
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

(UPDATE) News! · 9:37am Oct 26th, 2016

Hello everyone.
Cyber-Mario/Bubblegum Here.

Alot of people might be wondering "Whens the next chapter for STAR-BOUND coming out?" and so on. Currently I Have ALOT of school work in my hands, and I will be focusing into that. That does not mean that chapters will not come out for my stories.

So while i've been gone, iv'e made a small universe to my stories.

Ive got LOTS Planned.

Anyway, heres the new stories in Timeline Order.

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Report QueenMegumin · 209 views · #STARBOUND

Starbound, Ready to Launch! · 12:47am Jul 11th, 2016

Pun intended.

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Report shirotora · 399 views · #Starbound

Who Starbounds? · 5:42pm May 19th, 2016

Any of you guys Starbound players? If you aren't, what the hell's wrong with you?! If you are, how hyped are you for the impending 1.0 release? Also, if any of you want to bound the stars with me (when I get regular internet) let me know.

P.S. It's kinda funny how often I've been able to get online despite the fact that it should be nearly impossible for me atm.

Report shirotora · 472 views · #Starbound

A rant and a snapshot of new things · 4:43pm Jun 26th, 2021

Id be lying if I said I don't enjoy writing. The process the creation of characters, Crafting them and building an imagine of them in my mind. Making those images act out scenes in my head then writing the process down. Its a lovely wonderful feeling. But then I move on to the next piece in the puzzle so to say. Then I look back at the rest of the puzzle and feel unsatisfied, I feel just... so negative towards them. I don't entirely understand it, or the causes behind it. But have gone through

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A long-overdue update · 7:46pm May 13th, 2019

Hey guys, how's it going? It's been a while since I gave a legitimate update on how things are going. I'm here to remedy that. Not gonna lie, the last few months have been tough. Juggling writing with work, life, hockey, and everything else going on has not been a pleasant experience. I'm trying to set up an hour each day where all I do is write, but I've never gotten much done during those times. After all, as someone famous (who was quoted by the great Shakespearicles) once said,

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'Tis The Single Life For Me Update · 10:43pm Jan 23rd, 2019

Let's bitch about it lmfao

Nah, I'm kidding. Anyway! So, me thinks I'm going to be doing a Starbound/MLP crossover thing. Fucking don't know why, but the idea hadn't left my head since forever now since I started playing Starbound again

Dunno how the whole thing would turn out, but I think I got an idea lmao.

Anyhoo, that's all for this one. Kind've a short update, innit?


Lack of Tact


State of the Rytex - 2019 · 4:30pm Jan 2nd, 2019

Hey guys. Happy new year, happy holidays, etc. etc., you know the drill.

So, just kinda wanted to outline my goals for the year. Stuff I want to get done, progress I want to make on my fics, the usual. Not to mention, places you might get to find me offline.

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Where to begin... · 7:39am Aug 5th, 2016

First off a bit of humor. Starbound has left open beta and I've been playing it quite a bit. One thing that I just tried was the capture pods, basically more pokemon. You throw the pod at a critter or weakened monster and you catch it. The thing is, if the monster dies you have to heal it at a special station. This is where I mucked up: I captured a suicide monster, the bomb-balloon thing. So I throw the pod, and it immediately explodes on something. Talk about one of the dumbest things I

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The blog post in which I rant about Starbound while forgetting why I made this post in the first place. · 9:27am Aug 14th, 2016

So I was looking at my Google Docs list, and I realized I had a half-written chapter for a new story based off of Starbound. For the uninitiated, Starbound is a 2D space exploration game set in a large procedurally generated universe. It recently left Early Access on Steam, and has eaten up my time. So much so, that I've now put more time into it than Terraria, a 2D more survival-ish game. So you may be asking, "Gee, doesn't that sound like another space exploration game that just released?"

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I Actually Started Drawing Again · 7:39pm Jan 23rd, 2019

In'ja, my wannabe cowgirl from Starbound

I figured I'd been playing her since I'd started and thought, fuck it, I'm gonna see if I can still doodle. And I can! I can still doodle! And I fucking love how she turned out. Honest to God, my favourite doodle so far :rainbowlaugh:.

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Getting an Early Head Start · 4:55am Dec 17th, 2016

Okay, so after my last prank wasn't so well-received (even though it was literally a last-second decision), I made the executive decision to actually decide to write individual special April Fools chapters for each story.

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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results