
Viewing 1 - 20 of 51 results

Oh boy, time for character design in a way that I haven't touched in years! · 11:11pm Jun 7th, 2018

More specifically, I'm creating character sheets to serve as reference in the Original Fiction take on Pony-Me, which I've decided to title "My Own Reality".

So far, I'm planning on going with the route of adapting existing characters and removing any relation to MLP that they've had.

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UPDATE: The Lion King II: Defenders of the Pridelands · 10:24pm Apr 14th, 2022

Well, guys. Where do I begin? I have no idea what to say than just I'm just informing you all that I will no longer work on The Lion King II: Defenders of the Pridelands because I have been putting way too much effort into that story and my excitement for it had just died out and recently, I've been discussing on what to do with it since writing fanfiction is new to me with a friend named @MaggiesHeartLove, and she had suggested that I should revamp it into an original series, and that's what

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Superpowered Angst- Original story · 10:13pm Oct 31st, 2019

Hey guys! I've been wanting to do some original fiction for a while now, and had a change to do a short piece in response to a Prompt over on Reddit. I was a bit late to the prompt and it didn't get much traction, so I thought I'd try my luck here even though it's not pony. Story stars some Superhero characters that I'm still kind of developing, and is a bit angsty as per the prompt, but I hope you enjoy!

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I'm helping to make a webtoon. · 7:11am Jun 24th, 2018

First episode should go up by July 1st. :twilightsmile:


How do you keep an idea alive? · 4:27am Dec 24th, 2018

Been working on my next story, but it's been difficult. First just getting started has proven to be a challenge, as I'm not sure how to fit it into the template that is MLP:TM. I've always felt that the movie was full up to it's eyeballs in plot holes, but just how does one fill them in a way that makes sense? In trying to do so, I've run into another problem, namely that it requires so much backstory that it adds an awful lot to my workload, and that takes a toll on my enthusiasm. Well, maybe

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Story prologue/idea <Updated> · 7:30pm Nov 4th, 2019

UPDATED: 04/11/19 <edit notes: The prologue has had its first re-write pass. Not much change, just some alterations and additions based on the current feedback.>
UPDATED: 10/11/2019 <edit notes: With the aid of @legalpothead, I've made some major edits to the intro. I hope it's better now.

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The Wicked Witch of Wichita · 5:04am Dec 14th, 2019

I ran across that Tumblr post again, about how witches and cowboys had a lot in common, and I was just too tickled by the idea not to obsess over it for the last two days. I've been going back and forth all day at work on how witchy magic might mix with cowboy culture, and honestly? It's awesome. It got a bit of writing out of me at least!

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Preview of "My Own Reality" · 9:30pm Jun 8th, 2018

I've completed most of Chapter 1's conversion to original fiction. Take a look at the draft below. ^_^

My Own Reality

Everything seemed so real. The people, the places, the experiences, all nothing more than a simulation. With the abrupt severing of a single connection, it all comes crumbling down. Now, it's up to Lisa Garnet to find her way back, and along the way remember who she is... and who she was.

1 – Wake up.

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Patreon Story: Children of Khaos · 5:36pm May 27th, 2019

Ello, bronies. Just advertising that I now have the beginning of my first story on Patreon for Patrons Only:

Children of Khaos: A complete retelling of Greek Mythology. Explore the relationship between the primordials, the interplay between the divine lineages, and different interpretations of various events. (T for the inevitable mention but no actual showing of rape, sexual themes in general, and cosmic violence)

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Where to publish original stories? · 8:55pm Oct 27th, 2019


The Mystic Knights Chapter 1 · 8:29pm Jul 13th, 2021

Chapter 1:

Within the dense and humid jungle, a single ripe mango fell from a shaking branch. One of the mono-iris (which in the Guaninan language roughly translated to Rainbow Monkey) appeared out of thin air. His orange fur overlapping with hues of yellow and bright red to match the coloring of the fruit.

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Preview 2 of "My Own Reality" · 4:23am Jun 12th, 2018

I've since added quite a bit more to the first chapter, exploring additional aspects of the story's world that previously was assumed via Pony-Me's connection to the MLP universe. For example, the friendship between Twilight and Pinkie is instead transposed into Rebecca and Julie, with the latter still somewhat holding onto Pinkie's personality, but becoming largely a much more original character in and of herself, with additional traits contradicting Pinkie's to likely be revealed in later

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A sample of a Non-Fanfiction Story Called of Lizzards and Humans I am writing. · 11:15pm Aug 8th, 2023

Years after the Third World War and the loss of Earth, in a future which is dominated by the Asian Powers that won the war. Humanity has been at war with the Syndicate a powerful empire under the rule of a species known as the Lizzards (Liz-zärds), which has gone on for over 20 years.

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Can't Stop Won't Stop · 2:46pm Nov 22nd, 2019

Guys, I'm getting in deep here.

So, I'm having some issues continuing Guidelines. Not that I don't have more stories for it, because I do, my issue is that right now I have kind of the opposite of writer's block. I have writer's open floodgates, and the only thing pouring out is the original story I've been working on writing.

I need y'all to understand me here when I say: I haven't written like this since the beginning of Featherfall.

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Official Art for Bring the Dawn! · 4:51am Oct 11th, 2022

Hello all! You all know I don't post much - but today I bring something special. I've got some great news all around!

43 Chapters are done for Bring the Dawn. It took several months, a lot of rewrites, and patience, but I did it. It's nearly finished. All it needs now is a few rounds of rereads (it's over 120k words) and it'll be ready to hit the shelves. That's right, shelves! Shelves! I'll have paperback, hardback, and digital versions of the book.

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Start of Something New · 2:39am Nov 30th, 2015

I actually uploaded the prologue to my OC story today and I'm excited to see where I go with it. I really hope it turns out well. Anyway, I hope everypony is well.


Full Story: Fractional Salvage · 3:59am Jun 27th, 2021

Hey pones! So some of you may remember when I briefly mentioned I'd written a little original story, but that was close enough to the general interests of my audience I thought there would be some overlap. Some of you probably saw it on the calendar, and maybe even read it on the Patreon.

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New Story, Same Process · 5:44pm Aug 22nd, 2015

If someone asked me a week ago when I would be posting a story I would have looked at them like they were crazy. Me? Writing? You must be mad. I read stories, I don't write them. Recently I have been quite taken by the Quill n Blade setting made by Anzel and Crystal Wishes. I have primarily been playing on the Crystal side of the setting with a focus on Velvet Step.

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Hey, remember Wielder of the Orb? · 4:42am Sep 20th, 2017

Before I turned it into a not-so-well-thought-out fanfic, it was my first ever original story.

Want to see the earliest draft? No? Too bad, here it is in it's full, script-formatted, cringey glory! :trollestia:

I didn't ever finish the thing anyways, so... yeah.

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The direction "My Own Reality" will take as far as plot goes · 7:33am Jun 9th, 2018

Outside of major plot points, character names, and places, My Own Reality will not be a carbon-copy of Pony-Me with MLP stripped away. While previous blogs might've made it sound like that was the direction it was heading in, I'm treating the new story as an essentially overhauled version of Pony-Me, complete with several revised elements that would set the story apart from the original. Though, there will still be small Easter Eggs tossed in referencing Pony-Me. For example, the date of

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 51 results