
Viewing 1 - 20 of 46 results

Shifting gears. · 6:38am May 20th, 2016

As I'm sure y'all noticed, I haven't been updating very frequently.
well, there are two reasons for that:
1) It's hard for me to write at home at the moment.
2) I write more non-pony that pony.

If you want to see some of the non-pony you can find a couple snippets on my Patreon. If you only want pony, stay tuned. I've got a couple things in the pipe.

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Personal update blog! · 6:24am May 7th, 2020

Hello guys it’s me Wolf and if you guys have been reading my blogs you guys will know that I have been in a rough spot recently with my Ex pretty much breaks up with me straight out of nowhere and I fell in to a depression but I started to talk to one of my friends and me and her kind of realized that there were feelings between us. We decided to start a relationship and we chose to make it public because I figured that you guys would be happy to know that I was doing better but it somewhat

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Stressing about school. · 11:08pm Jul 22nd, 2016

Hello everyone Mesiagamer here and I'm here to talk about collage and how I'm going back. After everything that's happened in the past year I've been having to well... It something I would rather not talk about here. But I was holding myself back do to this with out realizing it and well It's time I pushed forward. I'm actually excited to go to school and glad to go to school I'm happier and to all my friends in real life in the PoME on this sight everyone. It's well amassing. I honestly never

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The description to the new book that I am writing! (NOT A WOLVES JOURNEY) · 3:01am Feb 20th, 2020

So if you guys remember that I said I was writing a real book. I will be honest I am actually writing a whole entire new book. Here's the description:

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My depression? · 4:39am Jan 27th, 2020

So I was going through all of my blogs and realized that I have been a lot more depressed than usual lately and I currently have no idea why. I mean before I was kind of happy and go lucky but recently I have been very depressed and I really don't understand how I have became this way. I use to just take one day at a time but now I don't think I can do that without your guys support. Some people have recommended that I visit or find a therapist to talk to and go to but I don't think I need a

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For every one whose been having a Rough time Recently. · 1:21pm Feb 5th, 2020

This is a good song to listen to when you're feeling down.


What's the point of anything? · 8:25am Apr 26th, 2020

I feel like I am emotionally bleeding out and I don't think I can keep going. I can only stand for so long. I don't know if I even want to keep going. I feel like I am torn inside or out and I have tried everything but the pain won't go away. There were some misconceptions about the fiance bit. Ee both asked each at the exact same time. I look at the ring that I have in my hand and just think what am I? Why do I lose everything I hold dear? I don't know what to do and I have done everything I

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How are things going with me? · 5:08pm Mar 15th, 2020

So I understand that I just kind of disappeared with out a trace and everyone was wondering what happened to me. My health isn't back where it was but it's slowly getting better over time. I will be honest here I have been busy trying to patch things up with my fiance and she finally got me to break down and tell her that I am dying. Epilepsy in some of it's cases can lower your life expectancy up to 10 years. I also told her that when you have epilepsy you have to fight it everytime you eat

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My new girlfriend! · 2:49am May 3rd, 2020

I have recently fallen in love with a mare on this site. I am completely in love with her and I believe that she is the one. We have both decided to try a relationship and I will be happy to give you guys her profile name but she is shy so please don’t throw questions at her but her profile name is

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Sight seeing! · 6:59pm Feb 20th, 2020

I plan on taking a trip through the United states and was wondering what you guys could suggest that I see. What states I should look at and what land marks. So please give me suggestions for this type of stuff because I need help.


Mentally and emotionally and physically is Bad! · 6:01am Jun 4th, 2020

So as you have seen I haven’t delivered on any of the promises but it’s been because of my health. I have been hit badly with a group of multiple seizures and recovering from them. My brain still hasn’t came around yet as my memories are not returning. I have been trying to relax but I am emotionally tired of my problems in life. I have friends irl that completely makes me wonder why I am even friends with them irl to began with. I also have been trying to stay away from my Ex but they keep

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Reflection part 4 · 3:30am Feb 21st, 2020

The reason why I choose to help people and save people is because when I was growing up I knew how bad my medical condition could get. I knew that the longer I had epilepsy the more of a chance I have of dying. I use to believe that I wouldn't live to see 19 but surprise I am still there. I am going to be honest I am very lucky in the life I have. I have had times where I would end up in the hospital half dead and then just insane close calls. I believe death has his eyes on me but I to

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Hello guy here’s what I have been up to! · 5:17pm May 9th, 2020

I made this video now I don’t own anything incept the video. The music is by Skillet and the art I couldn’t find the original link to but if you can find the original then please share the links I will upload them.


My fiance just broke up with me! · 5:01pm Apr 25th, 2020

I keep losing people and I can't deal with this anymore. I don't know what to think or do. I loved her but she called me this morning and told me that she was braking up with me and we talked for a bit but in the end it was a break up call and well it happened but I obviously am very upset and hurt but I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to say anymore. I do good deeds and I still end up losing it all. Why do I get hurt! Why is it always me! Am I just not supposed to have a

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Answering if I am going to fast to have a girlfriend. Please don’t pressure Moon because of this! · 8:59am May 5th, 2020

I have known Moon for a couple of months now. Look okay I can’t help it I really do love Moon. She also loves me. I didn’t plan on things to go this fast and she wasn’t planning on it either. Look we are taking it slow. Okay I can’t say anything more because it was something that Wasn’t planned. I need advice but I didn’t know who to turn to so I start to ask Moonlight. I will be honest it started out with me and her just cheering each other up but then we started spending the days together

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Accepting my life! · 5:28am Mar 8th, 2020

So I think that I have come to terms with my life. I have accepted every obstacle that has been thrown at me and I have defied them. I have failed myself and fallen far from where I was. My epilepsy has come back in full force most likely and it is putting a strain on my relationship with my fiance. I have no idea what to do as I finally realize that epilepsy can't be beaten. All my life I just wanted to live a normal life but I have now realized that is impossible. I will never live a normal

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Not dead but mentally Wounded! · 1:57am Jul 14th, 2020

Hi guys I am not dead nor do I plan on giving up writing. I have chosen to write this blog as a straight forward way for me to say that I am still working on everything in my life. I have gotten so frustrated and depressed that I don’t know what to do recently and I have asked friends for advice and they do help me. There’s one thing though that I refuse to do because I don’t think it’s right and that’s to start a patreon. I don’t want to do this because I want to write for all of you guys who

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How seizures affect me. · 3:06am Jan 19th, 2020

I will have to tell you the truth that I don't know how long my life span is. I didn't quite include a major single detail about seizures in my last blog. If a person has epilepsy and have seizures normally then you have a small chance to die by one but if it's as severe as my case then well I didn't really want to tell you guy's but I have a higher chance of dying than most people with epilepsy. The longer you have epilepsy the bigger that chance gets and well I have had seizures since I was

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I do not feel well! · 6:12pm Mar 3rd, 2020

Today my stress levels rose to new heights and combined with me not being able to get a good night's sleep yesterday night I almost had a seizure. I think that it was triggered through my stress and no my head hurts and I feel lightheaded. I also feel a little bit tired. I don't actually know if I did have a seizure or if I stopped it. I have no clue all I can say is that I feel really bad.


Well I might have just had another seizure. · 8:57pm Mar 4th, 2020

Well guy's if you know I mention how I had a seizure yesterday dur to stress and well after you have a seizure triggered by something you have to be very careful because the trigger is sensitive and could give you another relapse seizure. I push myself to far and had a relapse seizure today. Having epilepsy sucks.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 46 results