
Viewing 1 - 20 of 154 results

A note about the thing · 2:26am Jul 17th, 2015

Remember the thing we can't talk about? From way back last year?

...yeah. That thing.

We still can't talk about it. It... escalated. But it is coming. Yea, verily, it cometh, like a pony in the night. Or so I'm told.

(Except not in the night. More likely in the early morning. I think it's on London time.)

Report Bad Horse · 675 views · #promises #promises #NSFG

Plans for August, or: Where's them bonus chapters ya promised, Cracker?! · 12:51pm Aug 2nd, 2016

Hey, all. As you may be aware, I'm taking part in Megapone's little event. I have just submitted my entry, it should be up on the site shortly.

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Poem #11 · 4:21pm Jan 17th, 2017

The Broken Promise (11)

Oh Fair Maiden, why do you weep?
Why do you shed tears of pain?
Oh why at night can you not sleep?
She said in eager sweet reply,
"My dear sir, I am afraid,
I had a lover this past fall,
And he did promise to come to me by spring,
And I weep for fear he died."
And so I heard her tale,
And I tell it to you,
And I wonder each passing day,
If her lover will return,
For years have passed since,
And if the man is not dead,

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More Updates · 8:42pm Apr 23rd, 2021

Hey y'all. I'm here with another update.

Two updates on the same day. What's up with that?

Ok Sunset. We get your point...

Anyways... Since I am done editing stories for now, I decided that I am going to continue writing Coronation of Compassion now.

Wow, really?

Yes. I will post the next chapter either tomorrow or Sunday, and the one after that on Monday, so you can keep a lookout for that.

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Report Echo Breeze · 207 views · #updates #promise

Soon™ v6 - It's Really Happening This Time! · 11:59am Apr 1st, 2022

Report Csquared08 · 240 views · #I promise!

FREEDOM! · 4:00pm Apr 27th, 2016

School is over for me! (Well, at least until I register for my next semester of college, but still!) This means I can work on my fics much easier now, and I might even start up the Sneak-Peek Saturday thing again. And yes, I'm sorry about it not coming through last time for the Epilogue of Disguise In Hearts. I just didn't feel quite right about putting it up that early. It felt too dissatisfying to put it up just yet. I'm gonna be working on it again soon, though. My other stories will be

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For Anyone That Has Requested A Story · 5:28am Jan 25th, 2018

I'm making this only to tell you that I am sorry. There is no excuse for how badly I've done in bringing you all your desired tales of Erotica and whimsy. I've been sick, but that doesn't stop my hands. I've been moving, but that doesn't mean I have moments to rest. All I can say is that I apologize and I hope you all can forgive me for how arrogantly I have been at this simple task. I will do all I can to get these stories to you all even if it kills me. I'll delete every damn thing from my

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Updates · 8:29am Nov 7th, 2020

Hey guys. I am here to tell you why I've been offline for a while, so here it is.

I have been having problems with my service provider, so my WiFi is off at the moment. I am using mobile data, and we all know that it doesn't last.

I want to formally apologize to the people that need me to do proofreading for them. It has been a shit couple of weeks. I will get to the proofreading as soon as possible.

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Going on hiatus for a while · 7:26pm Feb 24th, 2021

As you all know by now, I have been having issues with my Wi-Fi.

I am here to say that I am going on hiatus for a while so I can hopefully sort out my Wi-Fi issue, so I can post more regular updates.

I also plan to use this time to get out of the slump I've been having with my writing, and to start with my 100 follower special. I am also trying to get a few tracks done to upload to my YouTube channel when I get back online.

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The Heart's Promise: Timeline and Q&A · 12:42am Apr 16th, 2017

So here’s something fun I discovered. A few years ago, I’d started to put together a timeline for The Heart’s Promise Continuity. I hadn’t finished it, and honestly, even what you see now is nothing close to done, but I spent some time cleaning up.

It’s a neat way for me to collect major happenings in the series, keep my dates and ages straight, and generally make sure everything adds up to a logical progression.

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I Promise. · 3:21am Jun 11th, 2017

Hello to everyone that's put in a request. I know it's been a while and you're all expecting your stories but I've been struggling with a lot of stuff lately. From economic things to home and yadda yadda yadda. I've been very busy and I'm sorry that I haven't had time to get your stories out but I'll be buckling down while I still have the time to spare and I'll put out as many of the stories as I can. Please just bare with me and stay patient a little longer. I know I've said it before, but

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A Pegasus Promise · 1:58am Dec 14th, 2020

Hey guys,

It's been a long time since the last chapter addition.

That is mostly due to the fact that I had to rewrite the next few chapters entirely. It wasn't good before, now it's way better.

My editor and I are in the process of making one last checkup.

I will upload the next chapter on the 15th of december.

As for the next release, it's going to be two chapter with one illustration. We will start working on them in january.

I hope you will stay around!

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Hey everypony! · 2:07pm Jul 29th, 2020

Wow, okay. So... It has come to my attention because I actually decided to pay attention for once that I'm dang near 100 of you all reading and following my stories. To me that is absolutely nuts and I cannot thank you enough. But with that thanks also comes an apology. An apology for not posting as much as many of you might like, apology for not getting stories out when I say they will, apology for... Just being a procrastinator and being swamped by my work. I have so many

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EFNW Bound · 4:56pm Aug 23rd, 2022

Should have made this earlier, but honestly just remembered after seeing other people make posts.

I'll be at Everfree this year. I still haven't had the drive to try submitting a horror panel, so I'm not hosting anything. I'll still be hanging out and having fun, maybe trying Iron Author again.

I'll have "Flashgen" on my badge, so feel free to say hi if you notice me, or if you can shoot me a DM on here.

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Mm-hmm. · 4:19am Feb 1st, 2021

Call of C-Shy update tomorrow.

And a new story about a Marble, Limestone and Troubleshoes love triangle.

For true.


hey · 11:00pm Feb 29th, 2016

I'm back after all this time.
I don't know when I'll update my stories.
I don't know if I will update my stories.
But you better believe I'll try my best.
Sorry if you're disappointed.
I still need to work a few things out.
But I am trying.
-mlpsuperfan :pinkiesad2:


Coming Soon: If You Weren't Afraid, Starring Discord · 8:31pm Jan 22nd, 2016

There's a new story on the way! It's one that I've been working on for several years, now, just trying to pull it together into a satisfying, enjoyable story. It's had several false starts, and even more mutations.

What was originally a story about Pinkie Pie getting Discord's power has become... something very different. Something better.

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No, I haven't forgotten · 6:48am Jan 5th, 2016

She took a moment to examine herself. Her once immaculate coat had already been marred by sweat, dust, and some minor wounds. An arrow had slashed at her skin just short of her cutie mark, leaving the area flush with the bright-red hue of blood. It stuck out all the more due to the alabaster shine of her coat.

And yet the pain that should have had her on the floor moaning in agony, or at least nursing a nasty wound, gave her no more than a dull ache of protest.

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New Revelations Update · 5:05pm Jul 11th, 2016


Well, that's how it is. · 4:15pm Aug 5th, 2015

So, tomorrow I'll be boarding a plane and going over to Greece... Wasn't there some kind of economical problem there? I dunno. It's a family vacation and hopefully it is nothing to worry about.

But for all my readers, this means I most likely won't be very active for the next 7 days. But I still be online every now and then since they do have Wi-fi there.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 154 results