
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results

I'm scared for my uncle and grandma · 8:03pm Sep 7th, 2017

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Report Hoops · 170 views · #irma

IrmAftermath · 5:15am Sep 13th, 2017

During the storms, our power was knocked out. It stayed out until a few hours ago, when it came on... for about half a minute, I guess? Then it went off for a few hours, then came on... this time for 45 minutes. Then, a short period, and it was on again, and that's where we are now. We've had to throw out some food so it doesn't make us sick, but not a lot.

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Report Nyperold · 299 views · #hurricane irma

Update 09/07/17: Irma · 7:48pm Sep 7th, 2017

Hi everybody. So, if I haven't mentioned it before... I'm from Miami. And if you've been listening to the news, it looks like Hurricane Irma is headed in Florida's direction, probably getting here Saturday as a Category 4. For those unfamiliar with hurricanes, the scale goes up to five. On top of that, Irma's gigantic.

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WHERE HAVE I BEEN? · 12:56pm Sep 16th, 2017

IRMA REALLY SUCKS. I've been gone for about of month and most of it was school but I live in florida so IRMA SAID A BIG SCREW YOU TO ME. I haven't been online because IRMA KNOCKED MY GODDAMN POWER OUT FOR A WEEK. I DONT live in the flood zone areas, I live in Zephyrhills (buy our water) our electrical grid is confusing you can go to one intersection and less than an quarter mile no power at the next intersection.

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Hurricane Irma · 12:15am Sep 9th, 2017

I will keep this brief and to the point. I am in the way of Irma. I have to evacuate tomorrow and honestly I am not sure what is going to happen. I will keep you all posted on the details if I can. Now if I cant well...I love you all everybody and everypony.

Till we meet again, hopefully that is very soon.

Equinox Starshifter.


Irma: part 1 · 12:55am Sep 7th, 2017

As some of you may know, Florida is currently in the path of a powerful category 5 hurricane called Irma. Luckily me and my family have a couple of days to prepare for this storm. So if I drop off the face of the earth for a little bit, you know why.

Besides that, how's everyone doing?

Report Cuber Snuggles · 220 views · #Irma #hurricane

I am fine · 2:39pm Sep 11th, 2017

I am fine, I have face the trials and tribulations of Irma and live. My house is ok, a bit leaky here and there, but not terrible. I will start once more trying to write again as I get my live back in order, and relax from the ordeal. That being said the shelter I went to was nice, met a few nice people who made the visit pleasant and some less then pleasant people. The former out numbering the latter meant I would rate it pretty good. The meals they provided were pretty decent as well all

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Hurricane Irma [Update] · 3:12pm Sep 9th, 2017

Now that I've evacuated and am settled in, I think I should chime in on some of what I've been hearing at jammed gas stations and supply areas. I'm not one to just go up and start ragging on news stations, but from what I've seen, people need to keep calm despite what the news is telling you. I will be writing this to alleviate some concerns and explain a little of what the news ...for whatever reason, isn't talking about.

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Roumors of my Demise are Greaty Exaggerated · 5:50pm Sep 13th, 2017

So, now that things are settling down from the hurricane, I should probably get back to writing Displaced Into Nothing. I'm not expecting to finish Chapter 6 for a while though: I haven't really been thinking about it since last Wednesday, when things started to get scary: when the state governor tells you "Get out now. You will not survive." and the other 4 people in the house insist that there won't even be a hurricane, you don't think about niche My Little Pony fanfiction.

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Hurricane update (in case people were wondering) · 4:54pm Sep 10th, 2017

The morning after I posted that, I put about half of my non-furniture belongings in my car and drove inland, far away from the evacuation zone, in an area that isn't expected to flood heavily. I'm now in a concrete block house with my drummer and his dad, which we've been preparing for the storm. I almost drove about 4 hours north, to where Frelania lives, but I wasn't sure I had the gas to make that safe. Getting a good night's sleep in a place where people weren't blowing it off did a good

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A vent about Spike's behavior in Chapter 2... · 2:09am Sep 9th, 2017

I'm not going to proofread this because it IS a bit of a rant about something upsetting me in my personal life...

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Still alive · 2:41am Sep 18th, 2017

Hey everybody. Irma's good and dead now and I'm still alive. Although I've got to say... I've had some of the worst six days of my life. You'll forgive me if I rant for a little bit about what happened.

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To Change A Changeling/(an early) Daring Done? reviews · 6:27pm Sep 6th, 2017

To Change A Changeling
This was a really fun episode; the humor, the new character, it was all pretty entertaining. My only gripe is Starlight and Trixie thinking that Pharynx was a lost cause, but luckily it doesn't go unnoticed.
Overall, this was a fun episode!
8/10 Very Good

Daring Done
(disclaimer: I saw this episode early, so if you plan to watch the episode on the day it airs, be warned of spoilers)

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Listening to Mock EAS Broadcasts · 6:07am Sep 10th, 2017

I don't know what it is about listening to fabricated Emergency Alert System messages that has drawn me. I tell myself that it's a humbling experience: shocking myself into hearing what could happen in the worst-case scenario. In particular, the cold, unerring terror of hearing a message play that tells me about an incoming attack. Some others deal with severe weather, and one that I found was built around the 9/11 attack, but the most haunting in my search so far involved a

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Storm's gone, back to pone. · 6:59am Sep 13th, 2017

Irma kinda threw me off, but I'm back at wording along. For those of you waiting on the ongoing fics to update, sorry. I am working on getting those out ASAP. I've also got a few other projects in the works(but really, when do I NOT have like a dozen other side projects going at once? Fics4days), so keep an eye out for those. Hopefully I'll have a couple of things ready to post very soon.

Stay classy.

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Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results