
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

The Feather and The Stone · 11:42am Aug 29th, 2017

Oh look, another poem. This one was created for Seargent Spring to recite in the latest and last chapter of The Train Ride by Snuffy in a scene where the subject of racism comes up. Sadly for me, he declined to use it, but, I was so proud of it, I had to share it with y'all. I suppose part of the reason I'm so proud, is that while this was percolating in my head for about

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Speculation and Worldbuilding: Pony Playing Cards—Construction and Symbology · 4:29am Aug 10th, 2015

Games are an important form of ancillary worldbuilding. They create verisimilitude by showing that characters do play games, but can also create a fundamental alien-ness. Think of the Dejarik from Star Wars or the 3D chess from Star Trek.

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Speculation and Worldbuilding; Unicorn Combat and Weapons · 4:55am Apr 9th, 2015

Unicorns present an interesting combat scenario. Not only do they lack traditional human biometrics, they have telekinesis. This means that traditional single combat applies even less to them than it does to the other ponies, because their options are much greater and varied.

This blog post is a meandering mental exercise about one possible form unicorn combat may take.

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Speculation and Worldbuilding: Magical Pony Sports · 6:49pm Nov 26th, 2014

A major part of worldbuilding is sports and games. Taking something familiar and changing it slightly has multiple uses. It creates verisimilitude by showing that your fictional world still has and plays games. It creates a slight disconnect from the audience, because they can recognize that the mechanics are similar, yet not identical (a smaller version of the Uncanny Valley, if you will). It also gives you a chance to showcase the fantastical elements of your setting and tie them into

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Something I need to say. · 6:14pm Jun 10th, 2017

I'm sorry for the lack of updates.

I've been busy gaming, and writing my stories. And I haven't gotten a lot of inspiration to write here...

But that might change. I might have time to do some decent writing now. I'm on a weekend trip, and my iPad is with me, so I can write.

So, here's my update schedule.

Pokemon-Chapter 20-A Ghostly Guide to Partying.
Fire Emblem 18-A Night to Remember
The Division-8-The Vault

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Speculation and Worldbuilding: Pony Cultural Foods · 12:26am Sep 28th, 2015

For today’s worldbuilding exercise, let’s look at something that is at once universal and distinctive. Everyone eats food. At the same time, eating unfamiliar food can be a very alien experience. Food is a big part of cultural and geographic identity. Real life cuisine has countless gradations and variations. The ingredients and resources available give each real life culture a distinct history and evolution.

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Hey, remember that thing I wrote? · 8:23pm May 20th

The rough, experimental little piece about the pegasus tribe? Well, it's now a polished little piece in its own right. If you liked the early version, give this one a read, upvote, and comment. More words to follow, soon.

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Check Out My YouTube Music Channel · 1:29pm May 24th, 2016

Check Out My YouTube Music Channel

Hello everyone! I just thought I would share my YouTube music channel for anyone who would like to listen to some of the original songs I have written.

I am the one singing in the videos, since a lot of people have asked that, just to clarify things.

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Major Music Project · 4:17am May 24th, 2015

It has been a while since I have updated my journal so I thought I would let everyone know that I am working on a major music project right now. I am excited because I am getting my songs officially produced.

If you want to check out my music and support the project, you can follow the links below.

Check out my Facebook Music Page:

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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results