (I hate typing on my phone's tiny keypad, anyway.) So, I'm writing this on my antique laptop. It's close to 20 years old, and runs WinXP. Thank Celestia that Mypal 64 was designed for "legacy" devices, and actually WORKS!!! Every other browser I tried, from Opera to Chrome, kept giving me bogus "Security Certificate"

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Romance Novels · 1:47am Nov 23rd, 2021

“What if,” Spike said, “Ginger Gypsy hadn’t been afraid to confess her love? Would you still hate her so much?”

I frowned. “Hate is a strong word. I never said I hated her.”

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Deep Thoughts: Why free art requests are important · 4:26pm Sep 17th, 2019

I had one of those rare moments today when my thoughts go really deep about something. I shouldn't be sharing them here, right now, because I actually don't have time for that. I'm also worrying that publishing these thoughts could be seen as lazy on my part, since I talk about them, but don't say anything about my active stories that are still in a place of temporary stagnation.

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results