
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results

NaPoWriMo · 3:06am Nov 8th, 2015

I'm sure most of you have seen the site post (or at least the headline) talking about NaPoWriMo, or National Pony Writing Month. That's not actually a thing. It's wordplay on an actual real thing, though: National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo or simple NaNo.

The goal of NaNo is to write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. It seems like a lofty goal, but consider the daily goal: 1667 words per day. In a Word document, that's approximately two and a half pages each day. No sweat!

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Winner! · 5:22pm Nov 30th, 2021

Despite grad school and a significant mental block, last night I hit 50,000 words in this year's NaNo story. It is nowhere near done and has sections missing (because I was trying to get around the block), but I completed the challenge. 2 for 2, two years in a row.

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Feelin' the need to brag right about now... · 12:47am Nov 30th, 2020

50,000! I wrote 50,000 words, in November! NaNo goal achieved! And the best part is, I'm only just now at the meat of this chapter!

This be me right now.

Report The Bricklayer · 199 views · #NaNo #goal #achieved

NaNo - Challenge Completed! · 11:55pm Nov 16th, 2020

Amidst school and several other challenges, I have completed the challenge of National Novel Writing Month in just 16 days! Over 50,000 words in a brand new novel. I have not decided how the story will end, but the novel is nearing completion. It will take at least one more book to finish the story. I have a lot of school piling up, so we shall see how much further past 50,000 I will get!

Link to my NaNoWiMo Profile.

Report Mindrop · 132 views · #NaNo #50000 Words #Novel

Considering a NaNo · 12:51am Oct 27th, 2015

Hey ho there my horse buddies! I have been tossing around the idea of bucking down and doing a Nano Wrimo this November. Now I'm guessing you folks may see a rub here "How the fuck is this dick gonna do that AND get me my favorite brand of SunDazzling fictional goodness?!" And dear strawman I have an answer for you, quite simply if I choose to try and get a NaNo complete I might actually need a full month between chapters. Ok please, put the pitchforks and gelding knives away, I know I'm scum

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Report volcodom · 491 views · #NaNo #Pirates #Orcs #D&D

NaNo Results! · 5:07am Dec 3rd, 2020

79,000 words in the Month of November! Only 68,000 of those are usable for the first book.

If you are so intrigued, currently I put The Irises of Thumantia on AO3.


Daily dotes of cutes Twilight Edition · 5:45am Nov 9th, 2015

So Twilight got a lot of love in the comments yesterday so here she is and for those interested I have almost 14K of my NanoWrimo story written.

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I discovered SOMETHING EPIC. · 12:17am Jan 15th, 2017

A new anime called Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari. I watched the two aired episodes and I was hooked.

Not by the show, but don't get me wrong, it was cool.

The opening had me hooked.

Listen to it and you'll see why.



NaNo! · 4:46am Oct 26th, 2020

I will be participating in NaNo this year. No pony stories. The challenge:

To win NaNoWriMo, participants must write an average of approximately 1,667 words per day (69 per hour, 1.2 per minute) in November to reach the goal of 50,000 words written toward a novel.

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Here’s What’s Gonna Happen This Month · 1:07am Nov 2nd, 2022

So, I have been keeping up with releasing one story a month this year, somehow. Even though I’ve been suffering through some Writer’s Block and diverging interests, I have managed to keep releasing a story (of varying quality) every month.

Now, this month is National Novel Writing Month.

I already have a lot to do with school, and I’ll be getting a job soon, too. I won’t be able to participate in NaNo and write some one-shot I have no clear ideas for.

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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results