
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

Quick edit. · 12:43pm Dec 16th, 2018

For all of you who've bought my book, I've just gone through and made a few edits. Mainly any grammar and spelling problems that I missed at first. The update probably won't through for a couple of days, but if your kindle (or whatever you download) updates, you'll know why. If you just downloaded the .epub, no kindle whatsoever, you'll probably have to re-download to get the updates.

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Report Knight Breeze · 309 views · #My book

Hey! It's ready, and published! · 4:59am Feb 22nd, 2020

So, I finished editing and fixing up and all that stuff my new book, and due to how Amazon works, the changes will be available any time between the next hour, and the next 48 hours. As for now, I have a bone to pick with Amazon that I'm sure you guys will get a kick out of. It's a minor thing, but it still bugs me, and it's something that I'm sure you guys will catch once you see the new manuscript.

You see this?

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I’m Publishing a Book! · 1:02am Jun 9th, 2019

While I doubt many people actually want to read my stories in dead tree form, my vainglorious ass gives zero fucks because YOLO. Against all good sense and anything resembling good taste, I’m gonna be in the BronyCon Bookstore, getting that sweet sweet social capital and false air of legitimacy. I’ll probably print 20 copies and sell three, because again, I write utter crap, and even if you strain the dross out of a cesspool, you’re still left with turd water, but that’s the way the cookie

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How It Works: Marketing Your Book · 10:53am May 9th

If you're a first-time author wondering how to market your book, you likely have many more questions than answers. But don't worry because it's a natural part of the process; once you learn more, you'll understand how to go about it. For at least the past 20 years, the internet has been upending and revolutionizing the media and PR landscape. It affects book promotion just as it has other industries. There are fewer

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What am I Writing? Plus the Usual · 7:34am Mar 11th, 2019

I've still got to start writing words again, but I am planning on writing some more of the book this week, anyways unto the real subject of this blog post.

What am I writing?

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Bronycon Bookstore - What the Actual Crap!? · 12:45pm Aug 2nd, 2019

Hey, guys!

So, uh, yeah... Those of you here at Bronycon have probably seen the madness that was the vendor hall yesterday. I pretty much sold out of Into the Dark in about three hours. If you are here at Bronycon, I believe we are taking either back orders or doing a direct sale-to-mail. Come to the booth (513, I think? Its just around the corner from Ruirik's woodworking booth.) and talk to Aquaman for final confirmation on how it's all going down.

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It exists. · 1:56pm Oct 19th, 2018


Mechanic: The Mystery of Fuse 13 · 1:29am Jul 28th, 2023


Songs of the Sisters: Acquiring Horizon words · 3:30pm Aug 8th, 2019

Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results