
Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results

Megaman Beast Out · 7:28pm Jan 11th, 2016

Report NeoKun · 279 views · #Megaman

Megamane; Update Chapter 7 · 11:11pm Feb 9th, 2016

I actually updated one of my stories. I know, what the heck. I'm just making the blog post because apparently my stories don't send out update notifications or something?

I dunno. Just trying to cover my bases.

Report Flutters Is Shy · 323 views · #Megamane

Please check this out · 4:21pm Feb 2nd, 2016

I've begun writing other stories, and this is one of my first stories that isn't pony related in a long time. It's part of my favorite fandom, and as Capcom refuses to do anything with this character, I've decided to take a crack at it.

So please take a read, and if you like it, please share it with your friends on social media. Anything to help me get more supporters for my Patreon and more readers for my work period.

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So... concerning the name.... · 7:27pm Nov 3rd, 2015

Now that I have an idea of what I'm making, I need a name. Which one sounds better to all of you?

Mega Mare: Brilliance (using the American title)


Rockmare: Brilliance (using the Japanese orignal name)


How do I make this? · 9:20pm Nov 2nd, 2015

So I have an idea for my next piece of work after Code Lyoko EG. As I've mentioned to many people here, I'm a HUGE Mega Man fan. I've always wanted to make a crossover between Mega Man and MLP, but I don't know how to tackle it. Which one would you rather see?

1: Elements of an existence Mega Man story incorporated into the MLP world.


2: Something completely original and more magic based that amounts to a scenario that plays out like Mega Man in a way.


Story Update 11/4/2015 (I'm gonna start dating these updates) · 3:56pm Nov 4th, 2015

I'm trying my hardest to get back to work on Code Lyoko EG. At the moment though, I'm a little stumped on the next episode. I'm going to spend some time reading the books, now that I finished the cartoon, and hopefully I'll get some ideas going for it.

In the meantime, I plan on going back to older works, so I'm going to be focusing on Elements of Harmony, Humanity, Kamen Rider Great Illusionist, and Captured, at least until I can get back to work on Code Lyoko.

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Mega Mare Brilliance · 10:58pm Nov 4th, 2015

My newest demon, Mega Mare Brilliance is now live, and so far reception it pretty good.

If you haven't checked it out yet, then please do. This me me combining MLP with my favorite video game character of all time, so you bet I'm excited for this.


Interesting Things... I think. · 6:55am Aug 30th, 2015

Hey guys! ...If you care. I'm still not in the yu gi oh fandom nor can I play the card game, but get this: I opened my first card pack. Guess what I found?

$40 rare card! Among the packs I opened, I found two of 'em! And they are shiny as heck!

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New Megamane Chapter · 12:44pm Dec 26th, 2016


New Gaming Series: Casual Failure · 1:21pm Oct 12th, 2017

For those few of you out there reading this who would be interested in watching someone who's been playing video games since he was 3 or thereabouts struggle to deal with a mad scientist, I've started what I'm hoping will be a lengthy online series called "Casual Failure".

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Wily's Wittle Wub · 6:30pm Jul 30th, 2020

This entire post will be spoiler based aside from my rating of it, 9/10.

This actually sort of motivated me to get back into Mega Man, a game franchise that I completely forgot I was good at until I started reading. I wouldn't say I was a god at or anything like that (check Gemini Lazer for a god at Mega man), but anyway to the actual review.

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Hey! Zx exist too · 3:22am Dec 10th, 2021

I've seen crossover with megaman classic, x, zero and even nattle network

but what about zx?


New Years · 11:51pm Dec 31st, 2017

So I've posted my last chapter for 2017 today. You got another chapter of Replicated Wanderer and more likely than not probably another chapter of Locksmith coming out either tomorrow or Tuesday unless I finish it tonight XD

Well all I can say is that I found something fitting for Replicated Wanderer.

Make sure you watch. You won't be disappointed :twilightsmile:

Also Happy New Years to all.


Future Arcs · 5:02am Jun 7th, 2018

So as far as the poll goes for story arcs I'm closing it now. The story arcs will go as follows:

  1. Thestral
  2. Deer
  3. Griffon
  4. Minotaur
  5. Zebra
  6. Hippogriff
  7. Diamond Dog
  8. Yak
  9. Buffalo

Changelings will be integrated at a certain point. There will also be an arc of the Pony of Shadows and one of Discord. Truthfully Discord will have multiple but that's pretty much obvious.

I'll add a title list for the arcs later.


New Megamane title art · 3:52am Dec 26th, 2016

So a friendly artist recently finished up a request for me recently, so now you too can see his fruits and labors!~

Beauty, ain't it?

You can see the other sketches and so on in the newest 'chapter' for Megamane, as well as a link to a sneak peak of the next actual chapter.


Replicated Wanderer Crossover · 8:07am Mar 21st, 2018

So here we are... crossovers. An actual crossover with other authors. It's been a long time coming honestly. I'm sure all of you were like What story is he gonna crossover with? or Will it actually be good?

So who is the lucky story I'm apparently going to crossover with. I'm hoping these two authors talked about it before hand.

TA Passing Through Kamen Rider
A young man goes to a convention and finds he has the powers of Kamen Rider Decade in a world of ponies and monsters. Can he rise up and fight evil?
thunderclap · 423k words  ·  181  30 · 9.6k views

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Editing · 7:03am Jan 11th, 2018

As you all know I make a lot of stories and I try to stay consistent. Funnily enough the only story I have an editor for is Replicated Wanderer and that is one of my main focuses alongside Locksmith. Locksmith chapter is coming but I'm trying to convey a good ending for the Ori world so it fits the tone of the story and finishes up being a retread of the story already presented. So that's coming up.

New chapter of Replicated Wanderer tomorrow. Or at least by midnight.

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Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I stand before you feeling like a bloody god · 11:07pm Jun 5th, 2016

I have FINALLY beaten Mega Man 9.

After nearly seven months of dying to those accursed spike traps, falling into bottomless pits from ridiculous knockback, starving for ammo after beating the final stage's boss rush, and after losing to Dr Wily for various reasons, I have at long last defeated Mega Man 9 no more than five minutes ago.

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Weekly Gaming Blog · 5:10am Jun 24th, 2016

Welcome to my Gaming Blog!

This week's coverage: Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness, the Mega Man Mega Marathon, Project X Zone, and Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. I didn't manage to put in any time with Dragonball Xenoverse this week because I had a lot on my plate and most of my console gaming time was spent on Disgaea D2, but I'll get to that next week.

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Story writing on hold · 12:47am Jan 24th, 2016

I've had some trouble with the Mega Man animation I've wasted nearly all of this month working on. It's just not right, so I'm cancelling it.

Instead, I'm gonna make a short animation poking fun at the new FNAF World game. Because I have a lot of ideas to put out there about the game. Ha ha ha.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results