
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

Chapters! · 1:30pm Jan 11th, 2020

Should probably let people know that chapter production is on their way.

If you want to follow along the chapter progress will be updated here. That way, if you are unsure of when they will be released you can get an idea here. :twilightsmile:

King: The Beginning Chapter 14: 11% Last Updated: 13-01-2020

Fallen Knight Chapter 12: 24% Last Updated: 13-01-2020


If anyone wonder. · 7:40pm May 5th, 2020

To anyone who might wonder why I have not posted any chapter, it is because I am doing lots of yard work.

Also, I am trying to finish Fallen Knight, that is my focus right now.

Thank you for being patient! :twilightsmile:


Knightfall · 7:18am Oct 20th, 2019

Well I must admit, I did not expect The Fallen Knight to do so well. ^^

Unfortunately I have not been able to focus much on it because I'm going to Poland tomorrow with my school. So there is a lot I need to prepare, I've only managed to write something on a baby project of mine, and if it goes well I should be able to post a chapter each of the five days I'm away and then work on the next chapter Saturday next week.


Fallen Knight Update! · 4:42pm Oct 28th, 2019


Just a quick update, the next chapter is coming along nicely, should be released during this week, I am hoping on Wednesday.

It has already gone through deletion, rewrites, and that is because so far it has been a b*tch to write. Not because it's hard, but because I don't like to shove things in there that has no value or insight to the story or characters. I am also dealing with the last days of school, writing a report that has to be delivered soon, so most of focus is on that.

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Plans for 2020 · 5:07pm Dec 27th, 2019

First of I wanna say, thank you to all who have read my stories!

It means a lot to me, and there has been great support for my stories, at least, that is what I feel. To say it once again, none of my stories are dead, I am simply taking a vacation, letting the rest of the year pass over me, relaxing with family and simply enjoying some of the stories I wanna read on here.

There Is a lot I wanna do in 2020, stories I have planned and so on.

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I Won! · 8:33pm Feb 7th, 2020

Well well well, seems the apprentice was right. :ajsmug:

Today is a great day, my union has sent the letter to tell my bosses to stick their bullsh!t up their rear end! :rainbowwild:

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Developments · 6:29pm Feb 5th, 2020

Hey guys, another update.

There is no dead stories, but, I am still fighting with my workplace. I have been forced to take legal actions through my union. That means I have had to submit a lot of paperwork, and read a lot about the laws, rules, and regulations I have to abide by so I am sure in my case. Of course the people from my union are the experts, but I don't wanna be lied to again by my bosses.

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Updates! · 4:06pm Dec 31st, 2019


There has been a lot of support for Fallen Knight, which is just awesome. And I have gotten into a big Star Wars mood, so right now there is a lot of writing going on. I'm happy to say the next chapter is well on it's way! I will be updating this blog showing the progress of the chapter, so if you wanna see how far it has come, feel free to check it out! :rainbowwild:

Fallen Knight Chapter 11: 100% Complete and posted

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results