
Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results

WWBP: Aragon's Birthday was on a Wednesday How Convenient · 9:24am Oct 19th, 2017

So here's where I gotta write about my best friend or something, right? I sent him a present, but shipping to Spain from Australia is a hassle. Words are cheap so let's get thrifty.

Unfortunately, Aragon rather stole all my material the last few times this sort of thing has happened.

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Report MrNumbers · 761 views · #WWBP #Toxic Avenger

I'm so sick of the political toxicity in this community. · 5:20am Sep 22nd, 2020

Exactly as the title states.
I'm also just venting a bit. I remember when this community was all about love and tolerance, but the second it gets political, all the things we used to say and stand by just go right out the window. Jeez, reminds me this guy, who left the community because of the toxicity.

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Am I a toxic person? · 2:57pm Jan 28th, 2023

So, there's a Toxic personality quiz. Let's see my results:

Your Toxic Traits

We're all a little toxic! This graph shows which toxic traits you scored highest on, and which you've managed to cleverly avoid.


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Report Bad Dragon · 162 views · #quiz #toxic

Something that fans should remember · 10:55pm Jan 12th, 2022

No movie is perfect; no franchise is perfect; no television series is perfect; no cartoon is perfect. They all have their flaws in whatever category. You can perfectly love a movie or show while also admitting its flaws.

Take The Lion King for example. Just because I love the movie and grew up with it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have flaws. Listen, that movie has several issues such as the butchered moral at the end, but I still love it for the precious gem it truly is.

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Gaming Trash Talk · 2:14pm Oct 25th, 2020

Do you remember the old days when there was little to no censorship when it came to this? Where we would be immature assholes as we play a games and call each other every name under the sun. I'm not sure if it's the same case anymore.

Did you like toxic gaming chat?

Report Bendy · 183 views · #Gaming #trash talk #toxic

Beware of toxic positivity · 1:11pm Jan 20th, 2021

I highly recommend reading this article, especially to Christians. I identify as a progressive Protestant (not so deeply religious, though). Toxic positivity is basically the refusal to acknowledge the harsh and cruel realities of the world.

Whatever situation you're currently in, remember that you have the right to feel whatever you have to feel. Emotions are part of being human so don't suppress them. It's okay not to be okay.


Linkara on fan backlash (or why you shouldn't be a jerk to the people that work on your favourite franchise) · 10:30pm Jul 31st, 2022

Hint, hint. :twilightsmile:

Report Leondude · 80 views · #backlash #linkara #toxic

10 words to describe the phrases "Be a man" and "man up" · 9:44am Mar 9th, 2021

1. Sexist
2. Offensive
3. Bullshit
4. Preposterous
5. Discriminatory
6. Ludicrous
7. Hurtful
8. Cynical
9. Unpleasant
10. Revolting


This was going to happen eventually · 7:06pm Aug 28th, 2022

My sisters ended up cutting me out of their lives. I cut them out of my life as well. For this to happen on the day after my birthday makes it so much worse.

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A perfect description of Twitter · 9:18am Oct 15th, 2021

From a Reddit user, they said, "Twitter is the world’s digital public restroom. There’s funny stuff written on the walls, but it smells like shit and is bad for your health."


If you support Save MLP, unfollow me now. · 4:51am Nov 26th, 2022

Time to weed out some followers. A while ago, it came to my attention that Save MLP has a group here on I checked it out and when I was going through the group's member list, I discovered that some of the members are also followers of mine. And I don't want to have anyone following me or reading my stories who supports this harassment campaign. To be blunt, if you support what Save MLP is doing, you don't deserve to read pony stories and you don't deserve to read my pony

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Toxic is toxic · 6:42am Feb 25th, 2020


LGBTQ+ public figures who are problematic and toxic AF · 9:59am Dec 30th, 2021

1. Ellen DeGeneres
2. Chris Chan
3. Andy Dick
4. Nikocado Avocado
5. Trisha Paytas
6. Shane Dawson
7. Kevin Spacey
8. Anna Campbell
9. Jay Manuel
10. Julia Volkova
11. Alexander Wang


Sunrise is here. · 11:07pm Jan 20th, 2023

I think that has been long enough. As of now, I have four followers less. Four followers who support Mixmaster226's harassment campaign called Save MLP. One of them went out with as much dignity as he could, as the only one who unfollowed me voluntarily after I sent him the link to the first blog entry related to the matter in a private message two days ago. Two of them have

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I've Had It With People Not Respecting My Boundaries · 6:52am Mar 24th, 2019

If I am not ready to do something, I am not going to do it. That's it. People need to respect that instead of trying to keep pushing me to change my mind. Odds are, I have already tried to push that boundary myself, but found I could not. So stop. Stop trying to change me, stop trying to force me to be something I am not, and stop trying to impose what you want, like it matters more than my self respect. Fucking show some fucking courtesy for the feelings of others and respect where they are at

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My Review of MLP: FIM season 9 episode 12 The Last Crusade · 6:50pm Aug 19th, 2020

Grading Scale:

A (fantastic episode)
A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)
B (a good episode which still could have been better)

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The Toxicness of MLP's Fandom · 10:56pm Aug 1st, 2020

MLP has been known to have the most notorious reputation of being one of the most TOXIC fandom in history.

This is not an unsupported story, it's all over the net (Google it, and you'll see)

In fact there are even blogs all over this site that describe the toxins. (So I'm just adding my own)

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Amity deserves to have a better life · 1:28pm Jun 23rd, 2021

I have a feeling that Amity is going to cut her parents out of her life. Edric and Emira would follow suit. The reason why I made this assumption is because cutting off toxic family members happens in real life. It is necessary that a heavy issue like this should be shown onscreen to let the viewers know that there are people in the family who are detrimental to one's mental health, unworthy of being part of one's life.

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The Equestrian Manhunt Update #1 · 7:17pm Feb 12th, 2021

The second chapter of the Minecraft-Manhunt-Related Story is here! Prepare for the second battle against the toxic fans lol!


So about my story...and mary sue talk · 1:25am Oct 14th, 2018

Well, it hasn't been out long, and not only have I been attacked by a hater, but haven't gotten any constructive criticism yet. The words he said were...rather unsavory. If there's something I could do to be better, I really, really hope you'll tell me what it is instead of forcing me to guess for myself. I just want to be a good writer, and make things that people will enjoy. I'm not expecting money for it. I just want to do this for fun and to make other people happy. I have depression, sleep

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results