
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

What's Next? · 3:28am Jul 13th, 2018

So, It's a Kind of Magic is on its final act, and Friendship 101 should be over pretty soon, too. I think I can fit in one more story before launching the Doctor Whooves crossover. However, I can't decide which of my story ideas I should write. Therefore, I leave it to you, the readers, to choose what you would most like to see. There are three options.

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Last Call to Save My Books!! (If any of you want them) · 5:46pm Aug 25th, 2020

Alrighty then. I've laid the ground work and now the final sign has come at last. The three books that I originally placed on the Cancelled list are going to be disappearing for good soon. FOUR DAYS until they are deleted from FIMfiction and are lost to the ether for all of eternity. That means on Saturday the 29th of August will be the day that I come like the Grim Reaper and cleave them in two, with no hope of ever coming back. If any of you wish to save these stories from destruction,

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should i rewrite my story? · 11:06am Oct 19th, 2017

Some of you might remember the Sunata story I wrote for the sunset shimmer shipping contest that happened not too long ago. For a rush job, the story was alright, but not great. There are plenty of ways I could improve it.

What I'm wondering is, should I? Should I take the time to fix it, or does it not matter? Will anybody read the fixed version? Please let me know one way or another.


Some Questions For My Fans · 8:25am Oct 2nd, 2017

So, a few things to establish out of the gate:

1) I love this fandom and this website
2) I love talking about ponyfic and have a lot I want to say on the art of writing
3) My friends generally find what I have to say interesting/funny
4) I am running out money

All of those things together suggest an idea that I have been kicking around for a few months with varying levels of enthusiasm, which is starting a podcast for discussing MLP fanfiction.

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Quiet Boy and Moon Horse: Soon in print! · 9:13pm Apr 24th, 2019

FIMFiction won't let me tag multiple stories in the same blog, so this is purely here to point QB&MH fans at my previous post about Tales of the Moon.

Carry on :twilightsmile:


Thou Goddess: Soon in print! · 9:14pm Apr 24th, 2019

Fimfiction won't let me tag multiple stories in the same blog, so this is purely here to point Thou Goddess fans at my previous post about Tales of the Moon.

Carry on :twilightsmile:


Melody's Theories 1: Gallus' Coloring · 5:13pm Oct 10th, 2020

Hello! So I've been wanting to do this for a while and since today (10/10) is MLP's birthday (happy birthday MLP!) I figured it was time. So welcome to Melody's Theories! Today, to commemorate that today is also Mental Health Day, I will be talking about a theory involving Mr Mental Health Break himself, Gallus.

More specifically, what kind of bird Gallus is.

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What are your headcanons for me? · 12:34am Oct 9th, 2015

Based on what you may know about me, what do you headcanon me to be like?
For those who don't know, a headcanon is an idea that isn't confirmed but isnt contradictiory to the facts of something, or canon


Romance Novel Titling · 7:10pm Jul 27th, 2018

So. I had a little nugget of an idea about exploring the idea of the Choosing Stone, mentioned briefly as a Pie family tradition and then never brought up again. I haven't got it fully formed just yet, so it won't be written for... awhile, but I do have the rough outline. But I do have one question for y'all; which of these titles sounds better for a rock farming romance about Pinkie's parents?

-Sentiment and Sedimentary

-Sediment and Sentimentality

-Feldspar and Feelings

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Song Lyrics: Lament of the Eternal · 6:11pm Jul 16th, 2017

So I've been working on an operatic song for an upcoming chapter, helping to set a mood while also hinting at future revelations in the story. I feel that it is quite lovely, and I'd like to know what you all think :twilightsmile:

Here I find you,
Holding you in arms,
Slain and murder,
They have done you wrong,
My mind is telling me to go

Avenging thee
Bitter sweet
How easy be to fall?
My heart is racing, madness raging
The end of life as we know

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A new chapter arrives! · 6:59pm Sep 22nd, 2015

And it's a lengthy one! I hope you all enjoy it, and do remember to tell me what you both don't like and like, so I can adjust accordingly, within reason, of course.


Hell's Belles: It's like Charlie's Angels meets National Treasure, only somehow worse! · 11:32pm Aug 17th, 2020

Remember how I said that I had a great big project that I'd been working really hard on, and have been for a long time?

Yeah, this isn't it. But it's still a fun little story that's absolutely batshit. Will try to update... once every couple of weeks, I want to say? I've got classes starting this Thursday, so we'll see. Still, come and check out Hell's Belles if you like ridiculous stories, or pancakes.

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 379 views
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results